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Everything posted by Flappn

  1. I'll pay for a nice ramp anyday over a decrepid unmaintaineded one. Ever lost an axle? 10-15 is the average.......40 is excessive.
  2. Ovechkin is by far a much better all around complete palyer. Crosby's attitude sucks, he's a cry baby and definately does not deserve the C. I 2nd Ovechkin=Man Crosby= boy
  3. I 2nd the above notion. I have debated on saying this for a very long time but here we go. We fish a local lagoon on Simcoe annually in the spring targeting perch but you end up getting into Crappie, Bluegill and Perch. This area continues to get hammered day in and day out (7 days a week) with everything being kept and not discrimination to size or fish type....pails full of them. As I throw back a chunky Bluegill I get asked if by someone if they can have it.....I tell them to catch their own. I really truly do not believe...and I could be wrong that Simcoe or any other lake can with stand this kind of pressure for much longer. It is unreal and in my eyes excessive. I enjoy fishing for panfish in the spring and if in the future the population declines because if this exercise I can tell you I will not be impressed....that is a guarantee.
  4. I have a friend who owned a Tacoma that got recalled...Toyota took care of him, they gave him a great buy back on the truck..way more than it was worth. Was it inconvenient yes, but I am not sure if any other manufacturer would have done the same.
  5. That is a real beauty. Enjoy and Congrats!!
  6. Thx Cast-Away pm has been sent.
  7. Here's a few
  8. It's definately not a pully system. I will try what you recommended before purchasing a new cable. Thanx for the info.
  9. I have to change the steering cable in my boat. It has become stiff and noisy. Has anyone replaced this before? Was it alot of work? Any hints or tips to offer? Thanx in advance.
  10. Here's a way to get unstuck....if your stuck How to get unstuck
  11. Very well said. I plan on giving the little rug rat a big hug and kiss tonight.
  12. Guilty. I spend a LOT of time on this site.
  13. I agree buy a stick shift and this conversation is over. I have a stick 4 runner and it pulls nice.
  14. Surprised to see a 4 runner on a lift..must be in for an oil change Beauty shop and a great Team. Good job!
  15. There's no excuse for going pier fishing without a net. Understandable you may forget it, however I believe many take advantage. My net stay's by my side.
  16. Welcome, there is no board like this one....enjoy!
  17. What a gorgeous Machine. Congrats!
  18. Depression and or suicidal tendencies are side effects of Champex FOR SOME. I did find I was depressed....but I wasn't suicidal.
  19. You get what you pay for. Yes Lund may charge more but nothng fits like a factory cover....especially if you plan on using it while trailering.
  20. I've been smoke free Since Junly 26th 2008 after taking Champex. Dreams were wild and the cravings still exisited it just helped deal with them. Still found it very difficult to quite but I did it and I will never go back again. I still love the smell though...man o man
  21. I have to be honest I have never heard of the "Biosonix unit".....wow I'm amazed. Skeet throws in a shout to Biosonix. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/descpage-BXSFA.html
  22. I agree alot of her co-workers must not like her.
  23. I agree with some others, take a lesson. Even one will be a huge help. After that lesson you will be able to have a full day of FUN skiiing.
  24. Honestly I am not a light guy and can eat with the best of them but that was disgusting.
  25. [post=Plan aimed at reviving Lake Simcoe ]Plan aimed at reviving Lake Simcoe[/post]
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