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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Yeasure budday!! LOL
  2. Tones of permit on the west side.. My guide and new best brah's name is Greg Baldwin.. He's from Colorado and has worked in Alaska for fish and game.. Could it be?!?!
  3. Nice one. Mommy tell you to put that up?!?!
  4. Hey gang, Just stopping in to say hello.. Been a fantastic week so far. I'm seriously thinking of taking an extended leave of absence, who knows, I might just stay.. The Island life and flats fishing is da bomb!! Simply put, it's paradise here. Soo, here's a shot taken with my guide's cell phone (my camera got dunked lol) I've been out twice hunting these fish and I must say that it is the most challenging type of angling .. From spotting fish, to laying a perfect cast to line management, it's the epitamy of fly fishing. My first permit!! cheers HD
  5. Can't get enough of those lakers too, huh?!?! Wicked recap. That first ling is HUGE. Hope you have a great spring dude. HD
  6. Whoah this thread is going to go VIRAL in no time LOL. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrxePKps87k cheers HD
  7. Hah really cool brother!! I hope the kids don't become too attached come next Thanks Giving lol. cheers HD
  8. Atta boy Johnny! Tomorrow's our last ice trip too. And that's a giant water scorpion. A true bug of the hemiptera family. Nasty looking bugger!!
  9. Yep dorsal was clipped by the looks of it.. Which is a shame. Didn't seem to affect it much. I suppose the fish would have to learn to compensate quickly. She sure was well fed.
  10. Well done mate! Your slow days ain't so bad... cheers HD
  11. Thanks for all the replies guys.. More to come!
  12. Thanks bud. Big G couldn't make it out that time. He's been having great success though.. Maybe he'll indulge us a little!
  13. Yep, darkest ever fish for me. This lake is reputed to have really dark fish.. Water is crystal clear too. She might have been a deep roamer..
  14. That's an 11'6 meat stick that I use for chucking hardware.. Nothing like big river lakers to put some arc into it!! thanks brah.
  15. Me neither.. thanks bud!
  16. Thursday... your lake.. I'm bringing the float tube. LOL
  17. Yep.. Fresh Toronto beaver LOL
  18. Right on brother!!
  19. Hey gang, Been a great winter. I'll let the pics do the talking. Quillback Berkley Ripple Shad with a 1/4oz jighead... deadly. This big durtie followed right in... I dropped again and she crushed it right at my feet. One for Mark too.. He couldn't be happier.. Got into these trouts while chasing poikes.. Some darker, smaller, prettier lakers.. eelpout! A PB for my brother in law. My first Toronto pike through the ice! Wallacio with a prime fish. Good to meet you brother. Almost stepped over this guy. He munched away just feet from me as I was drifting.. Be safe out there. cheers HD
  20. All beauties!! cheers HD
  21. Well done Doc. What software did you use?!
  22. LOL Beauty fishes brah! Let's hope we get in one more trip before ice out. cheers
  23. That's a really cool collection.. My old pop never really fished much but he did like dumpster diving and picked me up a couple from a garage sale once.. They're sitting proudly with my other babies on a glass shelf in the living room. The ones you have should be showcased in a nice cabinet!! Thanks budday!
  24. Think you mean while it's in progress..
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