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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Now that's one of the best solutions I've seen yet!!! And less grass to cut as well!! The only problem is, the only flat, decent spot for a pool right on my septic bed....
  2. Thanks for all the replies guys!! I've definitely got my work cut out for me. My yards a mess. And even though I'm not that guy who needs to have a lush perfect lawn... I would still like some half decent that my family can hang out in bare foot! Now... All I need is a weekend where I'm not booked solid so I can spend some time out there fixing it!!!
  3. Thanks! I'll check that out for sure. My work has people in the states all the time. Maybe I can get one of our service techs to grab a bag.
  4. Thanks mike!! I don't mind cougars running around my yard... But i HATE snakes!!!
  5. I called a lawn maintenance place. They also suggested said to get rid of the grubs, and suggested Nematodes... But ya, like you mentioned, they don't work very well from their past experience.
  6. Wifey is very allergic to cats.. Neighbors dogs love chewing on them. And the local fisher population has acquired a very strong taste for them... Wouldn't last a week. I thought about letting the neighbours dogs rip around my yard for a day or two each week... But I don't know which would do more damage! (2x 2 year old GSP sisters...)
  7. In the 3 years I have been at this house, I have only ever seen 1. And they was yesterday walking around with Alex... They seem to only move around at night...??
  8. Voles have destroyed my yard. I have a bit on an infestation. I've tried using the regular snap traps for mice.. But it aint working. Baited with cheese.. peanut butter.. Fat.. Nothing is working.. I just want to shock the populations. Sitting on my deck last night.. I could here the voles walking around under the leaves/grass.. I don't even want to think of how many there is under there. I had to replace some drainage lines last fall because they got in to them and jammed them up really bad... I'm open to a more environmentally friendly solution.. I tried one of those thingies that beeps and vibrates every 30 seconds. Annoying as hell. All it did was move them around more. then when I removed it for winter, they came back with a vengeance! more this spring than the last two combined...
  9. You can no longer buy Warfin (Warfarin) in the stores. According to the lovely lady I spoke to at Home Hardware. Does anyone here know where I can find some? Or something equally as powerful... On that note, if anyone has some in there garage collecting dust, I would gladly purchase if from them I've got some destructive critters that will not be duped in to my traps....
  10. I only read a few of his books. But enjoyed them very much. I great Canadian. Up there with Stompin Tom!
  11. I'm glued to my phone all the time. But the one thing that I have really noticed in the past few years.. Is my night vision is not what it used to be... Not so much because of the constant staring at the phone, and the small text... But because I ALWAYS have a flashlight now... I used to walk around my house in the pitch black dark, and be able to see my way through.. But now I just turn my phone on, and it lights everything up. I'm literally lost with out my phone now!!
  12. I wish I could have made it out in may! Things broke up in my lakes a few weeks back. Ya. Crazy rod holder. I though they where illegal as well. Does it not set the hook for you? I always though "spring loaded" rod holders, or anything that sets a hook for you, was illegal?
  13. Ya. Cooks can be hard to figure out. But if you want to target panfish with the boys, it can be a fun time. Alomost gauruntee a few fish each outing. Carp shooting can be great there! And decent duck hunting too. But it's busy. Lots of boat traffic. Tons of hunters in the fall. And I can speak from experience. When it kicks up (north wind), it can be a bit much for a 14' boat. Just something to be mindful off. Personally, I would look elseware...
  14. I'm glad you all enjoy this pics! I agree, there's nothing better than some time on the water with family. Thanks for all the comments everyone! One day Alex will be a OFC member, and be posting his own reports!!
  15. We bought Lalonde's last year and really liked it. Tried the Greenlaw's yesterday morning on french toast. Excellent!! They also said I could take Alex skating on their outdoor rink next winter! Seem like great people. Lets see.. Fishing in the cold spring rain.... Or ripping on a new quad!!! Easy call, I'd take the quad to. How's Mom like the quad!! Alex was 8 months last year, and 20 months this year. I'm sure by next year he will be able to cast, and reel. I hope... 2 years in a row. Plan on doing it ever year. I actual stopped turkey hunting so that I could spend more time with him. I hope to get him out with Ryan's boy.. He will show him hows it's done!! I'l start Turkey hunting again once that phase kicks in! As for the nose.... It looks more like our mail man's than mine!! But I'm OK with that.. This nose got me beat up a lot when I was kid, until I started martial arts training.... Thanks for replies guys!
  16. I don't think I can really count this morning as a skunk. Alex was my Alarm clock this morning. We didn't hit the banks till after 9. And we only got to fish for 30 minutes before the rain. Between Alex throwing his rod in the water a few times, searching for sticks to throw, and nearly going in himself once.... I only got about a dozen casts... Still a great time!!! He konked out for a bit. When he woke up, we all headed in to town for the Maple Syrup festival. We dropped $50 and got our syrup for the year.!!! From a bush just around the corner from our house. Alex found a car he really liked! 2014 Stingray! The boy better get a part time job soon! It's our first time trying syrup from this bush. I'm sure we will love it. Finished the day off with a big Pretzel! Great day with the boy. Can't wait till next year! Here's a few shots from last years opener, so see how much this rascal has grown!!!
  17. I need a few quotes for my roof as well. I'm 95% sure it will steel. But I also thin my roof will be more like 15 to 20 grand....
  18. Sorry, I didn't read all of these posts. Just to throw my 3 cents in as an avid cyclist. For a $500, you will want to purchase used. Both my bikes are Opus, Canadian made. But there are no real serious benefits over brand in most cases. I have bad knees, and started biking to reduce the impact.. My road bike is great for my knee issues. But your going to want to make sure you get your bike professionally fitted. It can make your issues way worse if your not fitted correctly.
  19. One of their points is that mother bears will be killed, and the helpless cubs will be left to fend for them selves.... I get that, it's not a good thing.. BUT. How does this spring hunt VS the fall hunt make any difference. Bear cubs are dependent on their mothers for up to 2 years.....
  20. Why would someone do that? Weird. And there's not to many 19yo pilots out there either? You would home that I guy with enough drive and intelligence to be a pilot at 19 wouldn't be the type to call in a false distress like that??
  21. Good on ya! How many anglers entered this year? Any idea?
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