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Everything posted by LucG

  1. Nice carving, I like the addition of the paint. Was the guy's name Yvon Grezela by any chance. He did this one for me using a photo I gave him. Amazing artist... Here is the exact picture I gave him along with the antler I found. This is what he did with it.
  2. Thanks Roy. I'd say we have a nice shack. Nice and big at 9x9. Yeah... I have a program that removes red eye, but just too lazy. Besides, its the fish you should be looking at!
  3. What a beautiful weekend to be out on the lake fishing! Not only did the weather cooperate, but the fish were biting too! We were constantly catching nice perch, and when they would stop hitting, someone would catch a pike. Also caught many herring, white fish and ling. We did really well using white jig heads tipped with a minnow. Here's some pics. All fish were released.
  4. Thanks for the report. I've been fishing near the same area with great succes. A few walleye, one pike, lots of ling, hearing & perch. Like you, I was using a green buckshot, at about 6-8" off the bottom. Anyone know how callander bay, or deepwater point is doing?
  5. WHAT!!! I was fishing maybe 200 yards from them. That's crazy.
  6. Thats a good idea! These vids are really entertaining.
  7. It'll be hard putting away the fish crisp, but maybe I'll give it a try!
  8. Great Contests....there should be more of these. Thanks Dave, and keep up the good work! Love wathing the show!
  9. January 1st, hungover as hell, decided to tow out that shack and drill some holes. We just put it out off the North Bay shore in about 10 fow, once I trust the ice more, we'll pull it out to deep water point with the truck. No real luck for walleye or pike, but we did catch dozens of perch, alot of nice jumbos that fried up real good. We did just as good on Saturday as well, allthought it was freezing cold, most of the fishing was done from the shack, and even then our holes were freezing over. Sorry for the lack of pics, left the cam in the sleigh, and though I forgot it on land.
  10. Just find someone that needs to get rid of an old track, I've seen countless people use this instead of the store bought versions.
  11. Which models/brand have the capability to record your image?
  12. Sweet! Looks like those rocks might have been a little slippery. What month was that photo taken in?
  13. I hope everything goes well for your pop Brian.
  14. Thanks Ben. My father and his best friend (who was a trapper) built it in 83.
  15. Here are the pictures I said I would post. Amazing work. Here is the exact picture I gave him along with the antler I found. This is what he did with it. And this is what I meant when I said I thought artists were suposed to leave evidence it was a shed. You can see the one on the right has been cut flat so the antler would stand on its own. I will try to talk to a CO that works in my building. I'll try and get some documents or somthing to post.
  16. I understand what you are syaing, but how is it illegal to find an antler shed?
  17. Nice report! Thats a nice bunch of fish you caught. Putting up with the colder weather sure pays off when you reel'em in like that!
  18. At the annual Fur Harvesters Convention in North Bay, there is an artist who carves things out of antler sheds. I actually found an antler shed on my trapline the year before, I brought it to him along with a picture of my camp, and he carved my camp into the antler. It's amazing....I will post a pic later tonight. Anyways, I remember someone saying that if it is evident that it is a shed, there is no problem. But if the base of the antler is cut, thus removing the evidence that is was a shed, you might run into problems. I think where the trouble is is when someone harvests an animal and gives/sells the skull/antlers. It would be just like selling the meat, wich is illegal, i think. lol Nothing I said may be right, but that my opinion.
  19. There...now thats more like it. He can now be a part of the group and safe too.
  20. Whats the difference between an SUV and a golf ball? . . . . . Tiger can drive a golf ball more than 300 yards. Sorry, I read this today and had to post it....
  21. Hey Mike, I'm actually joining as well, here in North Bay. My cousin has been a memeber for the last two years and I allways get jealous when he tells me about the tournys. I was glad to hear one can join as a "non-boater". Look forward to next summer allready.
  22. I love it how he specified it was a Crestliner with a 60 hp motor. (Y)
  23. I'm speechless! All you need is a foldout fishing hut and your set. lol So are you taking orders? lol
  24. Do you remember the name of that video? I'd like to watch the whole thing.
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