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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. Or, talk to Rick, I just checked my other g-mail account he set me up with 2 yrs ago, and it has the same disk space. And, you can map any of your other e-mail accounts to it, without too much effort.
  2. My workplace Lakehead University switched to Google Mail over 2 yrs. ago after having a really bad experience with our own e-mail server, and everything I decided to keep is still there. And with the Labels, you can label any e-mail in multiple labels for cross-referencing if important to you. You can create a Label for every client you have, and still have those e-mails referenced to another Label. It operates like a database. we have rarely had trouble with it. And, on those occasions when things screw up, we have not lost any previous e-mails, just e-mails that people did not realize were not spam, and decided to delete them without scanning through them first. I think we have over 20,000 e-mail accounts registered with Google Mail, mine says this: "You are currently using 47 MB (0%) of your 6570 MB", and that is after 2 yrs. of use. Of course, disk space for students and employees differ, but you get the picture. You will have to negotiate with Google for the amount of space you require. But, the employees do not often send pictures, only text, or occasionally power-point presentations for sharing with others. Once done with them, just delete them, or save them under a Label is still relevant. You also get Google Chat, Google Calendars, and Google Docs, that you can share with other Google users, or just use them to co-ordinate your own stuff.
  3. Yeah, probably a meth head, those guys feel no pain whatsoever, until the next day.
  4. Lights are off, and somebody is home, And, I am watchin COPS right now, can find the beer, but the smokes..............??????????
  5. I can give it to you twilight, but then, you would probably get all the "questionable" joke e-mails from Dawg that he sends me,
  6. Dan, you can watch COPS without the lights being on, and I know to the centimetre where the case of beer is, even in the dark,
  7. HEY, wait a gall darn minute here, you talkin' bout me or highdrifter??????????? Either way, its probably true, :lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry HD.
  8. You just figgered that out...........................took you long enough, lol.
  9. Ummmmm.............yeah............my boss used to have a full grown Minah bird, had to watch your head in his place, lol. It was the bird's house, not his, lol.
  10. What does fids mean?????????? I ain't a bird person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. HEY...........SPEAK ENGLISH please(just kidding Fidel, (regardless, I cannot read or speak French, do know a couple of swear words though), and what did I miss................again................... Some kinda dust-up on the board happened when I wasn't looking?????????? Oh well. I am probably better off not knowing. Gerritt=soft..............................ummmh, I don't think so.
  12. If it was true that a paddlefish was caught in Lake Helen, a very big widening of Nipigon River, no one has caught one up here, or sampled one in net surveys for many, many years. Just asked my MNR bud about them, he has never heard of one up here, or even rumors/innuendo of someone catching one.
  13. While I only leaf through them when I get them, I do not like that they are discontinuing producing them. Lots of people still do not have internet, or care to have it, or even own computers. I know 8 people personally that do not own one. They just do not need one. But, other than leafing through it when I receive it, I almost exclusively use the website. I occasionally have difficulty finding an item in searches, but it usually does not take me too long to find out which section the item is under.
  14. here are the sigs I have, Challenger Astronauts Ken Money and Marc Garneau, a sticker they signed for me.Met both of them, shook both their hands at the time, then hit them up for the autographs, lol. They were cool about it, since they relied on me to make them look good at the time. And, this one is from way, way back, in my very distant youth, its a hockey stick signed by Bobby Hull, through Sears......and Roebuck, lol It IS his signature, I watched him write it at the time, I think I was 8 yrs. old at the time, I got to shake his hand, the hockey stick is only about 3 ft. long, lol. Darn it all, mom would not let me play with it, she was smart back then, lol. Is this stuff worth anything to anybody????
  15. Yup, this post by Cliff and Bly is going south, fast.
  16. Uhhh Ohhh, I sense a nice post going south, fast.
  17. I really, really hate you two, :whistling: :lol:
  18. I am not quite sure there is gold there, but there is golden colours here. Geraldton Beer Store, so I am told.
  19. btw, I have lost a few good battles with the trees,
  20. Are you sure they don't live in the trees???? Been in them forever up here, Great "burn" btw. And great video Rob. I gotta start videoing stuff, and have bookmarked that site for future reference.
  21. I knew i liked linoleom for some reason! Now I know what reason. I could not walk on that floor, for whatever reason, in whatever footwear.
  22. Cliff...............I sense a pattern here...............and I am not talking about fishing tactics,
  23. Paul, Paul, Paul............over all the years we have been here, it just occured to me,...........I have not ever seen a pic post from you, Way back yonder, in our younger days, Terry put me onto this program. resizing_photos.txt
  24. 45.............is that all??? Oh crap, I cannot remember 45 Something to note: Aries, The Ram March 21 to April 20 Traditional Aries Traits Adventurous and energetic Pioneering and courageous Enthusiastic and confident Dynamic and quick-witted On the dark side... Selfish and quick-tempered Impulsive and impatient Foolhardy and daredevil I am an Aries also, but I do not follow any of the traits above at all, , my b-day is coming up soon, within 2 weeks, but I ain't telling youse guys when exactly it is. Have a good one Wayne, hope you can still blow out all the candles on the cake.
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