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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Hey guys, where is the best place to get some fishing grade TNT?
  2. Don't waste your time going to dunnville, thats for sure. The channel cat run is seasonal. April - July on a good season. Into August now, I highly doubt you'd find anything but bullheads. They will run the humber in the spring, and every other dirty/shallow trib around.
  3. You do realize we're talking swivels, NOT snap-swivels, right? A swivel would not hurt action of anything, obviously, and will save you line twist. And I'm not an idiot so I don't reel the swivel into my rod tip. That's like saying don't use a musky leader for fear of rod damage. Lol
  4. 30 second vid and 1.5 seconds of it was a pike in a net. How would you have a clue how big it is?
  5. Whether or not it should count in the books, that's still a massive brown!
  6. Hey when you work retail days off are never the same, any day can be my 'Monday'! Lol
  7. I used a lighter sinker because the heavier ones were constantly snagged up. With the lighter one and a slow drift it just slowly swam the bait an inch off the bottom and really whacked a lotta fish.. that was my reasoning in that particular situation. I also found when fishing current (ie the grand for smallies) a heavier sinker was also counter productive as it snagged up constantly instead of bouncing over obstacles properly. I guess it heavily depends on where you're fishing and what for.
  8. Ahh, okay I understand now. I never thought to factor in rough water, something I dont deal with often. Im sure if I were fishing Erie smallies or something along those lines I'd appreciate the heavier weight.
  9. Welcome aboard! No, I don't have a case of the Mondays.
  10. I use 6lb and it sinks down just fine. I mean, if I'm dropshotting I'm obviously not after big fish anyway..
  11. Depends if you're saying it with a Quebexican accent
  12. People are saying use 1/2 oz weights? Why?? I get by with a 1/8th just fine in up to 30fow..
  13. Welcome to the forum. Perhaps you could give us more of an introduction. For instance what areas of hamilton harbour have you tried, what type of fishing rod and equipment do you have, and what have you tried, what have you caught, and what would you like to catch? That oughta get the ball rolling a lot better for ya. Hope that helps.. again, welcome to the community!
  14. I tinkered with the dropshot a lot at the fishathon. It seemed to catch fish every which way. But I had 3 styles of sinkers that I used. I had some of the thin pencil weights for dropshotting, the ball dropshot weights, and clamp on water gremlin split shots. I found the pencil weights hung up a lot. There is a lot of branches and trees down there and it shot my hook into them like a bullet. It was the other two styles I had a dilemma with. There was the round dropshot weights, with the advantage of being able to just slip the line into and not tie a knot. But really, that was the only advantage. I found by the end of the day I was finding it easier to simply tie a half-hitch at the bottom of the dropshot and attack some removeable split shots. The bait sunk the same, worked the same, and was just as 'snagless' as the real dropshot weight. Just wondering how everyone else feels about it. I know we have dedicated dropshotters here. Interested to know if you feel the dropshot weights are important, and why? I'm currently at the point I'd rather save a few bucks and use split shots if it works exactly the same..
  15. I spend 80% of my season on 'lakes' like you describe! There'll be fish.
  16. I feel this was not purposely left to waste as ch312 suggested. It only makes sense that it was hanging to bleed out . Looks like they used a cheap "rope" and it probably couldn't support the weight of the turtle. Inexperienced turtlers, not poachers.. not malicious ones anyway.. thats my theory but I guess its all theory unless someone saw it happen.
  17. I wish there was an explanation of this plan. #1 thing they could do to bring water levels back is stop Nestle from draining all the aquifers that feed the great lakes, bottling it and selling it to clueless north americans!!
  18. Nothin wrong with a stringer of those. Perfect eaters!
  19. A decent pike, bass and channel cat bait. (Creek chub)
  20. You guys have the most incredible event I visit every year. The sponsors involved donating copious amounts of prizes are unmatched by any charity event I've seen. I believe Ryan said the same thing at the awards ceremonies. I've watched this thing snowball into just a heartwarming and amazing thing. I can't thank the Fish-A-Thon crew and their sponsors enough, as well as all the pledge getters and volunteers. Wow. Everyone, make the time to come out next year.
  21. Yep. It is correct still. I like ringing the bell though.
  22. Bah, go for the gold. Teach fly casting first and the rest will come easy Jk! I'd go 20 dollar cheapo, if the kid doesnt like it you didnt waste much, and if he does, he will want to buy a better one in about 3 years !
  23. I love your splitting hairs arguments in desperate effort to feel superior to people you dont know or ever will.
  24. Well there are piers from the dam to the lake so pretty sure I answered that question.
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