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Everything posted by LucG

  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Does that mean I can't go fishing? lol
  2. Not at all. It barely drew blood. It didnt go in very deep at all. It almost looks healed.
  3. Four days ago I poked the palm of my hand on a big ol bass' spine. It never really got infected or hurt in anyway. Then this morning I woke up to this. You can clearly see the area that I got poked in (arrow). And th hives/spots were all over my body. But only my hands were itchy. The only reason I am thinking it has to do with the spines is cause out of nowhere it becam red. Has anyone else ever experienced similar symtomes in relations to fish spines?
  4. How many OFC Community Members compete at BountyFishing.com ? I've seen many pics posted on here that would surley win some prize money if entered. I have recently joing and have entered my first few fish (these ones http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...howtopic=34410) and am crossing my fingers for a top 5 finish. Who else is a member of BountyFishing?
  5. Oh you better believe it! LOL The coordinates are.... ...you didnt think I'd really tell you did you? Haha
  6. I want to see a fish hanging from one of those hand made lures
  7. Was out on Nippissing last night looking for new fishing grounds. Found a crazy shoal in the middle of the lake. Caught alot of bass and a few nice walleye.
  8. Is head Lake in that area. I'm supposed to be going camping on head Lake in the Kawartha region. I'm pretty sure its a small lake. Has anyone heard of this lake?
  9. Thanks alot Garry!
  10. It dosent look like 10 lbs from the pic, but what do I know, I've never caught a 10 lbs bass...lol
  11. Good point, I often find myself thinking just that. It is also fustrating when others around have no rergards for the regulations. During the walleye bite on the North Bay shore, we were near another boat that seemed to be occupied by Americans. I must have witnessed them keep at least 4 fish that I'm positive were in the slot size. Where are the COs then???.....Prob. charging a local for having one fish that is border line slot size.
  12. Great! Thanks for the suggestions. I've been picking up alot of fishing mags from friends. But its nice to get some input. Thanks
  13. This is what kind of suggestions I'm looking for, thanks Lunker! I was going to pick up somthing in the ranges you mentioned above. My budget isnt very big, so I'll prob end up buying from the better end rods at Canadian Tire or order from Bass Pro. What kind of line would you suggest? Or should I get in the habit of swithing types of line often.
  14. I am planning on doing some amateur tournement fishing this summer and need to upgrade my gear. If I were to but three rods to satisfy all my fishing needs, what should they be? ...lenght, type of action, and also what combinations of line as well. I will be fishing mainly bass, pike & walleye.
  15. Yup, can't do much there. Cut the line and close to the hook as you can, and wave goodbye.
  16. That's odd eh? Well, like Lakshore, I just wanted to make sure it wasnt my computer.
  17. Like Stoty said, Jiggs and smaller, shallow diving cranbaits always do the trick. I allways bring some topwater lures though, use them in calm pools or on the edge of weeds.
  18. When on ofncommunity.com the back button in my browser's menu bar never works on the first click. I allways have to click twice (not necessarily double click). I've never had this issue anywhere else but on this site. Does anyone else have this problem?
  19. I like to change it up a lot, but my favourite would have to be Fish Crisp - Garlic & Butter. A couple drop of lemon and down the hatch. All this reading is making me hungry... ----> Run's downstairs and removes a pack of walleye from the freezer....
  20. Great Read! Thanks I had heard they were edible, but just wasnt sure how to prepare them.
  21. Very Cool! I had no idea they were so old, and that there were so many colour variations. I've got to get my hand on more, especially that chipmunk model.
  22. I'm surprised that one of the best topwater lures I have ever used is not listed in a single post above. It's called the Crazy Crawler made by Heddon. They come in three different colours and in two sizes. Its hinged wing like fins open up against the water giving the lure a right to left wobble effect. At the same time making a very attractive bloop bloop bloop bloop noise. I've caught everything from small panfish, to large northerns on this lure, but I mainly use it for its extreme effectivness on bass. This lure works best when the water is extremely calm. Has anyone else out there used this phenomenal lure??????
  23. They do put on a fight. I got mine on a off white crankbait.
  24. Hello everyone! Site looks great, can't wait to share and read fishing adventures. Went fishing on lake Nipissing last weekend. Once again we caught our limit in waleye. Boy have I been eating good these last few weeks....lol Also caught this huge sheephead, though I had hooked onto a Northern. Anyone else from the North Bay area fish Nippissing alot?
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