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Everything posted by NAW

  1. My wife has come a long way since we meet 10 years ago. Her current vehicle is an Ford Escape XLT.. She has taken backroads home this winter a few times because all the highways where closed due to weather. She's a real trooper that way. I am going to get a truck eventually, in the next 5 years.. And a taco is high on my list (6 speed manual). But I really really like the new Silverado / Sierra. I think they look sharp. I was going to ask about the Canyon. 4 door, lots of room. Enough clearance. Likely decent for towing... But my wife is hell bent against a truck for her daily driver. That's what I thought people would say when I asked about the Canyon!!!
  2. That's the issue right Sinker. With the automotive down turn a few years back. Almost everyone has totally changed their lineups with new models.. And I know for a fact that some OEM's crashed through it flying by the seats of the pants... And the did it all around the same time. And None of the new models have really been proven. And most of it looks girly and weak IMO...
  3. Hahaha.. thanks Slop! I've got some friends that are trying to pull me over to the other side as well. And as a rally enthusiast my self.. I would love if she got a forester. My wife has this notion that sitting a bit higher up is safer for some reason... (not that a few inches make a difference) And the Foresters sit a bit low for her.. It's all in her head. We are definitely going to test drive a few.
  4. Exact same thing happened to my buddy on a quad last year. Smashed the helmet right off his head. Serious concussion and whip lash... But he survived with no broken bones...
  5. Good thread man! I'm planning some solo fishing/camping trips this year. Gunna have to follow this thread close! For me, it's very situation if I chose the canoe or the yak. Weather, length of trip, portage routes, amount a gear, type of fish I am going for. If I where you, I'd get both a canoe and kayak.. If you're going to do it a lot.... As for the rest of my "solo" gear.. I just use what I have. I'm really cheap that way. My first trip solo this year will be a 3 day camping/fishing trip around a local "popular" loop. Early June is penciled in to the calendar as of now.. You got any trips planned out yet? That might help get some input on gear.. Ie... My loop in June runs through part of G-Bay, so I need to be able to handle some chop... Things like that will dictate your gear..
  6. Thanks Mercman! And everyone else for their continued input on this thread! 4x4 lock is a great feature for sure. Some of the rav4's have 3rd row seating as well. Looks a little tight though!
  7. I am betting they where all un-buckled driving on the ice.... Horrible thing to hear about. Condolences to the families and everyone involved.
  8. Nice going Bri!! We went to long shoal.. For soaked on the quad ride out. Froze our we butts of for a few hours. Few bumps.. Lots a few. Then we moved and lots one, caught 2 in a half hour. Then they shut down... So we called it quits. Had a fish fry with family today. Perch for the rest of the season. Gunna max out my possession limit, then have a big family fish fry. Already got my limit of pickerel in the freezer.. So it should be a good one. Great season so far in deed! And the warm spring ice pan fishing season is just begging!
  9. Awesome Brian! This is going to be a great spring for family fishing. I'm gunna get mikes boys out for perch in the next few weeks.. 4 and 6. Should be fun!
  10. Thanks Guys!! Hey... I'll take brakes every 88,000..
  11. Awesome info everyone. I really appreciate all the input!
  12. Sorry Woodsman.. I was editing my post when you replied to this. Getting in a scrap like this with an I-Phone is a pain in the butt..... "For your first statement I quoted just ask any of your temps if they would rather stay temps or take a fulltime job with the company? I'm sure we both know the over whelming answer will be." That's my point exactly... Who wants to be a temp rather than a full time employee? Not to many people.. "I'm sure we both know the over whelming answer will be. As for the second statement about yes you hire off the street for the same positions the question is why? Not enough applicitions or your employer is screening so high" Yes, the screening is very high. Most of our temps are licensed millwrights.. Or have 20 to 25 years experience in machine building. "your company should have no problem finding good fulltime employees. Yes it is the employers choice. Don't blame the times as it's too simple" My company is only 3 years old. We can't afford to pay our production staff $30+ an hour, working 60 hours a week.. Heck. Our managers don't make that.... Again,, I edited my post while you where typing.. So read it. Maybe my company is completely unique, and such I have a very unique view on the this matter....
  13. So did I.. Work as a temp that is... I appologize for offending you with my blunt comments... It's not a choice of the worker or the employer.. It's a choice of the times and the situation. Bills gotta get paid. Lots of employers will always have a need for temp employees. For reasons already mentioned in this post. Not fault to them (the employer) Your right. I am in close contact to uper management. And I have talked with the owner of my company about why he hires temps.. He told me its because he doesn't want to hire and fire.. And because he doesn't want to head hunt people, have them quit their current job and jump ship, only to be laid off when the wave ends... with bills to pay and then they are screwed.. And for the other reasons previously discussed in this post. Like I said. Times are tough.. And it's not a jab at anyone. In no way is a temp any less skilled or useful then a full time employee. In fact, in many cases, they have more experience. And I often rely heavily on them for their opinion and knowledge. I've brought them in on several design reviews. And put them infront of our customers as well. 75% of our full time production staff where previously temps with company.. I've obviously struck a chord with you. Maybe I should have worded my posts more delicately. But I am not backing down from my position. If there was a full time job available at a good company.. Or a job through a temp agency at the same company for the same position... What would you chose? And to answer your question.. Yes. We hire from the street for the same positions as we hire from a temp agency.. Several people this year have come to our door with resume in hand.. And stared working full time a week later... And we have also hires many temps for the same positions.. It all depends on your experience and your character.
  14. You may have misunderstood what I'm talking about. Because its not complete bull... I was talking about why someone goes to a temp agency to get work. Not why an employer hires a temp. As I metioned in an earlier post.. my company uses temps a lot. I have a lot of experience working with temps. They build the equipment that I design... So I deal with them on an hourly basis.. And ALL of the temps I have talked to go to a temp agency looking for work because they can not find a full time job on their own.. Straight from their mouths.. Not mine. Times are tough... It's not a jab at anyone... Am I wrong? I'm sure there are a few people here that are currently employed as temps through a staffing agency.. Maybe they will chime in and explain their reasoning?
  15. Thanks for all the info everyone! I called my buddy who is a service manager at a Hyundai dealership. He agreed that the Santa Fe is a great vehicle. He also said the older v6 Tucson is the best vehicle Hyundai ever made. So I'll be checking them out as well. So the list has been narrowed. Thanks to OFC. Rav4 Santa Fe Tucson CRV Forester Time to start test driving!!!
  16. NOT fun!! That pic brings back some horrible memories...
  17. The temps are temps because they can't find full time work on their own... So they get a quick job through a staffing agency. In most cases anyways...
  18. I also think it depends on what industry your in. I know in my (OEM automation manufacturer) we use a lot of temps. The work comes in waves. And the last thing you want to do is be hiring and firing based on fluctuating manpower demands. Temps are just easier to deal with in a situation like that.
  19. Dang cliff. Nuf said. I will let my wife read this post and it will change her mind for sure!!! Sorry about your luck!!
  20. I'm surprised your not telling me to get a JEEP!
  21. Thanks for the info so far. You guys pretty much are confirming what I thought to be true. I've heard the subaru's can be hit more miss for quality. But obviously great for driving. My wife was looking at Nissan Rogue.. But I haven't heard much good things about them... I notice they haven't been mentioned in this thread yet..
  22. I may just show up with Alex! Take the boy to hooters.. He'll be a magnet!!
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