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Everything posted by LucG

  1. I should have just kept my mouth shut....someone might as well delete this thread...
  2. You are right, it is nice not to have to go through mulitple pages to read others posts. I guess it can go both ways. I just feel like I am breaking rules when posting a topic that has nothing to do with fishing....lol
  3. I'm not sure if this subject has been brought up before, but I though I'd suggest it anyway. On a few different boards that I frequent, they have a section for Off Topic disscusions. Though it might be a good addition to OFC. Under the MAIN SECTION we could have GENERAL DISCUSSIONS and then OFF TOPIC DISCUSSIONS. Just a though...
  4. I received an antleress deer tag this year. Got it in the mail a couple weeks ago.
  5. Looks wet and cold! Nice fish regardless. That blue tinge is quite odd. I can't say I've seen that before.
  6. Nice pics. I've had one of these cam's for a couple year's now and it has been a great tool for hunting and trapping. I just recently set it up and I've allready got some good action, but I think the best is still to come. Here's a young buck A doe and two fauns A little spike horn And this big guy has been around all summer long, I knew he'd appear eventually. Bu t I'm not sure if the is two different moose?? In two weeks I shot 345 pictures. Most of them being the same two bucks, and the doe with 2 fauns. and of course old bullwinkle.
  7. I've been thinking about that quite a bit after one of my last reports. I doubt this is anything the board would want to start enforfing, but it might be in our best interest to leave out location information.
  8. Great story! Too bad bike guy didnt snap a pic or two... haha
  9. One of my rods needs some new line, maybe I'll give it a shot.
  10. First I even hear of it, but I found this: An innovative manufacturing process called Enhanced Body Technology permeates this revolutionary braided line with a protective layer that will not peel off. This results in a line that is much stronger than steel and winds easily on to any type of reel without retaining memory. The smooth surface texture allows it to effortlessly sail quietly through the guides.
  11. Wow, the cheapest I could find was $45 I wouldnt get to happy until you get it in the mail...lol Maybe you got scammed Just kidding.
  12. No, neither of them are a member here.
  13. Mine came fairly quick as well. Was surprised to receive so quick.
  14. Nice looking fish. It's allways a bonus to be successful at a new spot.
  15. As anders said: I'm assuming during the winter months, the water would be too cold.
  16. I've never used them either, but have came close to trying. I've seen people use them on a lindy rig.
  17. PM sent
  18. Last season I knew of two guys who were ice fishing with more holes then allowed. They said when they seen what they though might be a CO coming closer, they quickly cliped their lines and pulled their tipups. Once the CO finally got there, he asked the typical questions, then went on about the numerous holes drilled. They denied using more then 4 holes, then the CO pulled out a magnet on a string and dropped it down one of the unused holes, sure enough he pulled up their lure with a live minnow. Issued them both a fine right there. EDIT: I know what your thinking, and NO, it wasnt me! lol
  19. haha...I may be wrong, but it seems as if you are asking if they are biting at the waterfront yet. lol My answer is I am not sure. There havent been any boats there but the odd few. We didnt bother trying cause we knew we could get the fish other places. It usually takes us about 10-15 min to reach our destination with a 50hp Yamaha. You do the math.
  20. I'm sorry !!!! That was a typo...I meant to say "6-10 INCHES off the bottom" I hope everyone that has read this thread will re-read it...lol
  21. There are quite a few out there, but I must say this one has been the best so far.
  22. How long does this stuff take to overtake a house?
  23. It seems there are more and more forum boards being created every day. They offer alot of good info and usually are specialized to a certain crowds/groups. What other boards do you post on? I have these ones in my favorite folder: www.ofncommunity.com - Fishing www.fordrangerforum.com - Ford Ranger Trucks www.mudhole.ca - ATV www.can-amtalk.com - Can-Am ATV www.trapper.ca - Canadian Trapping www.coyotesrus.proboards.com/index.cgi? - US Trapping
  24. Sure am, that is what's on the menu for tonight.
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