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About Fisherpete

  • Birthday December 25

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  1. Terribly sorry to hear this Cliff. Deepest condolences to you and your family.
  2. Based on patterning looks like a LSC tiger. Can't say for sure without seeing tail. Rounded = tiger. Pointed = muskie. Regardless a beauty fatso!
  3. Been a while since I was on here - what's up everyone! Congrats on the giant Mike - 55 is a magical mark. She may be ugly but I would kiss her!!! Mike also put Andrew (Lunkerhunter) and I on a few beauties of our own a few days after this beast... will post soon! Pete
  4. Another vote for Great Northern - bought mine there last fall
  5. Paul, I'm so sorry. I honestly don't know what to say. She was an amazing person and truly a special soul.
  6. Lol... maybe a bit...
  7. Plano has done this a few times for me also - very happy with them. Have to respect companies that stand behind their products. I have one of their polycarbonate dry boxes also - really bad latch design on this one, had one break clean off last year. Emailed them to get a replacement latch - at my expense - and they actually said I was out of luck because another company makes this item for them and they don't stock replacement parts. Bit disappointed as the dry boxes are a bit pricey... but overall Plano has been great.
  8. Haha yeah it was John and I... for those who fish Balsam, you know what it's like on those high pressure, calm and bluebird sky days. Tough go. Managed some decent numbers and it was cool to start off with a tiger (baby), but the few big follows we did have were low and slow fish with no interest in eating. Still an awesome experience - hope to do it again and lose the "King of the Babies" self imposed title!!!
  9. Beauty eye by the way lol
  10. Mike I built one for mine this fall - works mint and is removable - will post pics tomorrow. I do however have two pedestals at the back so mine didn't have to be as wide as yours will be. Yours will need some supports underneath for that span.
  11. Photobucket has been beyond terrible, same problems here. Will try that other photo site soon. Need to post some fishies!
  12. Aerial view of LSC after the last two days of insane wind
  13. Short and sweet report. Is that a bow?
  14. Sweet find! I've been tempted to grab one of those and have carp take me for a tow at the cottage
  15. Wow some very well fed specimens! Love the video footage, hoping to start doing that in 2017. Shadzillas have been a great bait here in the Kawarthas this fall also. Cheers Pete
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