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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Yep. Love my Bravo. But mines a short track. I am trying to find a LT parts sled... SO I can upgrade it to an LT suspension and track.. One of the hardest sleds to find on Kijiji (for a good price).
  2. Good stuff Mike! Thanks for keeping this post alive! I'm not sure if signing the petition does anything. But I signed it any ways. Maybe others will too.
  3. Feels like 21° this afternoon. Feels like -7° overnight tonight! That's insane.. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/canada/ontario/barrie
  4. My neighbour just got back from Sudbury too. Said the rain was horrible. Now I'm not so sure about Easter weekend ice fishing.
  5. Wasaga beach near the McShit's.. Would you consider this "blown"???
  6. I can't see the pics either. But it sounds friggen cool!
  7. Ya. I'm the same way. Rarely hunt coyotes in the summer unless I've been asked by a land owner. But if the opportunity arises, I would still have a poke.
  8. Invite him in.. Right in to the oven!
  9. Lots inside Barrie city limits!! I was biking near your place yesterday Ryan. Heard a pack of yotes howling away around 6:30. Just on the south west side of Ivy. Go get em!! I haven't been seeing as many turkeys this year in my hood. But I havnt been looking. The fields last year where I would see 30+ deer are now down to 15-20.. Lots of deer kill sites in the general area.
  10. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/canada/ontario/barrie Over 10° for the next 4 days.
  11. It's going to be nasty... Simcoe will bounce back. Puslich, might take a while eh?
  12. That's not good for the lake... But hey. That's nature right. What are we to do.. Aerate the lake during the bad winters....
  13. Yes Chris. You do Rock! Send me the spec's, we'll get er on the board!
  14. I didn't measure when we where fishing the general area last weekend. Had to be 2' left though. X2 on fisherman!
  15. The 870 combo I got from lebarron. Few years back. Basically Remington's cheapest 870 ever. It has bad rust issues. If you do some research you will find that the older 870s are better. Or the newer higher priced ones. Don't cheap out. You will regret it. I do.
  16. Keep on pushing man!! Diet is one thing. But consistent cario workouts are also key to cutting.
  17. I could just picture him in a river bank just leaning in to it!
  18. Hey, it's always nice to get out. I think the highlight of the morning way Ryan's boy setting the hook on an "ice pike". This kid has mad skills! I have a picture if Terry praying for fish... But photo buckets being weird.. Just a blank white screen, no matter what I do...
  19. Yep. Drove by earlier today. No more snow left. Bring cleats! I forgot mine at home........ So I'll be doing the slip and slide all morning. I'm also packing the gas auger... Gunna have lots of holes!!
  20. Yikes. Not their best by far. But not he worst either. Edit.. Pretty horrendous though...
  21. Fight fire with fire Terry! I'm packing gear right now. I'll toss in the TPS and the 870 HD!!
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