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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. How many you planning on keepin and for how long? I've been experimenting with keeping emeralds. All I can say is they're uber fragile. They're sensitive to sudden drops in temperature, over crowding and water quality. A filter keeps the water from freezing but fish that are kept on the fin weaken and go belly up when the water gets below freezing. A bubbler is the best option. Fill a tank with tap water and let the water sit for a coupla days in order for the chlorine to dissipate. Your ppm has to be at zero for emeralds. They're that sensitive. Hope that helps. cheers HD
  2. Bah that's your answer for everything!!
  3. Oh Marge, Poor vous..
  4. Santiago from the Old Man And The Sea, and I quote: “The fish is my friend too...I have never seen or heard of such a fish. But I must kill him. I am glad we do not have to try to kill the stars. Imagine if each day a man must try to kill the moon, he thought. The moon runs away. But imagine if a man each day should have to try to kill the sun? We were born lucky; he thought” cheers HD
  5. Nice. That wide gap specialist pegs em every time! Let's get out soon!
  6. True. I've found that the thinner wire ravens just don't cut it, even of 5 drennan tipet. The Raven octopus strong seems like a better hook but it's a thicker wire than I prefer.. I'll have to give them a try though. cheers
  7. Sweeet chrome bud!! I've lost a couple fish in the dime range lately.. Hooks would just bend right out.. Pray tell.. What hooks are you tying to your 8lb tipet?? cheers HD
  8. Oh man oh man oh man.. HYPE!! cheers HD
  9. Noicely done!! Us dubnstep fans want to know the name of that track!
  10. Good to have ya back budday. Now if we could just get our heads around these elusive Lake O gators! I got a canoe for us once you get your new place!
  11. Nice bull!! I've been hunting WMU 40 for years now and I'm still waiting for my tag. Every year I see multiple bulls and lone cows and I've yet to harvest a single calf.. Way to go! cheers HD
  12. Nice bag of chrome goodies brah!! What's this I hear you might be coming up to our neck of da woods this fall?! cheers HD
  13. Nice! But I think TJ owns the rights to that word...
  14. AAOOHHH!! much better... Can't wait to see the fish porn. cheers HD
  15. Sooo uummmm.. Can we see it now? Pretty please?!
  16. That day we had last fall was pretty amazing.. Glad you posted this. Let's get out soon budday!
  17. Ding ding ding.
  18. Mike, Funny you mention the 11’6” Raven IM6. I've had one for a number of years and it's by far my favourite big water rod for throwing hardware. I spool a 3000 stradic with 20lb spide wire and double uni a length of 12lb fluro at the business end. I had wicked fun with it throwing big spinners on the 'geen with solo last fall!! cheers HD
  19. Totally BOSS!! More of a novelty item than and actual functional product though. Doubt we'll be seeing that at our local board shops... Side note: Steve Able actually looks like a nice guy when he's not screaming on the phone to get paid. LOL
  20. Worm dunker.
  21. Fish hit!!
  22. DUDE. That's your daughter?!?! Nice one budday. cheers HD
  23. Lookit that bend!! Great to see.
  24. Happy Birthday you big lug... Maybe we'll see ya at Lakair in August!
  25. You hear that budday? Better get yourself an iphone!!
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