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Everything posted by LucG

  1. LucG


    That's hilarious. I love the guys reaction... " You son of a b!@%"
  2. I had the opportunity to head out on Nipissing last night for a short fish after work. With no hesitation I accepted, and decided to take my brother along with me since he had never caught a walleye. We got to our spot at about 6:00 pm. The wind was blowing towards the NE at about 10 km/h so we decided to use it to our advantage and drift. It was moving us exactly where we wanted to go. The shoal started at around 23 ft and we would drift down to 35, and start over. On the first pass my bro nails one at about 28 ft., an that was the story of the night. On every pass we hit at least one. All between 25 & 28 ft, 6-10 inches off the bottom using jigs and worms. By 7:30 we had 7 nice fish and decided to call it a night and head back home to clean some fish. Here's my bro with his first ever walleye. For some reason he dosent look very happy, but he was exstatic to catch his first walleye, and a beauty too. It was just 1/4" under the slot size. I think we spent more time trying to get an accurate measurment then he did bringing it in. lol ...and yes, we pinched the tail...lol The catch of the night. My bro was just amazed at the action we had, none stop all night, well for the hour and a half we were out...lol We also managed to hook onto several bass, sheaphead and of course, the pesky perch. Would have taken more pictures, but there was honestly no time. If I had left my rod unattended for seconds, I would miss a hit. And there's no way I was going to take a line out of the water to take pics...lol BTW...Thanks OFC, this place is great!
  3. Yeah, I never did that well in history class...lol
  4. Nice fish and great report. I'm hoping to get out and catch my first muskie very soon.
  5. What's a centennial exhibition?
  6. Why are the stands so empty...i though baseball still had a few fans...lol
  7. That's great! lol ...and they had to add in that famous laugh right at the end of the clip.
  8. I do not have a fish finder myself, but you might find this video useful.
  9. Nice pike, they have such a nice healthy colour to them.
  10. I'm planning on doing a little trolling before the season ends, I have this huge rod that a friend bought and never used. Its an 8 ft MH shimano rod and I've paired it with a size 30 rapala reel . It just seems way to big? I am going to be using big lures though... I am not looking for the perfect setup, just wondrnig if I can get by with it?
  11. Those are some crazy fish.
  12. I found a deal this weekend and just wanted to run past a few of yous. I pretty much have allready made up my mind, but just havent handed over the cash yet. Package includes: 12 ft alluminium in very good condition, but has a slow leak 6 hp Evinrude w/ hose and tank (not sure of year, but its an older one) Crappy trailer, Need to add lights and it'll do the job just fine. I tested the whole package and it was great, besides the slow leak. Not anything I would want to take out on any big lakes, but it beats my canoe. All for $500 Should I be jumping on this deal?
  13. Don't quote me on this, but I though the size of the gill nets pretty much catch all the slot sized fish. Smaller ones go through, and the bigger ones don't. Again, I could be mis-informed. Edit: Does anyones know if there is a set size for a gill net? Or do they vary?
  14. Last year I caught a few quads taking a joy ride on my property. I will post the pic if I can find it. Maybe they can be identified...lol I'm glad they didnt take the cam.
  15. That crap was a foot thick and stoped us dead. Has anyone ever seen this before?
  16. Interesting read... I wonder how many nets aren't a part of those statistics.
  17. It was such a nice day yesterday I decided to ask the boss the half the day off. Of course I didn't tell him I planned on going fishing. lol Picked up my brother, loaded the canoe on top of the truck, and headed up to a small back country lake minutes from the city. It was a nice day to be on a small lake with a canoe since there was just a little wind, but nothing we couldnt handle. Wasnt long before I hooked onto this beast. The first fish of the day, is still the first fish of the day. I prob wouldnt have taken a picture of this one, but my bro insisted. An hour later we anchored in a small bay loaded with weeds hoping there might be a few bass around. Sure enough this nice lunker hit right away. He weighed in just over 4 lbs. After that, didnt catch anything, had a few small pike follow up close to the canoe, but no hits. On our way back to the lauch, we noticed a few, what seemed to be, lilly pads clusters, but upon closer inspection, it was not. It was as if the bottom of the lake had rose up to the surface. It was made of weeds, roots, leaves & mud. Some of them appeared to be free floating, while others were still attached to the bottom. Right away I though about droping something right beside to see if there were any fish hidding out. Sure enough, my bro got a nice big perch that was hiding there. Great day of fishing, there arent many more of these left. Take advantage of this nicer than normal September!
  18. Ontario Fishing Network presents.....Fishing with Randy from Sturgeon Nice vid!
  19. Nice buck! Hopefully he will stick around and give you a shot. I've had some action this last couple weeks on my trail cam as well, but nothing that big yet.
  20. Sorry to hear about your bad luck! Hopefully there isnt any serious damage. But did you catch any fish?
  21. Great post Art! I especially find that that part interesting.
  22. I was in Callander Bay last weekend and it was covered with what they call green-blue allgea. In most areas you could not see your lure only inches under the surface of the water. Not sure if it has disipated or if this affects fishing, but you might have to consider hitting the open water.
  23. Donyone know if they are available at Walmart or Canadian Tire...I've been using similar rigs but was always unsure what type of hook to use.
  24. I use those two methods. The pin bows seem to work very well. I usually store them in a big burlap sack for a day or two and they come out pin fresh...lol Not sure if it actually does work, but my grandfather showed me this.
  25. Yeah, we're finally getting our summer! I spent the entire long weekend on Nipissing. It seems the walleye are starting to be a little more active as well. Good luck and have a fun weekend!
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