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Everything posted by Raf

  1. half the man you used to be! congrats.
  2. I didnt realize you switched boats.. the boat rated for a 25 will be just fine with a 20. the boat rated for a 40 may struggle with the 20.
  3. I would not want to be out on the great lakes in that rig if I had to make a run to shore but I would say on smaller puddles it may be ok but just barely. You will want either less boat or more motor after a season.
  4. I've a 14.5' tiller with casting deck, livewell etc. which i'd estimate is around 500-600lbs and a 40 4-stroke -- it runs like a r a p e d ape. It ran great with a 30 4str as well. Although I did gain top end with the 40, the biggest difference I notice is the ease of getting up on plane when fully loaded and how little throttle I need to use to maintain cruising / plane. The 30 was more than adequare, the 40 is the cats meow. I suspect the 20 would be just ok with a light load and you'll likely be runnin full throttle but anymore than 2 reasonably sized adults and you will be struggling.
  5. Finally got power back at 5pm today. It aint fun with a 10mos old. Hope those of you still without get it back ASAP.
  6. no hydro and lotsa trees down for us just southwest of orangeville. pretty obvious culprit tree blocking my road with hydro wires still atached on the way out this morning - had to go the other way. a generator would come in handy, hydro one's eta is 5pm today. i heard grand valley got it pretty bad too
  7. have a look at http://trojantackle.ca/ for ideas the 'mounted' ones are 'permament' in the sense that they are not quick and easy to remove. so you may want to look at either the rail or clamp style attached to a mounting point/rail which is attached to your gunnel. if your gunnels are in fact 3" then you will not be able to clamp the clamp-on style directly to them.
  8. you can put a small piece towel/tshirt around the clamping point. alternately, you can get more permament downeaster solutions [ie. non-clamp on models that require mounting points.
  9. downeasters are the gold standard when it comes to muskie fishn.
  10. When muskie season's closed I'll fish for anything to pass the time, except for bass -- even if they were open bass fishing just doesn't turn my crank at all. When it's open, it's game over. For me, there's nothing like it. From the hunt [seems much more like hunting than fishing], to the adrenaline rush when you get a biggun on.
  11. arent many secrets there. the walleye may be congregated and so will the boats. just look for them below moving water.
  12. free on shaw direct (satellite too). seems to happen every year.
  13. Nice to see the boys in blue finding ways to win eventhough I don't think they are playing their best hockey of the year the last few games. Previous season I think we would have been in a 3-7 streak but the fact that they are winning their share while not at their best tells me they are improved.
  14. a pail works good. you dont need to bring as many baits as you think you do.
  15. AT tires on the Jeep, all seasons on the commuter car. I have the luxury of working from home when the roads suck though (like today) - Otherwise, I'd have snows on the commuter car for sure. Wife doesn't so she takes the jeep - no issues on unplowed raods this morning but it's a Jeep and the All Terrains are pretty good. She drove past 4 cars in the ditch coming up the hill from our place. We are between Orangeville and Fergus on a dirt road in a hilly part of Ontario.
  16. we've switched to android/iphone at work hopefully this bb takes off when the next upgrade time rolls around. i hate all things iphone but i really like my android device (galaxy s3). do miss the physical keyboard tho.
  17. Miss my regular Cherokee like SlowPoke posted. Sure it doesn't have the frills but it was utilitarian. Was dissapointed when they stopped building them and replaced them with the Liberty... I now drive a Grand Cherokee but it's not the same.
  18. Love the size of that dance floor Ben, awesome rig.
  19. Lund Alaskan immediately comes to mind -- I'm sure you've already got that covered. Good luck in your search and I'd be interested in your findings. I'm a tiller guy as well and an 18ft tiller w/a 90 would be a sweet sweet rig.
  20. I'd say buy a size one size up from what you normally wear. If you;'re a L go XL. You'll want some room to layer up if needed. Another vote for 1 piece.
  21. I'm not impressed with propane. Don't like the 'kind' of heat it generates, very dry. Last winter I spent ~2000, this year it will be less due to lower cost.. not a very large place. I think it was about 44 c/liter last fill compared to mid 50s last year. My comparisons come against natural gas and electric though. Wifey however,grew up with wood and she alos prefers that compared to propane.
  22. I was stuck in a cow traffic jam a month ago. Damn things escaped and decided Route X was the best place for them.
  23. Raf

    Got an itch

    dont forget todays snowsquall activity
  24. been watching the satellite, had a lake huron streamer over my house all day today. wonder what awaits me when i get home. sunny skies at work
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