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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Great little report Bill! Some really nice scenery in the backgrounds too!
  2. I'm in a similar situation. 1.5 acres, with a little under an acre fenced in. But with the snow so deep this winter... Even my 11lb foo-foo dog can walk right over the top of the fence!! Except in my hood, everyone blames their missing cats on the Fischers.
  3. I have only been out once, for a quick walk in the back 40. They are crazy this year up here for sure. The guys I have been talking to have been pounding them. They are coming right in the my driveway, and pissing everywhere... My son was crying really loud one night, and wouldn't stop. So I went in to rub his back. Moments after he calmed down, a pack started howling right outside his window. So close I could feel it in my chest... His screams must have drawn them in.. They've been coming steady since then... They are getting ballsy.
  4. Hhhhmmmm I need a new walleye rod and reel. That's not a bad idea. I'll have to post something on the OFC classifieds!
  5. I actually sent it in on the magazine's head office this morning. You never know? Maybe they will put it in an issue one day?
  6. I was out coyote hunting, and my wife sends me this pic!! 19 months old, and learning fast!! He's checking out some high quality pelts!!! Good for a morning chuckle!
  7. Don't confront the person. It's not worth an assault charge, which I'm sure you are well aware of. Call the MNR, local authorities, or a bylaw officer if applicable.
  8. I doubt I'll be there before 9.. But I'll try! Thanks for grabbing minners Bri!
  9. Your leaving this to open.. Need some details. My May boys weekend is camping on crown land.. I assume your looking for a lodge? or rental cottage?
  10. Awesome Joey!! We try to make it to LOB once a year. No time this winter though...
  11. I'm still coming... But I won't be with my son... The logistics didn't work out this weekend. Hey Bri, is there perch in that area?? Or do you need to go further out?
  12. Welcome aboard Creditmaster! Your PM box may fill quickly with offers like that..
  13. Thanks for the write up! Those are some good details, I appreciate it! I was at the toyota dealership today looking at some. they also have a used forester there which I am going to test drive.
  14. Right on Chris!! Mmmmmmmm. Peyote induced mystic visions. Me likes!! We need to get out fishing together soon man!!
  15. BBP and Prince Albert Way. The Coke plant on Bayview Fairview on the top of the hill by the Hwy400 McDonalds Lots of MTO traps too...
  16. I'm surprised some people haven't started chirping about having to pay to park downtown!
  17. I'm getting my perch fish this weekend. My first river fish will be opener with my son.. Hopefully with Brian guiding me...
  18. No kidding eh. I wonder if they can still use the tracks and run people in on those rail trucks? Or something similar.
  19. Welcome to the hood. I live about 15 minutes north of you. But lived in Barrie for about 10 years. There are so many amazing places for the outdoors man/woman to explore in Simcoe. In fact, there are hundreds of miles of great biking, hiking, snowshoe, and ski trails within a 15 minutes of your house. If your in to that sort if thing,, let me know. I guide in the area, and can show you some real cool places... As for fish in the area.. X2 on Misfish. Simcoe really doesn't hold many fish...
  20. http://outdoorcanada.ca/35654/news/is-it-the-end-of-the-line-for-an-iconic-train-service-in-northern-ontario Sorry if this has been posted before.. Kind of a bummer. This was a bucket list thing for me. Something I've always wanted to do.
  21. Yep. Been know to bring the odd pack of backwoods with me while on camping/fishing trips. never touch em other than that.. Great pics man.
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