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Everything posted by Rich

  1. That's a big muskie in my books! Niiiice!!
  2. WH-OAH! Beasts like that put the body, mind and equipment to the test. They say the body and equipment may survive the experience, but the mind will never be the same. Safe fishing, my friend.
  3. I've been to port dalhousie once. Found it rather too crowded for my liking. I fished the east side, where the current whips along the wall. It took 3oz weights just to get the bait to bottom and from there you had a 2 min drift, had to reel in and drift again. Serious "niagara-like" current. However on the west side looked like an eddy or pool of sorts to the south of the marina. I'd imagine there'd be some pretty good bottom fishing on that side. It was also packed full of people when I was there.
  4. Barrel swivel. It's worth the time and money.
  5. People who float fish caledonia for walleye use large minnows and deal with heavy current mixed in. They use large plastic tube like floats they call "piker floats".. i guess they were originally designed for the situation you describe. Might be something to look into.
  6. Snapping turtle? Cormorant? ... Clean in half it must have been a 5" smallie for a musky to do that..
  7. Head north from TP to woolie's point, they are hitting them in 15 fow, so I've heard. Follow the boats as suggested. Haha If you're shore fishing, best of luck. I fished Dover last night off the pier for 2 hrs and had trouble catching a goby. Haha
  8. Yeah, just tie it to a tree. Nobody will pay any mind. I'd keep it within viewing distance though. Haha
  9. People don't understand this and never will. They see you have a name tag on, that means you know all/see all in that store. Because not only do people in retail have to take people's abuse and stupidity, they are also required to be full geniuses and work every dept in the store for that 10/hr.
  10. There' nothing wrong with weighing, measuring, or just photo'ing fish. My pet peeve is the people lying about it after. To say "theres no point in weighing fish" etc is a completely personal opinion. I know my PB largemouth by weight, cuz guess what I bet it was the same length as a few I caught that were 2-3lbs smaller. It's up to the angler how they remember their catch... It's more so up to them how they show it off.
  11. All of those species will likely be shallower and easier to catch. You probably wont do the summer thing again.
  12. Love their monster rib worms
  13. Awesome. When my inflatable bites the dust, im switching to one of those. After car topping a canoe for 6 years ill say, it is NOT the same.
  14. I inquired on the site about pricing, no reply. What does one of these run for??
  15. Surprised about the display model Bull. At my local CT I purposely wait to buy the display models of reels .. they give it "last sale" price with light negotiation. Looks like you have a poorly managed local store.
  16. YUP Though, on some days, I've seen those shallow lock jawed pricks hit a scum frog..... And bite it off.
  17. Same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago with a decent baitcast combo. Except it was my stupidity. I left the lure dangling near the trolling motor prop and the TM decided to whip it into the water. You're right you have about 30 seconds to react or its GONZO! I've now attached screw eyes to the bottom of my rod handles and clip them on a metal stringer in the boat just in case.
  18. Typically from what I see people who run bass boats are people with a lack of fishing ability that just want the glory of looking professional. "Professional bass fishing" .. really that sounds funny. However there are the actual tournament guys. The guys that bought their bass boat and every piece of equipment surrounding it for a specific purpose to do with bass fishing. These guys are conservationists. These guys follow rules. These guys take care of the waters and respect other anglers. And these guys DON'T throw back floaters.
  19. What are ya gonna do when you find out it was sasquatch all along?! Lol
  20. Lol, sorry I stay away from GTA like its the plague, but if I lived there I'd be all over the harbourfront. I have walked the shore in hamilton harbour and connected with smallies, T.O should be no problem. I hear the mouths of creeks and rivers are good in the summer, makes sense if there is fresh inflow it will attract bait.
  21. Nice! I also graduated to a kayak paddle quickly after doing the flipper thing for over 3 hrs, haha, it gets tiresome. I think you'll be enjoying that thing for a lot of years.
  22. My dad used to live on a farm as a kid and would walk to the crick everyday down the road and bring home a limit of fresh brook trout. My Grandpa waited , and ate his fresh fish , for six years before he broke it to my dad that they were creek chubs. Lol
  23. Came a few weeks ago. Posted on OFC before heading out on a couple week long summer conquest for a decent SW Ontario pike... and what can I say? All the great information folks here were kind enough to share mixed with a little real life curveballs, all paid off on day 3. After only catching bass (albeit some real big ones) for the first few days, I was skeptical of the ponds we were fishing. But something went right that day. A small hammer handle followed my senko in when I was taking a "bass break" (pike baits hurt the arms after a while) , quickly I reached for the closest pike lure I had tied on which happened to be a Musky Buck (firetiger) .. cast to where the hammer handle followed and KABOOM! Went the splash and I began to repeat "big fish, big fish" as she started to run. It took 100% dedication to the fight to keep her hooked after that. I usually horse and lose all the big pike I hook on bucktails, so I forced myself to baby it and just keep pressure until the fish was exhausted. Sure enough, quite the epic battle for a summer fish, and soon she was in the net. This is the biggest I've caught in SW ON during the summer months. It may even be the biggest I've hooked. From a pond nonetheless. It was an experience I put right up with my first topwater musky or catching a trophy through ice. I don't know why but summer pike are such a challenge for me. I'm hooked now though! I know this may not seem like a big deal to a lot of people who are located near better pike fishing. But down here, to catch a hammer handle or two in a day on these ponds is a really good day.
  24. Man, amazing job on the boat! (And a great report of course)
  25. Congrats guys looks like a great time but you guys seem to have a great time no matter where you go.
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