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Everything posted by NAW

  1. I didn't get off the 400.. But the water looked pretty high..
  2. Drive by everyday. Is was 75% open. All the ice was pushed over to the east shoreline.
  3. Ya, so bad about the boy! But good on ya for putting the wife on a beast like that!! I laughed when I saw that pic. Even showed my wife! Which is a rare OFC experience for her..
  4. I cut off all communication with my Dad last year. Haven't spoke to him since. This is after 15 years of trying to convince him to put the bottle down. Cutting him out of my life was not easy, and it's not a long term solution. But I don't know what to do right now. I need to focus in my son right now. He needs me more than my Dad does.
  5. I have friends with farms bordering the swamp. They have lived there for 60 yeas and have never seen water like this before. Many roads are under 3' of water... It's like a massive lake...
  6. Nah. I was pressed for time. Swift rapids with a sick baby in the backseat... Oh boy. We'd be cleaning up more puke for sure!!!!
  7. Ya... She was blown pretty good eh... I was surprised to see anyone at all to be honest...
  8. Thanks meegs! There was only two guys in town fishing further up. The rain must have been keeping them away.
  9. The area these guys where fishing was not zone 14. You might be mistaken on the location.
  10. The CO I talked to said he didn't think the specific spot was a sanctuary.. However, as Wayne pointed out, they are fishing very near a no fishing sign... This spot is well marked on the shores (directly across from where they are fishing, and if my memory serves me right, directly beside them) And they passed at least one more sign on the way in. The CO seemed to know the area well. And said what they where doing was illegal because of the season, and the proximity to the lamprey barrier. So he was going to head that way to deal with it. Thanks for your link and info. But at this point, I don't doubt my actions.
  11. There was actually 2 guys fishing there. When I walked over the bridge, with my cell phone out in the process of resting it on the ledge for a crisp sturdy shot. .... The second guy turned his back an walked away.
  12. So this morning, I wake up at 6:30 and can't get back to sleep. Wife, son and dog are all sleeping. So I'm thinkin early morning hill ride on my bike. Nope, it's raining out.. OK, so I get a work out in, then do my taxes finally!! This is weird, 9am, wife and boy are still sleeping... So I wake them both up. Son is not acting right. Has a temp. Moments after taking his temp, he decides its a good time to projectile vomit all over daddy! A good 2 cups of matter flew from this kids face, and covered me.... This is the most puke I have ever seen come out of him.. Crappy start to the day. But we decide to continue with our morning plans, which was to run up to Big Chute, and White's Falls to check out some high water. I should have gone up a week ago, I think I would have been more impressed. The water was no where near as high as I thought it would be. I go to my first spot to check on the way up. A little place I like to go for bows. And this is what I see when I pull up.. This place opens next weekend. And is a sanctuary up until that point.. And to top it off, they are within an illegal distance of a lamprey barrier. So after a little pondering, I called MNR TIPS for the first time. The woman on the hotline took my info. 15 minutes later I get a call from a CO. He took more detailed info, and said he was going to make his way over. I didn't say a word to the anglers..... On to Whites Falls. I've never seen it this high before. Big Chute was not as spectacular as I was hoping... This boy was like this the entire way!! He only woke up for a few bumps on Big Chute Rd. Aside from the vomiting, and rain, it was a good way to start of the long weekend. Next weekend is openner!! Can't wait.
  13. The overflow channel from the power dam... l will be right up to the top I'm sure. You know what.. I may go up Friday morning for a look with Alex. I think he would love to see that.
  14. I'd love to see what Swift Rapids looks like right now. must just be roaring!
  15. Got a wack of snow up here. I'd say close to 8" and it's still coming down hard at times.
  16. A guy just replied to my Kijiji "wanted" add. Has a full suspension from the LT. No track. $125. What do you guys think? Seems like a reasonable price.
  17. What a horrible report I couldn't imagine your stress levels... But your persistence paid of right! One for the memory bank for sure.
  18. 5cm of snow last night, on top of some freezing rain. Made for some fun driving in this morning.
  19. Ya Chris. That's all I'm looking for Is the suspension and slider parts. I may weld something up. Extend the hull. Reinforce is a little. Build a custom box.
  20. Yep, they stopped making them a few years back. A good LT is very hard to come by, and worth lots. I could get nearly a grand for my 87 short track if I ever wanted to sell it. That's based on looking at Kijiji every day for the last 3 months trying to find a parts sled for a summer project. For sure, keep em tuned up!!
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