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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Some people use deet.. Me? I just blaze em out!!
  2. Mike you're making me re-live every blissful moment from our trip.. Each and every agonizing and blissful moment. Totally epic opener budday! You're awesome company to have in the brush. cheers HD
  3. I still have my ultra light magnum with the aero guides... Great rods!!
  4. Not too shabby brother! Some inquiring minds want to know how you pegged them beauties.. What did you use?! FnS that ain't a shimano magnumlite you're casting is it? cheers HD
  5. Great read bud. You got me stoked for opener!!
  6. Ah nice one mang!! Peg one for me this weekend..
  7. Right on Guys!! Ralphie is pretty good lookin pooch too.. Cheers HD
  8. Well said JH. I enjoyed that! cheers HD
  9. Ooh ooh Pree Tourney!!
  10. No wonder that lake is void of any pannies come summer LOL Nice haul homebrew.
  11. Oh noice one brotha!! How many of dem go-pros you got?!?! cheers HD
  12. Now that's some quality time with the fam.. I was half expecting a fishing report!! cheers HD
  13. Piece of wood and some thumb tacks.
  14. Nice fishes budday. Good to run into you the other day. Those chaps you were guiding looked very happy!! cheers HD
  15. Why did they make out?!?!
  16. Wow some bruisers right thar boys. Been waiting for this one!! cheers HD
  17. Bollocks!! Wanna learn?? Take a bike, go east or west off lakeshore and cast to some likely spots. All kinds of opportunities and fish could be anywhere. Respect other shore anglers and keep it to yourself.
  18. A permit is a jack, essentialy. But they're a distinct sub species.. The give-away is that small purty mouth. cheers HD
  19. I wish I coulda seen that LOL!! Moron!! BAAAHH.. Seriously though.. Could there have been say.. bass that were paired up in the area?! I do agree with Mike. OOS is not a PB. Legit or not, keep it to yourself if you wanna snap a quick pic and don't be an internet hero.
  20. All jacks fight hard... Actually, all ocean fishes fight hard. Warm water=higher metabolism!! Permits fight harder though..
  21. And what's the dealio with your avatar?!?!
  22. Nice. Second fish is a crevalle jack though. cheers HD
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