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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Very nice!!! I can see he's really stressed out up there Maureen
  2. Very nice, making those takes way more dexterity and patience than I have...cudo's to you Kemper Maureen
  3. So you're the one....it was still there today if I remember correctly, but it could have been another one Sorry about the crack though. I'd say it was a double skunk day for you
  4. My neighbor and his friends got a big one with the cross bow last weekend... Maureen
  5. Ah well Dave, getting out is half the battle huh? And ya didn't get skunked Maureen
  6. If I had the money, I'd buy CN stock...they have split twice in the last 10 yrs, I suspect it will only keep going up...even one of the guys on BNN recommends it....just what I would do. Maureen
  7. Awesome, I'll be looking forward to seeing that and all the shows for the new season Always good watching shows that take place on lakes I can get to. Maureen
  8. Good to hear from you Mark, glad to see you were able to get out after some beautiful fish!!!! Maureen
  9. Awesome!!! Congrats Steve!!!! Maureen
  10. Great report Joey, glad everyone had a good time...sorry I couldn't make it Thanks for taking the time to post all those pics Maureen
  11. Way to go Matt....congrats! Maureen
  12. Not as sweet as the '58 Red with white that I covet but still very nice....now if you get a 58/59 300SL in the shop I'll break all speed limits to get to it Maureen
  13. Right around the corner from me...lucky for you I was at work or I might have gotten offended you didn't call Glad you got out and had a good day.... Maureen
  14. Thanks for sharing that story Roger..... Maureen
  15. Glad your daughter made it through both in good shape!!! Maureen
  16. that's Great Dan!!!! Congrats again on a great fish and a better prize!!!! ENJOY!!! Maureen
  17. Beans kept talking about all these people he was chattiing with on the internet..and meeting some of them too.....since he was an old fart I decided I should check up on him and make sure he wasn't getting scammed or anything....the rest as they say is history... Maureen
  18. Hey Cliff Happy Happy, hope it was a good one... Maureen
  19. Good to see you back Dave....good luck on GBay and dress warm Maureen
  20. Paul I can't express my sorrow, I only met him the once, but could tell he was a great guy, and likely the life of the party. I'm glad he was able to catch that Pike! My condolences to your family Maureen
  21. Quite the milestone there Jack!!!! Congrats to you both!! Maureen
  22. Congrats Brian to you and the family, have you bought the Barbie fishing rod yet Maureen
  23. Great stuff UF....good looking pup, and of course a lab and water go perfect together Maureen
  24. Dang!!!! I'm sorry to hear that, he was a heck of a guy! He'll be with Amy and her predacessors now Thanks for letting us know Roy My condolences to Gary's family Maureen
  25. Thanks for all the input and suggestions, it's appreciated. I am not in a position to purchase a new motor at this time and as was mentioned buying another used one just invites more potential challenges...plus they're pretty darned expensive. Jack (Nanook) put me in touch with a mechanic in Buckhorn, so I will talk to him, see if he will take a closer look at the motor and I will go from there. Thanks again Maureen
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