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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. Great stuff Dan, I also remember all those pictures.
  2. Yup, canoe tipping over, but with our assistance Hunting for ducks. We were paddling out to pick up the spread, me in the back, bud in the front. We near the spread, and he says ducks coming in from the bow end. We stop, ducks are flaring, then they break right(our right, we are both right handed). So, I flip the shotgun around to my left shoulder and fire. Down goes a duck. My bud turns and asks, "how'd you hit that duck. Told him how. Sooooo, we paddle toward the downed duck, and he says 4 more coming in. Straight at us, flaring, break right again(our right, shouldn't have told him how it hit that previous duck) B-BANG, 2 shotgun blasts left handed(bud tried it also, lol) GLUB, GLUB, GLUB, yup, we both shot at the same time off-handed and ended up flipping the canoe, with chest waders on, all gear in soft packs and such, deep in the wild rice in about 5 ft. of water with loon(you know what) bottom. Amazingly, we kept our cool, we both managed to hold onto our shotguns, flipped the canoe back over displacing as much water as possible, I crawled back in over the stern while ridding my waders of water, my bud did the same over the bow with me staying flat on the bottom of the canoe. The paddles were feet away, since we were in the rice and they could not go anywhere. We retrieved our decoys, and the duck I shot(we don't know if we hit the others coming in) and paddled like hell for 2 kms back to the landing. Loaded everything up, and off to town we went, with our shirts off and the heater on high. People were kinda wondering about us riding around in an old Dodge Fargo without shirts, on a cool September 30th when we were stopped at red lights Amazingly, a couple of buds of ours were within 300 yds. of where we flipped our canoe the very next weekend, and did the exact same thing, but for some reason could not get back into their canoe. But they were in a more clear area, and with waving their paddles in the air, a couple of american fishermen saw them from over a mile away while perch fishing, and came to their rescue. Scary stuff really, thinking back about it. I don't hunt ducks any more, but not for that reason.
  3. Just realized, would be a good thing to remember the members business directory under the main home page. A member, Wendel, who has helped out many here could probably help you with this. PM him. May have to spend a few bucks, but I bet your pc will be back up to snuff quite fast.
  4. Can't remember 2000 for sure, been a long time since I had that operating system, but: Click on start, programs, accessories, systems tools, restore. Select a date recently before the virus took over. Worked for me a couple of months ago.
  5. Nice mount Sandy, and Dax looks good also. I believe it to be a replica myself, and from a fish you caught in the St. Lawrence when you and Adam went fishing with Marc Thorpe back in the summer.
  6. CHROMAPALOOZA!!!!!!!! Oh god, that means more of these posts, doesn't it. Darn, yer gonna kill me until next spring. And thats if we have any water run off to speak of to fish for them.
  7. That ride is sweet, was looking at one in the parking lot of my workplace, and being a former "off-roader" of a local 4x4 club, I was quite impressed at the approach angle of that vehicle. And, approach angles are very important. Wish my old 1990 GMC had that. I won't buy one for myself, I need a pickup with a box for what I do, but if I didn't, I would buy that vehicle for sure.
  8. Yes, happy holidays, and a very merry christmas to you, Dianne, and Sheri. Darn, it seems wierd to me that I feel like I know you and your family, but have never, ever met you or them. What a place ONFC is, that can make someone feel like you are lifelong friends, but have never met.
  9. Great pic PF, here's to you and yours for a great christmas. Take care now.
  10. Yeah, big problem, lol, having to use the hand augers. Well, didn't have to, just that we went out with minimal gear, for a short time. And we knew the ice was not that thick. No room for the gas powered auger head box and drill without using my 8 ft. sleigh, but it would not fit with my quad on the back of my truck, my buds smaller sleigh would. We managed to slide it sideways up front of the quad in the back of my pickup, with the rest of the gear beside the quad, and under it, lol.
  11. Heya Chris, have a great holiday season, and spoil yer kids rotten, lol.
  12. tjsa

    Mnr Regs

    I don't know about perch specifically Kerry, I haven't looked at the regs. that close to know. There may not be a closed season for them where you are, I don't think there is a closed season for them where I am actually, but I am not going fishing today regardless. We all have to consult the regulations to be sure of open seasons for any specific day. Perch are a very prolific fish, and need regs in place like any other, but I don't think there is a serious fear of them being fished out, as long as catch and possession limits are in place for them, and are followed by us fishermen.
  13. tjsa

    Mnr Regs

    As was explained to me by my bud, a CO, they put that in the regs. so that when, or if, they have to modify any regulations or seasons, they can actually get it passed. If there was not a closed season for any fish, regardless of species, it would be a tough haul to amend the regulations, to get them passed through the provincial parliament hearings. So, with a one day closed season, if they have to modify the regs., its easier to get through, since there is a (albeit, a one day closure)closed season already in the regulations. If there was not that closed season, it would take the MNR a couple of years or more to get new regs passed. I may be a bit off base here about it, but thats what I remember.
  14. thanks crappiesteve and Beans, and I know you are hurting Terry.
  15. Great retrospective on your year Terry, heres to more of them. Have a great season and holidays bud.
  16. I do indeed live in Ontario, but up in the great white north of Ontario.
  17. Clampet, until I joined this site, I had never, ever, heard of using a sapling referred to as a Gad. Its just a young willow branch to me, supple, and reactive, have used them since I was 10, and that is going back some years, lol. We refer to it as the "finnish" method of fishing, since there is a quite large Finnish population up here. My bud is a "finook", finnish/ukranian mix. Another bud is the same, but reversed. I am just a run of the mill wasp with british heritage, lol.
  18. Thanks MrEh..........I think, lol Yes Campet, I believe this is the 2nd actual ice fishing report, someone had one 2 weeks ago from somewhere down south, but that ice is probably gone now. FinS, I charged up the rechargable batteries last night, and had a full set ready to go just in case. Mo, I am not completely recovered, it is a virus that will just not let go, lots of people up here that I know have it, it hits everyone differently, but I had to get out of the house and do something, and this was a perfect opportunity. Geez, hand bombing holes through the ice is hard now(god, I am getting old, lol), haven't really done it in years. And the blades on my auger are not honed perfectly any more, lol. Have one of those manual hand held sharpeners, but they are definately no replacement for proper honing. Good thing there was only 9 inches of ice. Our hand augers are old school technology compared to some available today, both of them are probably 30 yrs. old. I know I have owned my folding 8" since grade 11, or 1976(it has 7" blades on it right now), my buds is a slightly newer vintage. Mike the Pike, I am up in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Lots of the lakes up here are frozen over, but some of the larger, deeper lake trout lakes are still forming ice. They have ice, but have big open areas on them. The lake I was fishing was actually a border lake with the US, but its mean depth is only 10 ft. at best, and I do not know of any depth deeper in this lake. And with the low water levels this year, we were fishing in at most 7 ft. of water.
  19. The hunt did not go well this year Mike, no moose for us, and I just could not get out much either. My buds BLR did the trick though(I own a remington 7400, semi-auto) on one deer, his dad got one with his old remingon 720, which I had to dress out, lol, both of them had knee surgery within a month of each other, and I was the only one who could actually kneel down. I think that is why they called me 4 times that week to make sure I was going to be able to go, lol. No worries, I got some deer meat in the freezer for my dressing out skills, and for my buds other deer that we butchered ourselves. I did the roasts and rounds, my bud did the tenderloin, and my buds dad did the rest for sausage. We don't have really big deer up here, but they sure are tasty.
  20. You're a good elf Roy, keep up the good work, and teke care. Have a great christmas holiday.
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