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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Thanks, one of these days I'll ge one of those....there are days when the whole suit is just not needed.... Good deal though...
  2. Ha, they're calling for more snow south of me for once...they say it could get nasty for the evening commute home, so those in Toronto and on that line, do yourselves a favour and leave at lunch time Me, I'll be sitting by the wood stove with a good book and a nice cup of tea. for all those driving and travelling, be safe, take your time and arrive alive Maureen
  3. I'm not a fan of the dinners and such and this year I will be working all the holidays so they're out for me anyway. As Beans mentioned we used to have breakfast....mmmmm...what he didn't say was that most years it was eggs Benedict.....yummm...I still have that. This year it will be my dinner, and I am so looking forward to it Maureen
  4. It's what the fish think that matters most Look good to me though Maureen
  5. Sounds good Cliff, might look into it, I'm tired of Rogers....anyone know what kind of reception they get in more remote areas? I have no signal in my house most of the time or when I take the back roads to Bobcaygeon Maureen
  6. I'll be looking forward to those reports...have a safe drive home Maureen
  7. Not much of a drinker these days, but I enjoy a nice cold Rickards or Coors Light on a hot summer day, in the winter I enjoy a sip of a good Scotch or Whiskey. I don't like to mix my drinks with anything...see no need to spoil the taste of good alcohol Maureen
  8. Sorry Dave, I don't know for sure, my turn is before the ramp....it's snowing pretty good up here right now though, so if you come, bring salt/sand or something for traction....let me know if you head up this way, my days off are Tue/Wed for the next 3 weeks. Maureen
  9. Hey Lew, hope you have a GREAT day!!!! Maureen
  10. Glad to hear you'll be able to make it again Mark, and the rest of you. If anyone needs a letter to possibly aquire some prizes, let me know I have one made up and hope to send mine out in the next week or so... Maureen
  11. Hey Peter, it'll be good to see you and the gang, the job it yours!!! I do have a measuring tool I made a few years ago...actually copied TJ ...
  12. Tom, not sure if I still have that map or not, I think you posted it for me. A thread will be pinned in the middle of Jan. this is just a heads up for now. As for prizes, I'm always on the lookout for those But I will send you a PM with my mailing address, I no longer have a P.O. Box. And sad to say I don't have bail money, but I do have a guestroom and plenty of food Maureen
  13. Hey all, soon it will be that time again First of all, thanks to John's son-in-law, Fishing for Tyler has it's own Logo now and I believe the Team fron Extreme Angler TV will be joining us again For those of you new to the board this year, Fishing for Tyler is a fundraising ice fishing tournament that is held for a young lad with Autism...and a fun day for all who attend This year it will be held on Sat. Feb 14. I realize it's Valentines day, but it's also the license free weekend . As usual things will begin at 7am and measurements at 1 I think, plenty of time to get everyone home in time to be with their honies There will be more info coming but for now I am looking for volunteers to help with some things. I've finally realized and accepted I need more help...this event keeps growing I need help with setting up, signing people in, setting up prizes, I think I've got the cooks covered , I'd like it if someone could be a photographer for me...oh I'll need someone to measure the fish when they come in too. If you think you can help with anything I would really appreciate it...just let me know There will of course be more info later..... Maureen
  14. I feel the same most of the time , but I take what's available. Let me know, I'm only 10 minutes away from the launch Maureen
  15. Go straight up 93, to the water....the ramp is at the bottom of the hill to the left....what time are you coming up, I can buy you a coffee at Timmies Maureen
  16. Well you're still doing better than me....not only am I not even fishing, I can't seem to dream about it these days The trick for you is to turn that dream into a reality Maureen
  17. They have a paper up here???? You might be able to launch at Penetang for 10 bucks now that the season is pretty much done, I did that last year. Good luck to those who are heading out. Maureen
  18. That would be the one Cliff, pretty cool looking I think... Maureen
  19. Hey all, my friend told me about a Christmas decoration she saw at hallmark. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but she says it's a mobile ornament, with either fish or lures on it. She almost bought it for me, but since I don't put up a tree for the holidays she refrained She did suggest I mention it here for you folks though... Maureen
  20. And here I was going to say it must be nice to sleep so late Hope it was a good day Maureen
  21. Hope you had a great day Chris, despite your surroundings!!! Maureen
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