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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. I think the word "ethnic" should be changed to "ethic" ....it happens from every ethnicity but it just so happens we always seem to remain the same as we were before the infraction so its a violation to our ethnicity or a violation of our ethics... I think the solution here is to take a small break and try to see fishing in an enjoyable way again Cliff...trust me i do understand the frustration and when the day came that i threw another man in the river after several warnings....i knew it was time to take a break because i lost the reason along the line somewhere ....the true reason i love to fish...so now...when/if it happens i bide my time until the offender legitimately catches a fish ....and i return the favour to them...(this is also a great opportunity to test the strength of your leader line... Try it ...it is actually fun if you know before hand ...that its just going to be "one of those days" Maybe a wee break to recharge your tolerance levels...and remind yourself why you do it...for the thrill of the "what could be" or the relaxation it gives to relieve the frustrations that may have you wound up a little tight.. Having said that ....if its derby time and your running on 5 hours sleep over the course of the week....then its a no brainer....deliver a strong verbal warning and if that doesnt work well....pay him a visit at the dock then his house then his work then his...... Although this thread has the fuel to be confrontational i hope nobdy drops the wrong match to get it flaming out of control
  2. thats correct...make sure the socket is a tight fit and youll get 100 starts out of it ....then once the nut starts to round off you can replace it or just hammer a smaller socket on that wont come off...then just disconnect the drill from the socket leaving the socket attached to the machine....youll have to get the feel for it so you dont have a drill spinning around on you causing bodily harm....so be careful..
  3. your idea with the drill is on the right track....take the starter side off and use an electric drill with the correct socket to start initially start it then once its warmed up you can start it with a cordless drill if you have to keep shutting it down...i used to do this method with an old briggs years ago...beets the heck out of wrecking the arm
  4. Totally enjoyed watching your videos Richard.... my hats of too you for your participation on all aspects....your quickly becoming an Ambassador of Goodwill and Education along with others...CHEERS! i wonder if the docks at the boat launch might be beneficial or a hindrance to safety for the kids in the future to release the fish? (just thinking out loud here) Nice Browns...enjoy!!! you most definatly deserve them
  5. sweet!!!! nice shooting im always a few mm too short heres another @ 200 mm also hand held ( used the roof of the car to stabilize)
  6. nah it doesnt count...ill pm you my address to send the OFC ball cap to
  7. Good for business i bet
  8. quick one i took on the way home from the river no fish were caught and no tripod was used
  9. Its a fine line between evil genius and insanity but then i remembered that you ice fish and tht kinda explains it all Nice score on the float find...i love it when that happens...almost like winning the lottery at times.. Jack seems to be keeping you on the sane side of genius...nice report
  10. That dude is awesome....now i just spent the last 1/2 hour looking at street performers...i definatley didnt see that on my schedule for the day
  11. he is stoned...thats why he is at Timmies....not just for coffee ya know...
  12. sweet report! Congrates on the bucket list scratch....ive had to re look at the roofline on that house a couple times kinda funky in a smurfy kinda way.. Thanks for sharing your adventure
  13. WOW is an understatement....Amazing footage!!!!!
  14. its possible there will be a propane version down the road or existing one could be modified for the people that like to carry extra supplies with them...i think the idea is really neat...i think if it was listed in a "survival" section might make a few people more cool with it...
  15. the burn is addicting...awesome tat...definatly worthy of a shot out for your artist
  16. i find it kind of exciting to see the spin off technology this little gadget may have started... a few ideas pop into my mind
  17. Nice shootin Trouty...
  18. "OUT THERE" = breaking new horizons in your mind and having the talents to share your thoughts with others if i could spell....i could work for Websters Every time you go "OUT THERE" please dont forget to come back
  19. CO was at the river last night in my area...he was writing a fine up for someone fishing too close to the dam....i didnt get checked because i was out in the middle of the river...i would have gladly waded back to him if he would have asked...its refreshing to see them out and about. If i had of noticed the guy fishing too close i would have said something to him and it would have saved him the fine...so to all that never speak up...keep it in mind your just trying to help someone else out
  20. Interesting....i just discovered Im a homophobe ...thanks Roy...if you have 4 flat tires in the morning ....it wasnt me
  21. Positive thoughts sent your way Dave for you and your family...
  22. Other then explain to the guy that he got really lucky...you possibly could have reminded him why there are rules in the first place to possibly turn his train of thought for the better... I would think the CO probably assessed the entire situation and since the guy was honest to him...he was cut some slack...it isnt like he had a stringer full of fish that he was going to sell Its good that you got out and are feeling better
  23. Good On Ya
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