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Everything posted by LucG

  1. Those are some nice bucks. Congrats!
  2. LMAO
  3. I heard a rumour that "they" were trying to include crossbows into the firearm category. Was that just a rumour, or was it attempted?
  4. I like to think so. Not everyone gets the opportunity to experience something like this, and I love taking people out and showing them what its all about. I'm glad yous enjoy the pics and report and thank you for your replys.
  5. I hear ya, I was wanting a buck, but at least I filled out the antlerless tag. Nice Doe! Congrats Theres allways next year.
  6. I just bought a 4 Stroke Stikemaster like Wallyboss mentioned. Nice machine, can't wait to start drillin!
  7. LOL...Beaver jokes never get old! haha The beaver in the bahamas prob dont have very much fur, I hear them beavers are a hairless breed.
  8. Is this the same survey that I get in the mail? ... what you shot...when...where...etc
  9. I usually cook a moose roast as I would a pork or beef roast. But i guess there are thousands of different ways. I would like to help you out with a receipe, but I aint that much of a cook. Good luck.
  10. Well I usually sell them at auction, but since the prices are going to be low this year, I was thinking of keeping a few. Not sure about a fur coat, but a nice hat or pair of mits would be nice. Keep me warm for when we can get out ice fishing!
  11. Hello Everyone, I just got back from a week off work that was spent trapping and hunting. I must say, I couldnt have picked a better week. Allthough it wasnt as cold as I wanted it to be for hunting, but it sure was nice for trapping. My week started off Saturday morning, I decided to use the sunny morning to my advantage and get out and set some traps. I remebered to bring the camera, but since I was by myself, I rarely remebered to take it out. Here's a shot of a nice big beaver pond. That's their house on the bottom. The next morning after sitting in my tree stand unsuccessfully, I decided to head out and check my beaver traps that I had set the day before, as well as set a few marten traps at the same time. Sure enough, I had a nice load of fur. Here is the first beaver I caught, same location as the pic above. 7 beavers on a one night soak, I couldnt believe it! This is where I spent most of my week off. I put so much effort into a little roof, and it didnt rain on me at all this year! After checking my traps sunday, I let them sit for at least two days in between checks. My cousin really got into it last year, so I suggested he come down for a few days, I think he showed up 30 min after our conversation. This is what my second outting produced. A nice marten. The day's catch. Another 6 beaver, 3 marten and two muskrats. A record size beaver (for me) It measured 45" long, and must have weight at least 45 lbs. Here are a few other pics throughout the week. Frosty beaver on a frosty morning Cousin Rob with a beaver. Scenes for the trapline. A beaver dam, their feed bed (pile of branches in the middle of pond) and their house, all the way at the back. All those beaver have to be skinned, at about 35-45 min per beaver, you do the math. FINALLY, two days before deer closed, after sitting in a treestand for countless hours, all week long, it finally paid off. We had 3 tags to fill, two does and a buck, and I was given permission to FILL EM!! So I did! The perfect way to finishg off my week. A nice doe, and a decent sized fawn. I had an amazing time, a week in the Bahamas couldnt have been better. Hope you enjoyed the pics! LucG
  12. Nice buck! Congrats!
  13. LMAO!!!! I can't believe I missed that. That will teach me to read the other posts before I reply. I wont edit my post so everyone can laugh at me. Good luck finding your boots. ha ha
  14. I allways hear about how good flat bottom John Boats are. I know a few duck hunters/trappers who have them.
  15. Theres not much you can do about your holes freezing over but to clean them. We usually each take a turn, walking the holes and cleaing them out with the ice scoop. You'd be surprised on how many times it was the one cleaning the hole who got the big one! I've also seen people cover their holes with styrofoam. I think Frabill even makes a model of some sort. Good luck!
  16. Thats terrible, I hope he turns up safe and sound.
  17. I hate when people do that! There are so many bad drivers out there that it makes me want to cry. lol
  18. I am also glad the way people have responded, but I'm not surprised, as like you said, this is one of the best boards I've been a member on. In order to become a legal trapper, you must first complete and pass a Fur Bearer Management and Conservation Course. This cost between $200-$300 depending on where you take it. Once you pass the exam, you can them buy your trapping lisence. But before you get a lisence you must have a place to trap. Wether it be a registered trapline, or a piece of private property.
  19. Thanks Northhunter, I couldnt have said that better myself. But here's to answer a few of your questions Stonefly. Like Stonehunter said, quotas varie depending on trapline size, and beaver population. I know trappers that have qutoas for 5 beaver and some that have quotas for 250. So 21 is actually quite low. Beavers are the only animal in which you must catch at least 75% of your quota or you risk getting charged or risk losing your trapline. Beavers are used in alot of different ways. The better ones are used in garments and such. You'd be amazed at what a nice sheared beaver looks like The lower quality beavers can be used in things like stetson hats etc. The list goes on. Canadian beavers are very popular in Russia, China, and even in Montreal. Many people do eat beaver, if prepared well, I'm told they tast quite well. I use a "conibear" style trap. That is a body gripping trap. The satisfaction is identical to when I take down that nice buck, or land that big bass. As I mentioned above, I do not do it to make money.
  20. I've never owned a GPS so I can't help you there. But welcome to the board. Alot of great people here. Luc
  21. Do you ever have any troubles landing aggresive fish. You'd think it's be quite wobbly.
  22. Thats just hilarious. That was the last thing I expected. lol
  23. I've only been trapping 4-5 years now. One of my father's friends is a trapper and that is how I got started. Yes, they are both great guys. I pretty sure I do know Ivan as well. If I am correct, you sold me my atv which I bought for trapping. With today's fur prices, I'll be trapping for 10 years before I can pay that off Thanks Bernie, I am proud of what I do, and I try to tell as much people as I can about it. Too much people just don't know the whole story behind trapping. Most wolves in this area are considered a "brush wolf" because they somewhat of a mix between a coyote and a timber wolf. But there are still big timber wolves around.
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