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Freshtrax last won the day on June 28 2023

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About Freshtrax

  • Birthday 07/26/1984

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All Knowing Angler

All Knowing Angler (8/10)



  1. Can't go wrong with the 5.0 I have one love it. The 10 speed took a little getting used to.
  2. 5200 and patch panel with blind rivits is what I did on my duck boat with similar cracks.
  3. Just went through this in the spring. It's the worst . Get another one soon it will help.
  4. I hear ya I hunt 64b with the Inlaws for first week of rifle. We all take the week off and there's not many passes unless it's with a fawn or we're out of doe tags. We usualy fill the freezers pretty good for the 4 family's. Wish I had more time to bow hunt but the full week of rifle is usualy all I get. We have a few big bucks arround the fist pic was chasing does this week.
  5. Getting fired up for deer hunting, anyone else? Trying to catch one of these two slipping this year
  6. Fuel line issues gave caused 80% of all issues I have ever had with an outboard. I would replace from tank to motor.
  7. Was a great trip thanks for joining worked out great. Yea we got 3 flat days to run about we usualy only get 2 When its choppy we put the smaller Boat in the big boats wake and go slow. But usually just tuck in out of the wind not much you can do on that lake.
  8. On the pickerel right under the hwy at marina head west and watch out for rocks.
  9. Never thought of this . Im Going to scratch up my balls lol. We run a helix 10 on a big ram mount will droop when taking a pounding. Thanks!
  10. VID-20230618-WA0017.mp4 VID-20230618-WA0000.mp4
  11. Time again for the annual fishing trip. One problem, one of the OG members moved to New Brunswick. He was going to fly out and ride up. Then he got a new job and he was out. Then he was back in again, said boss was cool with it. 2 weeks out we all get the message he can't make it. What to do... I have a few maniac fishing buddies who may be able to drop what they are doing and leave for a 10 day trip at a week's notice so I start calling. The first one I called was a strike out but provided a promising lead. Chuckenwind from the board here. We had camped and fished once previous for a few days for some lost Aurora trout in a snowstorm , he seemed possibly just crazy enough. I Sent him a message explaining the trip and his reply was " crossing Nipigon in a 14 ft boat sounds like an adventure, I'm in " *I in no way reccomend doing this* Almost died on the way up, came over a knoll in the road and big dumb Moose was standing in the road. Put the binders on as hard as i could and steered off the road and arround him at 50kmh close enough to hear his hoves on the ashphalt. Not so much fun loaded down with gear and a 20 ft boat attached to the bumper. Fishing was tougher than years prior for Brookies and Pike for us but 10 lb lakers in 10 -20 fow were in unlimited supply as usual and a blast on light tackle . Had a great trip with Some old friends and my Dad. Was weird with no campfires allot less whisky was drank but did have to do a beer run mid week with the warmer weather we were all thirsty. Enough talking here's some of the better fish and scenery. Till next year!
  12. I drilled ends of crack, brazed then slathered in 3m5200 then riveted a patch over top with closed end rivits. Held up for 1 season so far
  13. Boujie a.f. I like it.
  14. I'm immune to mosquitoes I welt for a day but zero itch. (Also immune to poison ivy) however I hate the buggars. Thermacell. And Deep woods off. They will hover but not land . Works for me. Lol edited apologies for my part in digging up old thread.
  15. My best bud" Foosa "or the last 15 years just lost him in April. Working up the courage to get a new one.
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