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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. STEVE'S BACK, STEVE'S BACK OK, where is he????? We need a post, with pictures, with bodily damage, or maybe its too early for that, not cold enough for slippery conditions on stairs and docks. But, its still early,
  2. Ya know Chris, I was thinking along the same lines, just could not come up with anything, lol. Oh, and btw, congrats Joey.
  3. Lessee, I own a 12 ft. Eatons aluminum boat. My buds mother worked at eatons her entire life, and does not remember eatons selling them, lol. Then there is my springbok canoe, it's bottom is rippled between the ribs now from use and abuse, but still going strong, and I remember that thing from 40 yrs. ago fishing in it with my dad. Aluminum boats can last a very long time if not damaged to severely.
  4. Check out the contest area about TJQ's christmas tree contest Mepps.
  5. My score might have been higher if I landed just one of them darned gators, lol.
  6. LOL!!!!!! Reached level 5, 2645 total points, thanks Chris. That's fun.
  7. I, like Ron, see what Ron has pictured. When I hit reload, I see the entire header until the page completes loading, then it is back to what Ron has pictured. If I switch to 1280 x 1024, I can see the entire header, but the text is too small for my old eyes, even on a 19" monitor.
  8. dsn, there was a link to more pictures of that deer at the bottom of the article. Not what we pictured in our minds though. Small appendages at best, not full grown legs.
  9. Hi Glen, sorry to hear about your dad, and your pup. I have been out of sorts for over a week myslelf(chest cold, and probably a touch of the flu). Don't remember much since last saturday. Probably was in chat, but don't remember. Glad your dad is doing ok. My dad had quad bypass also way back in 1995, and he got through it fine. Recovered well within a year, and was back out walking a few kilometers within 2 yrs. Hope your dad does also, and hope the pup recovers as well.
  10. We do have ice up here in northwestern ontario, but it is not really too thick. Some places, guys are even driving vehicles(trucks) on it. NOT ME!!!!!!!! Wont even trust it for my quad right now really. Walking out, OK. But, I probably won't get out until after christmas, hope the bite is still on, but the moon phase does not hold and promise of that, lol.
  11. I know the video you mean Cory, but yes, the site is not there, been trying to access it for 20 minutes to provide the link. And, I do prefer the 5 fillet version of filleting a pike. A little bit of wastage of meat, but not much. The one brifshrgy posted may save a bit more flesh. Not much, but every bit helps.
  12. You're right douG, the Toshibas and Sonys are highly rated, but Sony is too overpriced in my opinion. And Toshibas are not too out of range, bought 3 of them for 999.99 each. To add to this, we actually do own one other brand, a Lenovo(Thinkpad knockoff) bought in september to replace an old sony(not my choice) and it has issues. Hasn't failed yet, but interfacing issues with projectors is its main problem. Stand alone, it may be OK. OH, forgot, it has a battery issue also, and a prof who bought one also has the same issue. It won't hold a charge.
  13. Great Roy, now you can put your baits on "the rack". That'll learn 'em. I see you are a pack rat like me, lol.
  14. Only reason I would not go the Dell route is because of the store right beside my office. Something screws up, its in and out, usually in less than 2 days, since they have all the parts in stock. With Dell, you have a great warranty, but you have to bring it in and wait. Not a bad thing, but as with every manufacturer, sometimes the wait can be long. My sister and best bud went through it with Dell, fully covered, but had a down time of almost 2 weeks waiting for parts. The local warranty depot does not stock the parts. But the same can be said for most manufacturers.
  15. Did you get that Mhz right? Mine is a 750 Mhz pc, and is almost 6 yrs. old, and needs to be upgraded soon.
  16. I agree also, if you have a store like that. I am lucky, my workplace has a computer store right beside my office. I can tailor everything to my liking, and while I am working.
  17. I don't have any, pictures that is.
  18. The manufacturers have runner kits for them made out of UHMW plastic for just that reason. Don't know if CTC could order it for you Mike, you might have to order it from their website, or another store. I do know the kits are available for the clams. I built a small sled from an old fish tub, and used a kids plastic shovel from CTC as the front end, and put snowmobile sliders on the bottom for tracking because it was completely flat.
  19. I seem to remember taking a shot at you about a year ago on that very subject, lol.
  20. Raf, I could use that thing to shovel my stairs if I filed the lip flat.
  21. Only plows I know are on the front of pickup trucks and municipal vehicles, lol. I'm sure someone will be of help.
  22. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06337/743058-358.stm
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