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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Nice going bud. What's up with your bill?! Ch'pensais que tu chauffais au bois!!
  2. That a UFO I see in the last pic?! Good stuff. Nice trouts!
  3. Nice read with the morning java.. Sounds like a tough bite but you made due. cheers
  4. Nice juan Bill. Gotta love that ledge. We slayed some big dirties last Saturday.. Myself and Buick were just north of you guys!! cheers By the way, those brows are inhuman!!
  5. That was me landing your fish.. You just snapped a shot of me handing it to you!!
  6. Now that's just gross. You're still a cheater mccheaterson.
  7. HEY! You big cheater!! I'm calling the mnr on you cause you violated that poor fishy and then posted him.
  8. Well done Jacques! Aren't you glad you weren't frazzled by a little snow?!?! Aye, vlimeuse de belle tuque.. C'est ti du castor?!
  9. X 2. I'd donate twice the amount of the parking fee if that were the case.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvAOkbcBSPs&NR=1&feature=fvwp Come on and join the party.. dressed to kill.
  11. Sounds like a winter kill. Steve Quinn's article in the last issue of In-Fisherman explains winter stratification really well. This time of year, plants will start to die and decay because of low sunlight, so they stop producing oxygen. Fish and invertebrates then breath what's left of the dissolved oxygen so the levels get really low. Low oxygen and temps below 39f on both the bottom and the upper portion push fish out of the shallows and into the midle zone of the lake, which he calls the Big Squeeze. This layer is often somewhere off the bottom. It makes sence. If a bottom dweller like a gobie can't reach the middle zone of a lake during an exceptionaly cold winter, like the one we're having this year, they're toast!! cheers
  12. Nice fish Joey!! Good to see Simcoe giving up the goods. I was in Keswick on Sunday.. it was pretty bunk. One fine day, it'll be Paul's turn.. And mine too!
  13. Awesome budday! You're making me rethink my choice of ear candy for the next montage. Did you get that second batch of leaders?
  14. More kickers for Tybo's new sled.. Yeeeeehhaawwww!!
  15. Funny you mention. Dad used to have a place a Black Creek and Lawrence.. a tiny spec of a house amongst subsidized high-rises. Talk about colourful!!
  16. Dunno.. Still have to go pick it up. That would be the day, eh?!
  17. HAHHAH!! Loogans..
  18. HAAH! It's all starting to come back now.. Tybo's always good for a larf.. Oh, and hun? I just got a call from a John over at 12th division.. Someone turned in my wallet!
  19. Joey! Thanks again for a great day. It was pretty awesome to spend it amongst such good company.. A costly day for you and myself (I still can't find my wallet) but, it's all good. Or was it "Life goes on"?! And about the laughter coming from Paul's hut?! I think that might have been the leaky propane heater.. Hope we can do that again real soon, hopefully when it's not so darn frigid outside. Great to meet you Terry and Lloyd.
  20. Nice going. Ya did better than we did!!
  21. WOW!! Gotta love the lady...
  22. Nice fish!! Was she clipped?! Looks like a wild fish.. We'll be in that area tomorrow. I'd love to catch one like that!! cheers HD
  23. This one deserves a bump.. OMG!! And just when things were starting to get dull here at the office.. Thanks hun!
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