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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. :jerry: :jerry: :jerry:
  2. A 9 iron will take care of him,
  3. Haven't seen any reports or pictures yet form Lakair. They will probably trickle in starting tomorrow night.
  4. Was that Elvis you almost killed today????????
  5. Things are probably going just fine with them, as long as they stay away from Greencoachdog's Grandma's secret recipe, lol Hope you and Rocket are keeping in good spirits!!!!!!!!
  6. We up here in Northwestern Ontario are going through the same thing. Highs are basically around 17C, a bit higher on certain days, a bit lower on others. But every day seems to have some rain in it, whatever the probability of precipitation happens to be. And, lots of wind We have still managed to get out, just gotta pick the lakes to fish with the wind conditions predicted(read guessed by the weather gurus). After we received 80mm of rain 2 fridays ago, and lots of washouts including the Trans-Canada highway for 2 days, lots of the bush roads are still in bad shape, and saturated with water. Even if they are graded, a couple of days of people traveling on them has them rutted up again. But, with Superior still something like 8 inches below normal, I say bring on the steady rains to bring it back up to normal levels, and to help our area people with wells to have water this coming winter, instead of having to transport it home from the city water supply stations. I can handle fishing in the rain, and light winds. Done it before many times. Lightning..........I am outta there.
  7. John Gierach said it best: "Creeps and idiots cannot conceal themselves for long on a fishing trip."
  8. Awesome Connie, thanks for sharing.
  9. OH!!!!!!!!!!!...........THATS what those things are for, I bought a small utility trailer for my quad from CTC, and it came with those, but in the trailer documentation, it did not mention their purpose.
  10. Excellent perch, who cares about the pike(trash fish for me up where I fish), nice walleye dinner, thanks for sharing.
  11. Today is the 13th?????????? Didn't realize that, usually I am off fridays, but both part-timers were away, so I had to go in. But, nothing bad happened. I will just take next thursday AND friday off. Ignorance is bliss I guess, :lol:
  12. or reading the bible, looking for loopholes. But I digress, hope all is well with him and all our members in that area.
  13. Well, I sure hope you don't need the use the flare gun every time out, but almost everything else, have at it.
  14. Yup, that about covers it, :lol: :lol: and it doesn't matter, the "honey hole" will be different on any given day in there.
  15. Great report Verminator, and I like the bucket hat. I work at Lakehead University, and I believe I remember seeing you. You would have definately seen me, setting up data projectors and laptops for profs to teach their courses.
  16. I know where you were fishing, I recognize that river and landing.
  17. Not with my GPS or Sonar, but my cell phone, doesn't matter, gotta take of the glasses.
  18. We get 50-200 sightings each summer in our area, lots of the newer developments back onto greenspace(bush). Many times, a lot of calls will come in from a certain area in 2 days, and its probably the same bear just making its way across the back yards of the developments, so one bear can generate 30 calls easily. Our university where I work gets bear warnings a couple of times each summer, and I have personally seen the police chasing them back into the small bushlines ringing the university. The university does not go into lockdown because of them, warnings about them being around are posted via e-mail to all university personnel and students, and broadcast on our plasma screens. Mostly, the only problems the bears have caused has been some small destruction of personal property, bird feeders, fruit trees, etc. The only time the MNR usually gets involved is when the bears get into an area where they do not have an easy exit back into greenspace such as getting into a development where there are high fences or concrete wall barriers. Then people start chasing it to get a good picture, and the animal gets trapped and stressed. Then they tranquilize them, and haul them back out of town. If you see one, just stay away from it. They usually find their way back out of the area. It happens with moose up here also, and of course now, deer. I had one in my back yard a couple of years ago, and the closest bit of bush that it could access was over a kilometer away. It was just taking advantage of the plethora of nice edible shrubs and flowers people had planted in their front yards, then found itself in the middle of the city trying to figure a way out during the morning rush hour.
  19. So thats what you were up to. Well done Cliff.
  20. e-mail sent Cliff, let me know if you got them OK, I will search for others on Sunday. tom
  21. Just like Raf, we use buckets, either old 2-3 gallon paint/drywall ones cleaned out thoroughly, or a wash bucket from CTC like below. http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_...fromSearch=true Tie a rope on both sides of the plastic handle, with about 12 ft. of rope (ends up to be 6 ft. long), put on a stainless quick snap(from CTC ) to hook onto the bow eye, and you are good to go. You can hook it up midships if there is somewhere to hook it to also. We mostly backtroll, but in really windy conditions, even off the bow, with the motor still running, we can pop it in and out of gear to control the boat on a sideways drift. Added bonus, when you are finished fishing, your anchor and line, and a few other small things, can be dumped into the bucket for carrying/transportation.
  22. It doesn't have to be fishing related, my dentist named his "Floss Boss". Also heard of one up here called "Thank The Bank"
  23. tjsa

    G'day Roy

    Ohhhhh...........Buuurrrnnnn................................ On another note, I finally saw one of those motors up close yesterday on a Tracker, it was a 225 or 230 I think, its absolutely nuts how physically big they are. But, I don't own a boat that could handle them anyways, and likely never will.
  24. looked "normal" to you????????? Thats a stretch, lol
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