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Everything posted by NAW

  1. To bad about the laker Bri! I was out all day, but didn't see any fish...
  2. My buddie built this last year, but we never had a chance to test it out. Ran from Alcona over the snake, then fox, then white shoal. The "cat" sled worked great! Must have raised 30 fish... No takers. Had a few up to 50' in 105' of water, still wouldn't bite.. Anyone else having the same problem this year? Got home, and received a call from my sister to go GT'ing at a hill down the road. So I took my sun out on the hill for his first time ever. He loved it!
  3. Crazy... The kid is lucky to be alive. He's going to think twice before he does that again. Kind of unbeleivable though. No hat or mitts? A 14 yo should know better. Fox island is a long walk if he came from IBP...
  4. I briefly heard about a rescue on Simcoe last night. But I didn't catch the details. Supposedly it was dramatic... Anyone know what happened?
  5. And your calling athiest arrogant and ignorant? I've been insulted way way more times by religious people than I have by atheists. Some of the most dispicable people I have met in my life are the most religious. Be as big of a dick head as you want, because god will always forgive your sins.
  6. Good job Greg! I know some guys looking for a guide up in that general area. I'll send them your contact info! You obviously know how to find them up there!
  7. I saw this on OFC (of all places) a few years back. On a thread, just minutes before it was locked down... Something that stuck with me. "If you are hungry, I will offer you food If you are thirsty, I will offer you water If you are Cold, I will offer you warmth If you are in need, ask and I will give If you are in trouble, ask and I will help I do not do these things in hopes of being rewarded, or in fear of being punished. I do these things because I know them to be right. I set my own standards, and I alone enforce them." Kind of sums up how a feel about being a slave to religion. I don't need a book to tell me to be a good person, to have morals, and family values.
  8. Thanks for the report. What water depth where you in? Up size your bait to avoid some of smaller ones.
  9. I'm not sure how long this thread will stay unlocked. The shows not bad. But I really do wish he would drop the sermons.
  10. Nice Brian! Hey, if you catch another big one and are worried about not being able to finish it... CALL ME!! I'll come help eat it up!
  11. That'll be one of the first video games my boy learns how to play!
  12. I just had a chance to listen to your link. I've heard that exact noise before. For me, I was duck hunting late season right after a really cold night. The bay was in froze over. Turns out the same morning, the township pulled logs from the dam to lower the water for the winter. The water level dropping was causing the stumps in the bay to break the ice in spots. It sounded the exact same. But there was only about 1" of ice.
  13. Quick strike rigs work decent for pike too, if your minnows are large enough. Chubbs are what I normally use.
  14. I use minnows in several ways. My favourite rig for crappies and perch is to use a simple small spoon, and hook the minnow sideways through the back. So the minnow and spoon make an upside down T shape. Drop it down. Pull it up off bottom by a foot or two. Then jig lightly. Almost like little twitches. The odd time, drop it right to the bottom, and repeat. You can add a stinger to the above rig by adding 4 to 6" of line with a small jig head on the bottom. On the stinker, I like to use just the head, or a perch eye. I also will use a bell sinker on the bottom. With 3 small hooks on the line above the sinker. Space the hooks about 8 to 12" appart, with a minnow hooked through the head on each hook. This rig covers the bottom 3' of water. Drop the sinker down to the bottom, than pull it up an inch. Jig lightly. This is great on a dead stick with a slip float or bell. And there's always the simple jig an minnow. For pickerel with larger minnows and jig heads. I like to tear the head off the minnow and feed the minnow body on to the jig head until the severed part of the minnow butts up against the jig head. This is great for many species of larger fish.
  15. I was cutting a hole with a 6" manual auger last weekend. A Big crack popped right through the center of my hole as I was cutting. Chunks of ice from the crack actually flew up, and one hit me in the face... That was a first for me! I cant watch your link cuz im at work, but will check it out later.
  16. I'm assuming that was hwy 26 this week? Sorry to hear about this Brian.
  17. Your right. Digging up the past was a dick head move. And there is no need for me to get a thread locked down... My apologies BRF. Tightlines.
  18. I don't know BRF personally. Just from his track record here. Which has lead me to believe he's a bit of a hot head. I wouldn't want to hitch a ride to Simcoe with him. Get taken out to the laker grounds. Then have a heated discussion, and get left there... Lots of guys where not on OFC back then. Just because it happened 4 years ago doesn't mean it didn't happen. What reason do I have to believe he has changed?
  19. Thanks for your input Moxie. I wouldn't get in a car with the guy. And I definitely would'd let him guide me out on Simcoe. Just thought I would let others know as well...
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