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Everything posted by NANUK

  1. If any one wants to purchase the amazing "2007 TRUCK OF THE YEAR", just wait a few months, they will be literally giving it away on Employee Pricing, Dealer Incentives and a few more THIS WEEKEND ONLY discounts. a shame but it happens every year.
  2. Fisher is just another name for Tracker boats, a little different cosmetics and colour scheme but the hulls are the same, compare the prices or features with Trackers sold at BPS and other local dealers and you'll have a better idea.
  3. Is this the type of handle you're talking about? If yes, then it is mainly designed for drop shotting, I have never used one so don't know what would be the advantage, but I do believe its just another design and the rod can be used for various applications besides drop shotting.
  4. Curado is very popular and a good reel. but, You really have to feel the TD Zillion, and you'll notice the difference in quality and precision, the Zillion is by far a better reel, no comparison IMO. their Magforce Z cast control is amazing and adjustable without taking the side plate off. I looked at Curado, Quantum, Pflueger, and BPS Johny Morris Elite, it was an easy decision so finally bought the Zillion at BPS during their last sale/reel trade in event, regular price $299.99, was on sale for $249.88 less $40 for a reel trade in =$209.88 + tax =$239.27. can't wait to try it.
  5. How old is the furnace? turn it OFF and check if your air filter is clean? Make sure the drain from the furnace(combustion chamber NOT air cond) to the floor is clear, if you see a cylinder like tube on your drain, remove it, and try restarting the furnace again.
  6. I think you meant sealed hemetic, yup! disposable technology like almost everything else these days.
  7. DO NOT turn it up side down, you could only do that to absorption fridges(the ones use propane or elect heating element) a regular household fridge which has a compressor also contains oil and refrigerant and by flipping it up side down you will most likely flood the evaporator with oil and that is NOT GOOD. start trouble shooting the simple stuff like the plug, if you have continuity meter check for it at the plug, make sure there is a reading between the two small prongs and NO reading between the the two smaller prongs to ground(longer rounded prong).LEAVE IT UN-PLUGGED and open the door and remove thermostat, careful not to break the small tube going to the evaporator(ice box), turn the adjustment knob to all the way clockwise(max cold) remove the two wires from the stat and check for continuity on t/stat terminals, if you get no reading its a faulty t/stat, replace with a new one. if there is continuity put everything back the way it was. now the problem is most likely with your overload, starting relay or the compressor it self and that requires a bit of skill better be left for a qualified person.
  8. sorry! I forgot to type in the phone # 905-953-0193
  9. Give these guys a call, a Yamaha dealer, might not be the cheapest but a straight shooter and knows what he is doing. Paul Pierik Soldiers Bay Marine 134-Queensville Side Road Holand Landing.
  10. I am cool with that
  11. Good choice on the reel, Ugly stic is a good rod for trolling, or you can match it up with a Daiwa Heartland 8'6" (HL-D862MS-G 12-20 lb.)Downrigger rod, v.good rod and for less then $30 you can't go wrong.
  12. Spend another $90 and get a service manual for your motor LOL seriously though, its worth it. and get a friend to help you, you'll need an extra hand to align the shaft.
  13. oxygen thief!
  14. I would say 3" is the minimum requirement for walking, the question you have to ask yourself is " is it 3'' everywhere you're walking" ?? or is there a soft spot, underwater spring or current. be safe!
  15. One suggestion guys! Before you try to reduce the RPM on your motor, check with the manufacturer for minimum RPM requirements, you can seriously damage the motor because lower RPM translates in to less lubrication for a 4 stk.
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