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Everything posted by LucG

  1. Nice bass, and the picture were just great! Those Lowrance fish finders seem to be worth every penny.
  2. Just goes to show how many different methods of fishing there are out there. I wonder what forum borad he posts on.
  3. Thanks TJ. One thing.... the link for "Equipment 101 - Gear Ratios, Thrust, and Drift Socks" brings me to the "Big Tube Jigs for Autumn Pike" article.
  4. Thanks Solopaddler! Great advice. You'll bet my ass I'll be out there again, it aint over until its over. lol Besides, one last fish fry is needed before the snow flies.
  5. lol...yup, that gets the blood flowing, no pun intented.This is an old one, but still one of my favorite.
  6. I can't wait! I have a spot marked on the GPS for the Ice Shack, as well as plenty of other areas to try out. I want to do more back lake ice fishing for trout this year.
  7. I went out fishing on Sunday to an area that has produced great fish during the last couple weeks, but got skunked. I was just wondering what the walleye do at this time of year?
  8. Good Job! Very nice buck. I can't wait until I get out there.
  9. Looks like you had a pretty good time. Those are some nice smallies.
  10. lol...Congrats on your 2000 post acheivement! ...and great speech by the way!
  11. Good for you! I'm in the market for a new shotgun too. Just make sure you give it a good cleaning and oiling. You can pickup a cleaning kit at canadian tire or walmart. Have fun hunting!
  12. Nice pics! I like the one where the trouts have their mouths open above the surface of the water.
  13. I've heard of people doing that as well. Nothing wrong with that.
  14. Letting any game fish spoil is against the law
  15. GREAT POINT! That situation is very annoying.
  16. YES Pretty sure that's illegal NO I wont even answer that...lol
  17. Those are some pretty odd questions...
  18. I doubt this stuff was marine grade then. If it was, it was very poorly designed.
  19. Nice pics, you have taugh her well...lol
  20. A friend just re did his boat. He decided to go with indoor/outdoor carpet instead of the marine stuff. He said it was much cheaper. I think he picked up enough to re-do his 16ft boat for just over $100. Looks and feels great. I was also in a boat this summer that had a vinyl floor and I founs it quite slipery when wet, especially after a few slimy fish had been flopin around.
  21. Yes it is a plastic tank. I never though of using pennies. Someone suggested using small rocks or sand. But I am a little hesitant in putting sand into a gas tank. I will give the pennies a try. Thanks
  22. I use this as well
  23. That might cost me $20 in gas....lol Thanks for the suggestions.
  24. I picked up an old Ski-Doo Tundra this summer that has been sitting for a number of years. The tank smelted really bad so I though I'd better empty her out, clear the lines, and clean the carb. While emptying out the tank, the gas looked like muddy water, there was also a sludge like substance left at the bottom, and quite a bit of it. The consistency reminded me of peanut butter. Does anyone know the best way to clean this stuff out? Will varsol work?
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