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Everything posted by LucG

  1. I wish this thread would have appeared one day earlier....I just forked out $30 and bought one last night .. lol
  2. Surprisingly enough, this little guy was sporting a very nice sharp set a teeth.
  3. 116 views and nobody has used these sinkers?
  4. I remember that happend to me once. I had my keyboard set to the french setting.
  5. I tried not to pay attention cause the fish were on. But it was one of the calmest days we've had so their voices traveled very easially. I figured I didnt need to help them get caught since all we heard all night from their boat was the clinging and claning of beer bottles. There was prob 5-6 boat in the area, and these guys didnt even seem to try and hide it. They will get whats coming! Although maybe I should have noted a description of the boat. It wouldnt surprise me if they kept an illegal amount of fish.
  6. They were definatly in the water. At one time one of their rods were nearly pulled into the water while left unattended.
  7. When you say slow down our presentation, do you mean as the jig falls, or slow down your presentaqtion once it has hit bottom?
  8. Sweet catch man! Seems like you had a damn good time.
  9. So what would you suggest to someone using live bait such as worms. If they aren't bitting worms, will they bite rubber grubs of different colours?
  10. While out on Nipissing this weekend, I observed a boat with two fishermen, each using two rods! It was quite obveous that they both had one rod hanging off the side with what appeard to be jigs, while casting with another one. Unlike ice fishing of course, I allways assumed that you were only allowed to fish one rod at a time.
  11. Really?!?! That's pretty cool. How acurate is this calculation?
  12. I can't speak from experience, but I have seen alot of cars pulling small aluminium boats. I'd think an Impala would have more then enough juice to haul it around. I'd just keep an eye on the condition of the boat launch.
  13. I'd second that. Nice catch, but it looks a few onces short of 4 lbs
  14. I once hooked onto a monster smallmouth with a topwater jointed jitter bug on some tiny lake back in boulter. Short story, it broke my line and all day long that thing was jumping out of the water trying to shake that lure out of his mouth. About 3 hours later, no word of a lie, I saw my jitter bug floating at the surface of the water. I was happy to get that lure back, but prob. lost a PB.
  15. That's a good question! I found myself second guessing my selection after only 2 minutes with no bites. lol I'm looking forward to some advice/replys from the experts.
  16. More time to fish! Can you still afford bait?
  17. I was out fishing walleye this weekend and did extremely well with this rig. I was using a single hook, 6 lbs flurocarbon leader, swivel, bead, sinker, then 10 lbs braided. As shown below: But I had a small issue with the sinker. Once we would drift out of the deep water and into the shallows, the bass would start hitting. When they would put up their typical fight, I would lose the sinker. This is the sinker I was using, and due to its key ring hole, I noticed it wasnt hard to remove it using a circular motion (like the fighting bass). After losing approx 5-6 sinkers, I switch over to the egg sinker. So my questionis... Is this supposed to happen, or is this a design flaw? I also managed to hook onto this personal smallest pike. It bite a crankbait twice its size.
  18. Unbelievable... 36 fish over the limit ...i don't even know what to say. There's no way they gave them the fish. It was prob either disposed of, or given to the local community etc
  19. Well said...
  20. The surgeon knot is very quick, I love it, but will it hold just as well as the double uni?
  21. I'm using 10 lbs braided line and was wondering what would be the best knot to use to attach a 6 lbs flurocarbon leader. Thanks
  22. Thanks for the great advice. I've been trying to add different types of rigs to my fishing arsenal, such a texas/carolina rigs, drop shots, and now floating rigs. One common factor is that I often read to use flurocarbon leaders. Which I have not been using. Besides making the line invisble, what else does this line do?
  23. I just picked up a few floating jigs with some weights to go along with them. My question is how effective are these rigs for walleye? And what is the best lenght to leave between the sinker and jig, for about 20-30 ft of water.
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