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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Does anyone have any input they would like to share on their Rav4? I'm considering picking one up for my wife. We live in the country, and need something with 4 wheel drive, and decent ground clearance. Not really going to tow with it, but the spec I read said it can tow 1500lbs. Which is more than enough for my toys. Around 9 L/100k, which could be worse. Any input, good or bad would be great! Or suggestions on another small SUV of Crossover. Our price cap is $15,000.. And no older that 2010.
  2. I may put my hut there next winter. If we get some decent ice...
  3. No more spudding holes at this spot!!
  4. The weather is a funny thing in muskoka this year... Nice at my house. Nice hike in... But 5 minutes after we set up, it turned in to a steady wind and snow fall... With a nice brisk windchill...
  5. The stat still stands... This afternoon I took some friends from work out for an evening bite. It worked out great, because THEY drove me up in their truck, and THEY provided food and beverages!!!! One heck of an easy guide job for me!! I just provided the gear, and hiked it all in and out of the spot. Baited hooks, froze my fingers off.... But it was worth it. The one fella is from the rock, so he knows how to fish.. He got the first bite, but lost it half way up. I wasn't far behind, but I buried it good, and iced a PB for this lake. 22" and a few more notches in the belt for team 6! Again with this spot, it was about 10 minutes before we had planned on packing up. In fact, the one friend was starting to complain about being cold, and so I was just going to finish my beverage, and pack up to leave...
  6. I like to stray from the path a little when it come so music. I owe Chad for introducing me to these guys. Great band!! Also owe him one for introducing me the this guy as well! been a while since I posted on this thread. Glad it still alive!
  7. Dam.. Now I have to wait an extra hour for the walleye bite..
  8. That's insane. Thanks Wayne.. I'm going to be having nightmares now...
  9. Awesome report Bri! Good friends, good times!
  10. Sorry to hear about your loss Lew. You can tell by the pictures that there was a lot of character in him!
  11. It's a fun little community. I've puked down a few holes there in my crazier days! To much info?
  12. I used to smell skunks in Barrie all the time. But now that I'm in the bush, I never smell them. I've got almost everything else under the sun... Just not skunks.
  13. I want to go ice fishing in shorts and a T-shirt! Maybe this year...
  14. I like where this thread is going!!
  15. I am up at the in laws in collingwood to start the weekend off. Figured I'd sneak out and try the terminals this morning. 6:15 walking out to the truck... What do I smell? Skunk... I didn't think they came out in the winter. And that's what I smelled all morning long. Just a few bumps on the finder. Back for a warm breakfast. The off to Kolapore to explore!
  16. That's good for a Friday laugh... Hey, you never, know.. Maybe that's exactly what he looks like
  17. Oh man. That guy had a set of hands eh! Would have been amazing to watch him preform live. Sad day indeed.
  18. Sounds like your going to be a great addition to OFC Doug! You should post up some pics from your past trips! We love fish porn here...
  19. I would think Fisherman is close.. Mine is a Strikemaster. I punched 12 holes through 3' of ice and it only burned about 1/4 tank.
  20. You don't have to be old to make that mistake... Not speaking from experience or anything... I believe they call that one a Shart.
  21. Wow. Thanks man. That holds some weight coming from a professional such as yourself! Jay needed a break at the halfway point. We twisted that auger right to the handle...
  22. Amazing shots man!! And you are so bang on about the desire to get out there in the worst of conditions. It takes a certain bread.
  23. Yep. It was an adventure! We pulled out of Orr Lake and the roads where dry, no wind, smooth sailing. Then I get a text from chad saying his road is in the worst condition he has ever seen in before... Hhmmm... Adventure time! I think we only had to get out and push 3 or 4 times. Hey, you gotta get a work out in somehow right! Here's a few random pics I took during the day. How I start most fishing mornings. Chad setting up the Leachman Special. Notice the direction the snow is "falling"... The throttle got a froze up on my auger... So our last set up we had to manually turn holes through 3' of ice... A lovely was to finish off the day... Thanks for the fun times Chad! You jeep guys really like to push your equipment!!! It always makes for an adventure! I too went to be early... And up just rolling out of bed now..
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