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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. Sorry dsn, not to be cheeky, but I have 3 reports here now, here is the latest. Nice lakers there by the way. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...amp;#entry20146
  2. Gerritt, I don't have to blur out the pics, almost no one goes where my bud and I go, but this lake had been fished by at least 2 parties late december sometime, their sticks were still to be seen, but no evidence of any recent tracks in since the last couple of small snowfalls.
  3. The usual for me, up at 4:15, on the road at 6, got home at 5:30, Went to a stocked rainbow lake, they put 500 yearlings in a few up here in 2005. With the help of the gps and map, we found it. Slowly and carefully, made our way down the 150 ft. slope to the lake, and set up shop near a point. Not a big lake, no minnows in it, strictly crustaceons and shrimp. Got in and all set by 9:15, first bite by 9:40, but even after taking 20 ft. of line, it was gone. About 15 min. later, another hit on a set line(we were using worms), and the first fish. Didn't fight much coming up, but when it got near the hole, all heck broke loose, and after a few runs, outta the hole it came. First ever rainbow ice fishing for us. The jigging rod(which did not catch the fish, my bud just put the lure and the rod in for scale) is between 24-30 inches long. Jigged for a while, nothing, my bud tried that lure in the fish's yap, something called a Chunky something, supposed to be a great lure in perch colour for walleye, and there are 4 sizes. Also supposed to be deadly for lakers in the 9 cm size, and the action is great with them, dart all over the place. I tried a Williams something or other, and also a white tube, but nada. 1 hr. later, another hit on a set line, different hole, spool spinning like crazy, Action shot. Outta the hole Eggs spewing everywhere The two fish together Mmmmm, spawn Then, a lull, cut some wood, chopped some wood, built the fire, roasted the deer sausages, and smokies, changed lines to other holes, conversation. Around 11:30, my buds line goes down, fast. The fight is on. Coming up the hole Getting a grip on her His three, all together And, that was about it, my bud had a hard hit on his jig sometime after, but the wind came up, and the fishing seemed to just shut down with a low pressure weather pattern moving in. Even though we have ice, and some snow, the south facing hillsides are pretty bare. Packed up for the trek out, just when it started to lightly snow Whups, ran out of space for pics, To finish, heading out across the lake My bud, with his haul tied onto his auger, slung over his shoulder Halfway up the flippin hill, 3rd rest stop, Looking up the hill at my bud, around 40 yds. ahead of me So, we get back to the truck, and I discover I lost my OFC toque. Dropped everything and let my bud pack it up, walked back through the cut, down the flippin hill(much easier), back onto the lake, and I had dropped it 100 yds. from where we were fishing, but I couldn't leave it behind. Only took me 17 minutes to go back down and back up to the truck to retreive it, and I climbed the stupid hill without 4 rest stops this time(a lot easier without a bloody 60 lb. pack on)
  4. It is definately not a steelie, its a coho, the length of the anal fin and spots on the upper tail are a dead giveaway, As for the blackness, the recent lamprey hole just up behind the gills is what probably caused that. At least, it looks like a lamprey hole to me.
  5. LOL, Dan, probably not true for where he was asking, but here in town, they could be still playing winter greens for sure. If we do not get any significant snowfall, and colder weather, some people are probably gonna be fishing for walleye in boats before the season closes for the spawning time.
  6. Thats DustinK's signature line, and have used it in a couple of conversations myself with other people,
  7. YUP, you made it to "guide" status, if thats important to you. I wouldn't worry about that too much though(as if I am one to speak, lol).
  8. WTG Rick, do it, as the saying goes......"git 'er done" and worry about the rest of this stuff later. Have yourself a great new year.
  9. tjsa


    Back at ya Dan, swill a Lucky for me, will ya, and I will do the same for you, lol.
  10. come one, come all
  11. Not at all Wayne, not at all. Would rather be here than other places getting sh** faced, and having to spend money to get home. I am at home, and am getting sh** faced, lol.
  12. I am awake, but its getting tough to stay awake God, I am old,
  13. Ya, OK, it would be worn down to the handle after you got done with it, lol.
  14. Ahh, lakers in the spring, know them well. Nice pics cisco.
  15. Hope everyone is well, and I am presently logged into the chat room, c'mon in whoever is around.
  16. Wrong kind of chisels for your application Glen, but they do look nice Gerritt.
  17. Thanks for that report Moosebunk, great time had by all the family.
  18. Right back at ya tincanner..................er....................nanook..............er....................oh whatever your username is now Jack, have yourself a great new years, will yak with you in chat in the new year soon.
  19. Nice going Phil, thanks for the report. Hope you have more of them in the near future, ice regardless.
  20. Nice retrospective of the past year Dax, thanks for that.
  21. OHHH, MAN.............bites tongue,.............................. hard,
  22. Nice Scott, hope Nan enjoyed the fresh fish.
  23. SURE THEY DO RICH!!!! You have just not found one yet, lol. And as for the picture hanging, can you say BZZOTT!!! lol Cannot comment on inner harbour races at lakair, never been there. Someone please have a video camera there this june, in case I don't make it there for the race, lol.
  24. Cool, fishing in light clothing in late december for pike in open water. How often does that happen. WTG snag.
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