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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. :lol: you got a puck in the net!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. What Rick said above, call the Humane Society, or local animal control society. The dog is off leash, most places nowadays have rules about proper animal control. Yes, you can protect yourself from harm, or your family from harm, from non controlled animals, but killing your neighbours dog(s) should be a last resort. Force the problem back on your neighbours. I have neighbours on both sides of me who have dogs, they are always in my back yard, off leash, but with their owners paying attention to their whereabouts, and they are also nice dogs, play with them all the time.
  3. pickerel fishing???????????..............looks like WALLEYE fishing to me thanks for the pictures Chris.................and Chris. How old is Muskiestudds ballcap, looks kinda well worn?? It's probably just getting broken in though. And yes, that fish is a Sauger, spots on the tail and dorsal fin are a dead giveaway. Hope you get the opportunity to get back up there in August, and we expect a report, with pictures.
  4. light beer helps, but less intake works much better. I still haven't worked that last part out myself yet though,
  5. I can handle it, I got's a thick skull, and a lily white skin color, I figure I have the advantage.
  6. Problem solved. I had multiple updates of Java and my computer was pointing to an older version and trying to reconcile other versions and updates. Uninstalled all of them, went to the chat room, downloaded Java again, and all is well. So.................I can participate in chat again................is this a good thing or not??????????
  7. Marc has some pretty smoking gams there, a bit of suntanning needed maybe, but those socks and shoes gotta go, don't fit with the rest of the outfit. He should have had the high laced, tasseled footwear on to complete the outfit properly. No comment on Pete's "wardrobe accessory"!!!!!!!!!!!.....................bite's tongue............... HARD. "dwarf suit"???????????? Too bad, I will probably not be able to see those episodes, I don't think I can subscribe to it through my local cable supplier, at least not without doubling my existing cable bill.
  8. Yup, complete shutdown and restart, still no go for the chat room. Yak with you later..............maybe much later!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. AHHH ..................well...............doesn't work in either IE or Mozilla right now, just means I don't have to chat with Dawg.........................is that a good thing........................or not???????? Recent updates with Vista, and my old pc crapping out on me "AGAIN", guess I will just have to work through it. Chat with ya's in a couple of weeks,
  10. Somehow, I expected that answer,
  11. and...............still cannot get into the chat room. Says "reload applet, and try again"!!!!!!!! On my laptop right now, running Vista. Any help????????????
  12. Awesome Glen, lots of great pics in there. But,,,in some other reports...............whats with the tie-died electric blue overalls and jacket you are wearing??? :lol:
  13. Great report, glad you enjoyed your first time there.
  14. tjsa


    Nice report Maureen, and nice pictures Beans, that a good sized pike you landed. Now, just waiting for your musky pictures.
  15. Great report Cliff. As far as that guy in your 4th pic goes, I am sure he tipped the pike, right down his throat,
  16. Welcome back Hillrat. Dare I ask Highdrifter????
  17. Under what username Joey??????????? and where are you currently positioned???
  18. Naw, this isn't really spam, cause other board members participated in this contest last year, asking for our support. I selected one of them to support, that person did not win, but if I remember correctly, another infrequent poster on this board did win the contest.
  19. I remember wearing those kind of waders, haven't owned any for many years now, but I guess they still have their purpose at times. Great report Fidel, and congrats to you and McDoug on a great post with pictures.
  20. Have a great time Cliff, and take lots of pictures please. I kinda have this inkling that Joe intentionally set us up with regards to Rebecca posting about "abandoned spouses" though, :lol:
  21. I only use snelled hooks during summer, trolling for walleyes. I make my own worm harnesses, and make them with 2 hook set-ups. The hook nearest the spinner blades is snelled, the trailing hook is just an improved clinch knot. In my experience, pike don't care whether or not the last hook is snelled or not, they just bite through the line regardless, 2222
  22. Nite Becky, will check in tomorrow to see if you are around. tjsa the "Lily White Hoser", lol
  23. You got that darned right for sure, the spelling comment,
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