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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Sounds good to me... Maureen
  2. Good to see you back Paul....hope you had a good summer... Maureen
  3. Dave, good to hear from you, glad you had a good day and I hope all is well! Maureen
  4. Hey Ernie, thanks for taking the time to go to Beans and look at my motor, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it Here is the e-mail Norm sent me.... "E.C. (Ernie) Milley was here this afternoon to do a compression test on the motor... his consesus was: 1-top cylinder 52 psi 2-bottom cylinder 150 psi 3-Engine need an overhaul 4-motor needs a new water pump/impeller The boat needs anodes on mounting brackets He did get the motor to start after taping some bare wires and putting the plugs back in but there was not much water spitting out (pump/impeller) unless you revved it up a lot but even then not a lot of water...eventually the horn sounded and he shut it off... Beans" So, I checked my manual to see what the compression should be, couldn't find it....doesn't mean it isn't there Can anyone tell me? What are anodes and why do I need them? Can I run the motor for another year before getting an overhaul as long as I get the water pump/impellar replaced or will I make things worse? Thanks again for your help Maureen
  5. Working, working and possibly working.... Have a great weekend everyone! Play safe! Maureen
  6. Awesome!!! Enjoy!!!! Maureen
  7. Very nice Jim!!!! Maureen
  8. Congrats on the new home, you're in for a great advernture , sorry I can't help with the "stuff" Maureen
  9. Very cute Jack, almost got my mom a Bichon years ago. but they ended up with Riley instead. He'll keep ya's young that's for sure Enjoy!!! Maureen
  10. Dang, unless I can get someone to trade days off with me I can't even do a day trip My days off will be Mon/Tues from Aug 31 to Oct 11 Have fun Maureen
  11. Hey folks, I know we have loads of talent on the board and was hoping to once again tap into it Fishing for Tyler has really grown as you all know, and I hope it continues to for a long time, that being the case I think it's time it had it's own logo instead of continuing to use the OFC logo, I think TJ will agree. I have a pretty good idea of what I want, what I don't have is the skill or tools to create it. If there is anyone here that is willing and able to help me with this I would greatly appreciate it. Maureen
  12. Waubaushene is about 30 minutes away, and I think there are two places there that rent boats, but no, none in Penetang or Midland Maureen
  13. Thanks Cliff, I'll check around and see what I can come up with, I'd like it to be on the water sooner than later, but we'll see what happens, I'll let you know. Maureen
  14. I live across from the park, but have only ventured in once so not much help there. There is lots of shore fishing in Midland and Penetang Bays. The most popular spot seems to be Midland Bay, at Pete Peterson Park. I don't know what the rules are, but near the swimming areas in the park, on Georgian Bay, not the small lake, you might be able to throw some lines out??? Also, again I haven't ventured around much, only lived here a couple of years now , but I wonder if there might be a spot to wet a line from shore along Champlain Rd. ..... provided there's one without a cottage. Oh, another spot, on the other side of Midland just past the old rail tracks, is Wye River, there's a parking area on the N/W side (little park I think) and I've seen people fishing there, might get some cats not sure. If you don't mind a little driving there are other spots within 30 minutes or so of the park....namely Waubaushene and Coldwater... Maureen
  15. Thanks for the suggestions folks, the motor is a '76 55HP Johnson, and I have the origional manual for it, but thanks for the offer Zamboni. I'll get the number for a mechanic in my neck of the woods that I've heard good things about and see what he'll charge. Maureen
  16. I spoke to Beans today, and he tells me he took the boat out the other day and was headed for a spot he doesn't get to too often. Apparently he was taking it easy for the first 15 minutes or so, then was able to open it up. Not long after he heard a horn/alarm go off where the throttle is, I think he was increasing the throttle at the time. When he eased back on the throttle the alarm stopped, but returned when increasing again. Eventually the alarm stayed on so he shut the motor off for a bit but when he truned the key to restart the alarm went off. He returned home, using the 4hp kicker that his son helped him put on earlier in the week, thankfully. He tried to start the motor again, but no go, thinking he drained the battery he recharged it and tried again, still no go. When Beans called Cliff, it was suggested that it sounded like the water pump was shot? If that is in fact the problem, Cliff is not able to manage it. So, the question is, if it is in fact the water pump, any idea of how much it might cost to repair it, and is there such a thing as a mechanic who will at least determine the problem without charging a fortune for that much so I can at least decide how to proceed without emptying the bank acct? Thanks Maureen
  17. That's great Justin!!! They'll sure come in handy Way to go Extreme Angler!!! Maureen
  18. Congrats again Dan, looking forward to seeing the boat!!! Maureen
  19. That's AMAZING Dan!!!! Congrats to you, look forward to the pictures of your new ride....especially with some new fish slime in it Maureen
  20. Right back at ya Roy...
  21. Have a great day guys!!!! Maureen
  22. Hey Cliff, were you by any chance outside taking a break at around 11:30 this morning watching the trains go by???? If so that was me driving one of those trains I figured it was only a matter of time before I saw you, but I was expecting it to be when I was outside having my break Maureen
  23. Finally, and a big thanks to Big Cliff! I traded days off with a co-worker so having a rare Sunday off I was able to get back out to Big Cliffs early this morning (they were just getting up ) . Got the boat hooked up and off to Beans I went. Thanks to Degs great tutalage I was able to back the trailer in with no problems and Beans and I took her for a short run, she runs great Now since I won't be able to get out there for at least two weeks it's up to Beans to take her out and get some good Kawartha slime into her I'll be looking for those reports Beans Maureen
  24. Glad you guys got it all done Maureen
  25. She's beautiful Gary! Congrats and I have to tell you she has a look of mischief about her Maureen
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