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Everything posted by outllaw

  1. nice pics. we love the fish porn. nice to see your year was very good.
  2. i love fish crisp . problem is i wish it came in bigger boxes. doing muskies requires lots.
  3. its over here. i watch a huge shopping cart cover at walmart blow by. thats incredible. in closing. why did i rake leaves. im sure theyre up in london by now.
  4. after yesterdays balmy weather. you may want to tie down your toys. in windsor right now winds are at 100kmph..
  5. the best of the holidays to all. merry xmas.
  6. slop in windsor. thanks for the heads up eh. im sure the ice will be dicey going till this mess re-frezes.
  7. standing behind a product is the only way to do biz. the musky world is a pretty well organized group. approx of all sportsfisherman 18 per cent chase skies.. . hopefully they will do the right thing. i know i would.
  8. mr eh. taking the hi road is the right way to go. glad you took it. with todays winds gusting to 60 kliks, no ice would be safe. st clair is still mostly open. mitchells is froze but with whiteouts and below zero temps, i headed for my freezer instead.. and yes the moderating on the OFC board is professional. thats why this site is very sucessfull.
  9. personally the ice is early and very questionable. as for the local police. do the right thing listen to them. they hate knocking on families doors with bad news. thank you mr. eh for reporting this. .i do know from the past you have spudded a few holes.
  10. since the laws on trespass,essex county has been overun by coyotes. two different groups harvested over 200 last winter. in the city of windsor there relatively everywhere. i had a dog coyote ahead of my lab. he lifted his leg on a tree 30 yards ahead. my lab did the same. i have watched them hunt in an open field 100yards from wal-marts lot at 10 am for a half hour.. theres a lot less stray cats around now-adays lol.
  11. irishfield that is me drooling. i loved them beautys. my buddy had a hemi roadrunner, 68.
  12. definately a hoax. and yes irishfield. those were the days.
  13. coyotes are bad in windsor. and yes small dogs will become dinner. the windsor star ran an artivle blaming eagles. where i train my dogs i have found many kills. cat hair, small dog skulls. the coyote will not hesitate to take pets for dinner. in the area i train approx 5sq miles theres 6 coyotes. its strange if theres a firetruck or sirens you can here them yipping at nite.
  14. down here in southern ontario we have corn fed deer. its incredibly simply awesome. i have friends that harvest in ohio also. , simply superb, better themn prime rib hands down.
  15. man ,, you are fortunate thats big news. i love seeing small town canada is still alive.
  16. either is very good. if needed a good pressure cooker or you can always grind them up. actually wild game is healthier then beef to eat.
  17. cormorants the scourge of the western basin of erie. they fly bye and remind me of ww2 bombers on a bombing run. hopefully more culls will happen this spring.
  18. well dah. maybe the un-educated unemplyed folks can head out and pick wheat. heard theres lots of openings .lol.
  19. chris s. its unfortunate your area has lost jobs. i would have rather seen it healthy. the facts are the manufacturing base is very large . in automobiles its a huge picture. . my question is where did those jobs from the eastern side of ontario go. offshore???. the economy could not withstand a wipeout of the automakers. whether we like it or not everyone feels the pinch. chris if you saw the windsor area decimation from all closures, many many not even related to automobiles you would see the downside. . some say re-locate. the western provinces are drying up for jobs, or cost of living dictates huge salaries to make a living, aka ,rent food. . i could tell you i have lived thru downturns and reccesions from living a little longer then some on this board. whats goverments to do with monies collected from workers. pay welfare or do the right thing and help its citizens. im quite sure there will be the folks drooling to pick this apart. but it is what it is. the manufacturing base is far to valuabale to fail in north america.. when folks run out of unemployment be prepared to watch your tax base shrink, welfare explode. unfortanetly theres many seniors like myself that canot return to work. what about them. they built this country like you are now. so in closing i surmise if your older collecting a pension screw us. sad how canadas turned. when i grew up it was about us, not a ME society.
  20. zebco . you state workers to change what a company dictates. the unions have given up lots in the past contracts.. yes fish farmer its a closed border to quality north american products. in the meantime our resources get sucked dry.. and zebco. do you really think the asian markets shop at your local stores???.
  21. grade 3 im still laughing. theres folks with far more education working in the automotive, and manufacturing sectors then you would believe.. in reality can you blame a person for holding a decent paying job. i question the sourness in some folks thoughts.. like it or not jealousy, is not an answer to ordinary people that do work hard and spend there bucks in a store you work in. . this has been a downturn created from individuals that are the leash holders of workers.. and yes im proud to see unions help to create better workplaces at decent wages for hard working folks.. . can anyone honestly say they would refuse a decent wage, and benefits, or pension.
  22. i love it. the blame lays on fat cats in goverment not heeding fair play. . gotta agree on that one. a few ceo,s into the mix. the oil barons dictate the rest. as for krautmobiles. there building them at chrylsers as we speak, in windsor.. make things fair trade and we would see a great difference in canadian pride. seems this says canadians cant build a quality car. . thats the furthest from the truth.. oh ya i mean build not just assemble.
  23. its only a commercial break.
  24. great words ohio fisherman. i concur.
  25. thats a very viable point. they did it to themselves. like i said goverments, and ceo,s. many folks dont realize the other factors. without bailouts. pensioners lose all benefits and loss of incomes. something they payed into for there lives. the financial drain would fall upon the goverments re-gardless. an no i dont work for the big 3 and i probably live on a far reduced income then many here. but please do check labels or read the box your products come in and then give me your opinion. this is further reaching then auto bailouts.
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