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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. VEry nice Mike, but I gotta tell ya, I'm a little hurt that you were in my neigborhood and ya didn't even call Enjoy the new motor! Maureen
  2. Hey Lew, GREAT News!!! Glad to hear everything went so well, I hope Sherry is doing just as well as Diane! Enjoy your vacation Maureen
  3. Lakair at the west arm of Lake Nippissing www.lakair.com Maureen
  4. Way to go guys!!!! Congrats and I look forward to hearing more reports like this Maureen
  5. That's GREAT!! Congrqtulations!!! He sure is a big boy though....cudo's to the Mrs Maureen
  6. Very nice!!! Congrats! maureen
  7. I'll second what Cudz has to say about Orr lake. My friends son had done well there for Bass. The only thing I know about a free launch there is where the boys put in, but they use a little 12 or so tinny and lift it in themselves off the back of the truck...don't know about using a trailer. The place I'm talking about it on North Orr lake road off 93, but Cudz might be able to help you more, and there may be a better place closer to the Elmvale side of the lake Good luck Maureen
  8. Terry, I had thought about doing something like that, but didn't think a bow mount would work at the back of the boat. If it's doable that's the way I'd prefer to go....the bow mount is half the price Maureen
  9. Glen beat me to it, there's no way I can afford that, but it looks about the perfect solution I saw a transom mount 55lb thrust with a foot pedal for 384...where else can I look other than Bass pro? I prefer a store over online shopping. Maureen
  10. Not sure I have to remove the windshield, I figure if I got one with a long shaft and long cables I could do it no? I guess the deployment might be difficult though now that you mention it. Does anyone know why transom mounts don't commonly come with foot pedal? Maureen
  11. Hey all, I want to get a trolling motor for my boat, and thought my only option was a transom mount. It has been suggested that I could actually put a bow mount on my boat. The thing I like about the bow mount is that they have foot controls. I have only found one transom mount with the foot control and it was pretty much double the cost Why don't more have the foot pedals? The main use for the motor will be to control the direction while drifting and to stay in basically the same area without havint to constantly start up the big motor and move.... I'm not one for trolling much. Also, if I can and do get a bow mount are they easy to remove when fishing is done for the day? The boat is docked at Beans and I don't know that I'd want to leave it on the boat there..or even in my driveway. I thought I had a picture of the font of my boat but I was wrong Thanks Maureen
  12. Thanks Cliff!!! we'll talk later in the week. The earliest I can pick it up will be Thursday, unless I get an overtime shift....otherwise it'll be Friday....unless of course Beans wants to pick it up so he can have a boat to play in Maureen
  13. At 35' it's shorter than a TTC bus, they are 40' just for general info....personally, I think it's ugly, but most people think I'm a little odd anyway maureen
  14. Thanks Cliff, not sure about the oil mix, thought it was 50:1...according to the bottle anyway...I dunno, I do know it wasn't 50:50 Trying to remember, I think it was 12 litres of gas and 250ml of oil that was put in it, or there abouts but I honestly can't remember ...planning on getting a jerry can to mix it in...easier math that way I do have a question though, should the oil mix have come out of that seam or does that also indicate a problem with the gasket? Maureen
  15. Well, I went to Bean's place this morning to finish installing the fish finder and put the boat in the water....finally. Arrived a little after 8, said my heloo's, had a cup of coffee and right to work. Installed the fish finder on the dash, installed the speed and temp. sensors (not sure the speed one is in the right place but that's the least of my worries) ran all the wires in the boat. The leads for the batter were too small for my battery and the wire too short to run from the batter to the connector. Beans pulled out his little battery to put in the boat until I can get one of my own. He found two brass bolts with nuts and I put them through the leads, secured them and everything worked We tidied everything up, Beans hooked up his trailer to his car and off we were to pull out the Tin of Beans and put in the SS MOTV8TR Thanks to DEG's tutalage at Lakair I had no trouble backing the trailer down the ramp...A BIG THANKS Don Beans getting ready Checking out the fish finder Ok, so now the boats in the water, it's time for Beans to learn how to start it, two tries, second with the choke, and she fires right up, she stalled out but we were able to start it up again and this time we let it warm up for a minute, turn down the idle and all is well. I untie the boat, tell Beans to back her up, and as he puts it into gear she stalls again . We tried a few times to start it up again to no avail. Paddle back to the dock, let it sit a few minutes thinking it's flooded. She wouldn't start again. As we couldn't tie up the dock incase someone showed up, we paddled over to Bean's dock, took the cover off the motor, and tried starting again..all this time it looked like gas was leaking into the water....nope, not gas. We figured it was the spark plugs so I covered up the boat and into town we went and picked up 4 new ones (two spares) came back, got them changed and she fired up right away stalled out again though Lifted the motor up as this time we new something was in fact leaking into the water....arrrrgghhhh....oil from the lower end I quckley lowered the motor back down and it stopped leaking.....only thing to do was paddle back to the dock, go back to the house get the trailer, pull the boat back out , back to the house, for some reason I unhooked the trailer Went in the house looked up Big Cliffs work number called him, explained the situation and asked if he had some time to look at it...of course he said yes, so back outside, hook the trailer back out get ready to leave and discover the trailer lights aren't working Checked the connection, the bulbls, found one that had water inside the seat, dried that off, still no lights...I was about to give up and call it a day prepared to tackle it again next week when Beans decided to take a look at the connection and discovered the ground wire had come loose...a quick fix and I'm off to Big Cliff's. I arrived before he did, dropped the boat off, spoke to Sue briefly and headed for home. My hope now is that it is not a major or expensive fix as both Beans and I are without a boat in the water at the moment Hope y'all had a better day. Maureen
  16. Good to hear from you Aaron, I was talking about you with Don and Ruth not o long ago....congrats on the baby and don't be a stranger. Maureen
  17. I'm sorry I can't help you, Have a great time and don't forget your camera. Maureen
  18. Nice selection LA, you may want to look into getting some plastics though for the Bass, they love Senko's and tubes Maureen
  19. Welcome back to fishing . As for your outdoors card/license, you can get that pretty much anywhere you buy your tackle...not sure about BPS though. I know Canadian Tire and most small bait/tackle stores sell them. I noticed no one mentioned spinner baits or tubes for Bass, those are the ones I have the most success with, but am hoping to try top waters this year. Good luck and welcome to OFC Maureen
  20. That's quite a report there, glad you guys made it out ok.... Maureen
  21. Great report TJ, well worth waiting for the pics to download Maureen
  22. Hope you have a great time Dave, but alas, I'm down here One of these days I'll make it to one of your seminars Maureen
  23. My first car was a '79 Volare, silver with pinstripes and rust colored velour seats Great little car Maureen
  24. Hey FT I was at BPS today, and found one I thought was Swivel - eze, but could have been springfield, 82.99 that was 24" to 30" Don't forget the price on the website is in US dollars Maureen
  25. Have a GREAT time Bill!!! Maureen
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