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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Daayyuuummmm!! It takes a quiet discipline to tend to a log after a hard day's fishing.. Certainly makes for a beefier write up. Thanks for that. cheers HD
  2. Wicked shot bud!!
  3. You're right about poons throwing the hooks.. They're notorious for that.. Hooked 6 last time I was in Belize.. Didn't land a single one!! Might have had something to do with the hooks though.. I fished hard with a guide last time I was in Honduras... He swears by the tiemco 600sp hooks. Most of his crab patterns were tied with them, including this gnarly rutter cutter that I still have. He says his hook up/spit ratio is way better. cheers! HD
  4. Great vid! Nice Buffalo.. Who's the pretty blond girl?!
  5. OOH YAH!! Think I blew a wad back there... Totally freaking awesomeness. cheers budday
  6. That made me smile... Just the ticket after a crap night at the office. Well done brother! Where's my video?!?! cheers HD
  7. Son of a motherless goat.. What a fish!!
  8. LOL!! I thought you were saying that you had put on a clinic at "The Bar" and you had some pichures to share... cheers
  9. Not a hellgrammite. Hellgrammites have a visible thorax and mouth parts (mandibles). Almost looks like a tulipae larvae (cranefly). Do we have an expert in benthic invertebrates in the house?!
  10. Awesome bud. I met Grant when I was still a wee lad when he was with Central Surplus. Class act all the way. Anybody else think he looks like Weird Al?!?! Another dandy. I hope to join ya'll someday.. cheers!
  11. Awesome. OFC for life bud. cheers HD
  12. I agree. The numbers should have been better from a boat. I'd hold off until later in the year and when Erie has settled. That's the update I was looking for though. cheers!
  13. Gotta love outfishing that turd Weedline eh?! Nice greeners and bronzies dude. Real good report. cheers HD
  14. By gawd u whatch an appalling amount of TV!!
  15. Ah yes... The self proclaimed last cast..
  16. MUAHAAH!! Nah it's the new white widow cross.. You should change your handle to "The Dank".. Either way, only us true believers would know what you mean. All beauties braj. cheers
  17. They're actually stocked as yearlings now. Too early to tell if we'll get better returns but the numbers are going up.. The particular strain that we have now have might grow genetically stronger with every generation... And now that Streetsville is open during the earlier months, a self sustaining population is more and more likely.. They are sure are a sight to behold though. I've seen larger fish for the first time this year and they're every bit as feisty as they say they are. Who knows.. Chronzy might have a go at them eventually and have to eat some humble pie.
  18. Nice pike bud. That be a Mega Bass Griffon per chance?!
  19. Awesome dude!! And I luuvvv your Scott scareback.. cheers
  20. That fish looks delish!! Good going sir Simon.
  21. Way cool!!
  22. Nice one hombre!
  23. Ditto. Can't remember which resort I stayed at last time but pretty much the same scenario. Tons of little cudas and snapper in the lagoons.. Great fun on light tackle! You also have the hwy that connects Cayo Coco to the mainland, Moron.. Lots of fishing opportunities there also. You'll need a heavier set-up for the more open water though. Car rental is pretty cheap there so hire a local who speaks english to take you around for a day. I fished a coupla bass lakes inland too and it made for a pretty cool tour! cheers
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