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Everything posted by Flappn

  1. Leave Kane alone we have all been young and drunk....you only found out cause he's a hawk. HAWKS BABY 2010 Champs!!!
  2. I live on 10 acres and have a Crow fest that goes on every night around dusk in the back where the bush is and I hear noises coming from them while they Circle that I have never heard before....sounds similar to what your describing.
  3. Beauty Vessel. Congrats!!
  4. I've done a few stupid things. Back the boat into the water...start motor hit reverse...usually slides ride of..this time it wasn't..hmm..look over the gunel and the trailer is floating. Forgot to take the straps off. Done the plug thing a few times...found my self in about 4 feet of water once trying to hold the boat from sinking while my buddy strolls across the beach to the Truck to get the plug while checking out the woman.....I was not impressed..he wasn't a big boater at the time and didn't understand the urgency.
  5. Was up there on the weekend....getting them between 18 - 30 feet. Good Luck
  6. Why is a kid watching a fish eat another fish?
  7. The faith is lost....I'm in on the Tea Party.
  8. I am really becoming disappointed with society today.....
  9. This upsets me to no end. I don't need to be forced to wear a life jacket, I have a mind of my own and know when and when not to wear it. More money for the government.
  10. My buddy has a cottage on Rice, him and I where chatting this morning. He said he was watching all the fisherman in front of his cottage with his binoculars catching bass after bass. What's the matter with people???
  11. What a fat fat walleye. Very nice!
  12. Comment to the post above about the CTC 12 year old bbq....they don't make them like they used to..even the cheapies. At the end of the day every company is off shoring some sort of their building process....now a day's you have to look at how much of it is made in Canada and how much control does the Canadian division have. Napoleon is one of the top of the line bbq's and 90% of the time (I have been fooled) you get what you pay for. I just bought a Napoleon Prestige I P450 to replace my 6 year old $600 Centro that cooks uneven, is rusted, has warped dial control's, rotted out cast burners and drip tray's.....it's now off to the Garbage. The Frame actually started to rust after 2 years..and I kept it covered..anyway. I do like the "Big Green Egg" thought...where was that when I was researching bbq's........
  13. Your boat is going to look sweeet! Congrats.....i wish I worked there.....
  14. Man I am not sure that is nice...looks like a government building......
  15. Great Looking boat.....
  16. Sometimes depending on the outboard make the hose gets pinched when putting the cowling back on....I've done it and sweated trying to figure out why it's not spitting water.
  17. I agree with your comments. We need lower limits and higher fines. We are demolishing our great Fishery and Land.
  18. Sweet VID !!
  19. A Toyota Corolla should also be considered for sure...I had two and sold both around 215,000 and they ran perfect. I have a 98 4Runner with 329,000 and it runs like a top. Don't believe the media hype...Toyota is quality.
  20. Beauty Fish. Congrats!!
  21. Hey all, no this is not about fishing and I don't post much that's not fishing but I am a little miffed about this one. I have a Centro (Crappy tire brand) BBQ that is made to run on Natural Gas. I have just moved and now looking to convert it to propane. I am being told this is not possible and that the actual controls are different and so on so it can't be done. Has anyone ever heard of this? I was under the assumption it can be done as we did it to my parents a few years ago. Does the newer ones maybe not have the ability? It's about 6 years old now......... Any help would be greatly appreciated with the warm weather it sucks having no que!!
  22. I am moving to the country (10 acres) and the increase in Coyote's is concering me. Is there anything you can do to to prevent attracking them? Knock on wood I haven't seen one yet and there haven't really been any issues or concerns and i did see some rabbits last weekend. I haven't checked the regs and should but might as well ask...are they hunable? I figure that may deter them a bit....
  23. Don't get stressed! Like some others mentioned maybe look to a new Trade and don't think about what you have done and all the hours you spent doing it...think of it as a base to get you further in your new career. I have worked for the same company for 11 years (IT) I have debt and a family...but I tell ya I am very very seriously thinking about changing careers and retooling..only prb is I should have don it when I was 23. Your only 23 RELAX...but don't wait!!!
  24. Here is one nice smallies I caught on Simcoe....6Lbs 2 oz....and a 5 1/2 pound largie.
  25. Oh and if you "bush ride" like I do and get into some hairy spots......it has electric start.....no kicking involved..aaahhhhh
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