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Everything posted by highdrifter

  2. Yep. That squares it. I'm putting you on hatecha.com!! Sweet sweet fish porn there budday. See you in July!
  3. You should see the river at Steeles... It's starting to look like the Ganges!!
  4. Read it in today's Metro!!
  5. Maybe it's time I moved to another city..
  6. Montauk... at the height of the run.. is a sight to behold. It's absolute mayhem. The water boils with bunker and bass and blue fish, you're punching that cast to get it past the other dude, all the while getting pounded by the surf.. I've had the priviledge to fish it with FHR and it's as every bit as insane as this video portrays. Heck, he probably fishes along side these guys! Great video! cheers HD
  7. Hard Refresh... Of course!! Thanks pal!
  8. Dude 20lbs and 2" is awesome!! And all in the name of angling..
  9. Same thing happens to me on my home pc. No problems at the work pc though.. It's still a royal pain!!
  10. That was a real treat man. Kudos on the 100 pushup routine too. Great for managing the huck in and plus you get jacked!! cheers HD
  11. Awesome looking fish!!
  12. Guy you're killing me right now!! LOL
  13. A foot and a half?!?! Dems ain't brook lampreys then.. If it's the humber of the credit, the weirs and dams would have stopped them from getting up that far.. If it's a trib with no barriers, those may actually be from the lake! Time to break out the ol' pitchfork and flashlight!!
  14. How big were they?! Those look to be brook lamprey... If you're way up from the lake and the main river has fish barriers, those lamprey are most likely native.
  15. NIIIICE. Beauty day to be out on Simcoe.. WTG boys.
  16. They're probably not "wild".. The store is just trying to move stock and the bad rap sheet that farm raised fish have gottent recently isn't helping..
  17. Good work budday! I'm gonna have to milk you for info later... And by all means, if you can join Mike and I next week, you gotta do it. cheers HD
  18. Tying up a bunch of pike leaders. new and improved!!

  19. Awesome! Therapy indeed. The trib I hit today was high and cloudy.. shoulda threw some spinnners! Atta boy. cheers HD
  20. T'as l'air pas mal cool avec ton cigar dans y'eule.. Encore mieux avec un poisson s'a ligne. Well done bud. cheers HD
  21. Some kind of owl. Not a barred or a great grey, but those downy under feathers hint to a silent stalker..
  22. No apologies needed.. Just spread it on!!
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