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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Well done brah. And mighty nice of you to let him outfish ya..
  2. Hatehatehate.. I'm still waiting for that brunch invitation!! Awesome pics brah!
  3. Hahah!! Not too shabby Wayne.
  5. Dude I can feel the love. Seriously, I can feel it. Well done pappy. cheers HD
  6. You always deliver the goods budday. LMAO about the peyote!! That's quite a life.. thanx HD
  7. I'm sick with jealousy... disgusted actually.. Well done Mike!!
  8. Great holly... lure porn!! I see we have the same exacting standards... If only I wouldn't have flunked OAC Biology.. Ya need some leaders to go with them baits?! I've got what you need here dude. Otherwise, have a most epic trip. I hope to join you someday.. HD
  9. Guys don't be so mean.. He just said he was from Ottawa... He's been geographically conditioned!!
  10. Oh, you mean the boat!!
  11. Gross me out greeners..
  12. Right on budday!!
  13. Yep. You probably should be working. This article has already made the rounds.
  14. Most epic dude! We managed to get in on the 28th.. Turnover pretty much happened on Sunday.. That was harry stuff you boys went through. Glad all is well! cheers
  15. Looking good Ryan! That's a nice trout, especially on hardware. Gotta love schooling worm dunkers!
  16. Alright.. Salvation is at hand!!
  17. OOOHH!! The first pic is mint. Well done!!
  18. I would say so. I'm not sure what kind of limiting factor the pollution would have on their growth rate though. Nice blog dude. Classic!! cheers
  19. Nah they were pipe dreams.. Reality has set in for me too. It's mizerable here right now.
  20. Yep! They're part of the flats combo HAHAH!!
  21. Absolutely brother. And there's always the chance for a stroll in the back country with good buds, or even helping out at the lift if the conditions suck.. Well said.
  22. Here's one more shot and a close-up of the head.. Crazy forked talk and dorsal shaped like a scythe. And huge eyes for spotting prey and predators. A marvel of evolution. 3 fish charged for this rutter cutter and this one got to it first.. She absolutely crushed it!! Hopefully I'll have some video and more pics soon.
  23. Naaahhh.. Well, I did miss the ditch a little.. We'll be in touch sir!
  24. Hahah thanks dude. 3 days on the flats for that one fish.. We must have spotted over 60 on the last day.. We had a whole school cruise by the boat on both sides and not even a sniff.. I pulled my fly from a taker and that was the closest I ever got to a second fish. My guide almost socked me with his flats pole Hahah!!
  25. We had awesome snorkeling just a short swim away from our boat. Good to see that the reefs were still in prime condition.. Need to get certified and do a real dive next time. cheers!
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