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Everything posted by Flappn

  1. I went through this same dilemma last spring...looked at 125 2 strokes and 250 4 strokes and ended up buying the Yamaha TTR 230 4 Stroke with a TNT Big Gun exhaust (from California) and I love the bike. I'm a hefty 225 pounds and I am completely happy with the bike. The Exhaust gave it the little more I wanted (sounds nicer too) and raised the suspension a bit. The 250 4 Stroke requires all the racing/track Maintenance I did not want to deal with. I wanted to jump on and go for many many years and that is what the TTR 230 provides. I have friends now looking at the same bike or the Honda CRF 230. I have a friend with the CRF 230 and he loves it equally...although I believe it is a little heavier....YAMAHA all the way!!!
  2. I used the boat on many large lakes and on a few occaisons was stuck out in bad weather and yes I was not scared. Trying to help here....
  3. I did buy mine from the 400 dealer but that was about 2002 time frame at their old location and it seemed ok at the time..like I said they repaired rivets no questions asked but I have heard in the recent years to avoid the place like the Plague....
  4. I had a 150 Pro Sport widebody. I loved it....I had a 25HP Merc Four stroke on it and it went well....28-30MPH depending on the # people. I did a lot to it. I put a casting deck on it, trolling motor, carpet seats and so on. It served me very well. I actually had a rivet leak (my fault...don't try to break through ICE with it) and it was fixed no questions asked. Don't go with anything less than a 25. I used to take it on Nippissing and Simcoe a lot and not once was I scared....the Widebody is the way to go.....with Legend boats
  5. Love my Maui Jim's but the lenses don't seem to be that durable! I wish H2Optics still made sun glasses!!
  6. I quite two years ago on Champix. Keep it up.
  7. It's funny I have often wondered if Smoking does effect fishing and I'm not braging by any means but I have been off the butts for almost 2 years and I have not noticed a difference at all in my catch success rate. I still miss the sexy little nic stix every day........................
  8. Agreed. What a mess!!
  9. What a beauty! Congrats.
  10. I would agree that pike prb survived.....feisty tough little buggers.
  11. Very nice work! Good job.
  12. What A beauty!
  13. Id rather not comment further, I believe the statement speaks for it's self.
  14. You better hope that a big group doesn't ask for your weekend because they WILL bump you out no questions asked.
  15. Flappn

    Rice Lake

    Guys can you tell me when Ice Fishing was opened up to Rice Lake or is it restricted to only the bay/town at Bewdley. Is there a place I could find out more information? ie...MNR or any other Data please.
  16. I used to be a huge Kiss fan and will still listen to the odd song but it is very apparent that Gene is after one thing $$$$ and he doesn't need anymore. These tours are not for the fans...they are to pad their pockets.
  17. Plasma = Panasonic LCD = Sharp Plasma - basement with limited windows or room with VERY limited light - Better picture hands down. GLARE is the most frustrating thing to deal with when dropping 1500-3K on a TV. LCD - Rooms with light, natural or not - an awesome TV as well...who's kidding who. I bought a Sharp 52" LCD. I love the TV. I did a lot of research and I'm technically in the industry as well. I went with LCD as my Basement has two full size windows....was not going to deal with Glare. Plasma offers true color - you can tell when it comes to Blacks and Flesh tones. You decide..all I can say is the two manufacturers above are the only two that manufacture their own panels.
  18. I would buy your stuff from HD. I have a lowes close by and price wise HD and Lowes are very very close. Your not going to save anything significant. Get started on your project....time = money.
  19. What a gorgeous piece of machinery....wow
  20. I hate painting...I would rather pull out my finger nails....
  21. I've said it once and I will say it again......Ling are one ugly fish.
  22. Wow man I'm jealous. Those are some sweet footballs. Good job!
  23. That guy can be my net man any day...
  24. Beauty Walter! Congrats! Out my front door...I wont get started.
  25. If you have a wife or a friend go Dual. If you don't you will regret it. We live in Canada not the Carolina's.
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