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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. go diesel... maintenance is a bit more but in the long run...youll be happy....even with the sometimes higher fuel costs than gas
  2. Nice shooting Rick....

  3. My socks stink ( just maintaining my daily average )
  4. HJ and suspended minnows it is ....im on a mission to catch one tonight ....Thanks Sorry for the side track Larry...back to your regular scheduled programming..
  5. There was music?...didnt even notice because i was too fixated on the scenery....That is an excellent production Miro...and kudos to you for the shout out to the forum...it shows the your pride of being a member when your producing the pride of your journey...and an excellent journey it was...GOOD ON YA !!!!
  6. Nice shootin boiz....a bad day fishing is better then a hangover
  7. Larry i located a bunch of these critters last night in the dark....i have never caught a Gar before ...so i need an explanation as to what a "rope lure" is and how to use it....i want to give it another go tonight.... HELP A BROTHER OUT!!!!
  8. its about time you fessed up and took responsibility for not packing duct tape for their recent holey canoe scenario...in the words of Donald Trump "YOUR FIRED! Now get outta here!" Initially i was going to say this site may need the traffic of the "lurkers" to generate more sponsors but i decided not to say that because to quote you B " My thing is, I love to fish and report my days events" and for that...thats what makes this forum work as well as it does...i enjoy reading peoples adventures on here and quite impressed with quality of the reports...its all about the fun of our passion and sharing it with each other...if someone learns something along the way...well i guess you get to sleep good at night that you helped out someone you dont even know...(noble gesture) Keep in mind everyone moves and beats to their own drum...when i found this site and read 6 or 7 threads...i signed up immediately...some others it may take years to climb out of the shadows (if ever) ...i can think of a few people that are members on this forum that have less than 10 posts but are active in reading all the time and been members for years long before me..Some may find it intimidating to compare their writing abilities to some of the others on here...what ever the reason...its their loss that they wont get the satisfaction of sharing the rewards that come with being an active member such as making new friends...personally i havent yet posted a fishing report by choice...but still consider myself an active member that enjoys checking in on a daily basis
  9. sweet mother of pearl...thats a beaut!!!! nice photo too...Congrates!!!
  10. Ok..here is the secret to catching that fish...Dress full up in caomo and lay down on the bank.....put your right arm in the water and slowly slide your hand under its belly....tickle softly and the fish will fall asleep...lift him up...take your picture and place him back in the water....sneak away from the river bed in stealth mode so as to not wake it up.... Clip your fingernails if they are long
  11. Lew i just noticed in the one picture of your deer....is that a food composter in the backyard? (black Box with a lid)...if it is you might want to reconsider burning your food waste instead...beautiful shots...your living in paradise
  12. IF you keep him fed well he wont want to eat you ...seriously though ....learn to live with them if they dont bring back the spring bear hunt...people have been living with them for ever....if its a going concern then i would suggest investing into a firearm and safety course or relocate back into the city...personally i would embrace them as you embrace a deer...simply appreciate it and take pictures if your lucky enough to encounter them
  13. Dont be silly Frankie...they are only comming up to learn how to play football the proper way
  14. your becomming quite the video producer Mr Misfish... 1 How do you put videos on here so that they dont show up as a link? ( its eaisier to ask then to try to learn especially when the working half of my brain is sleeping)
  15. A redneck family's only son returns home from college. The father asks, "Well son, you done gone to college, so you must be perty smart. Why don't you speak some math fer' us?" The son says, "Pi R squared." The father yells, "Why son, they ain't teached ya nothin'! Pies are round, cornbread are square."
  16. Sure sure...prove it >>>>i double dog dare ya Nice fishies Paul
  17. You guys do realize if you put the canopy up the bugs wont come under...they will stay outside in the sun....Nice shooting ....do you guys normally use the noodle rods and spinning reels for downrigging? sure does look like fun....Good on ya ALL for a memorable outing for sure
  18. So we had hopes of capturing the eclipse but unfortunately it just wasnt in the cards for us ... the clouds on the horizon mess up a small oportunity to get any shot...but we did manage to get some sunset shots with my grandaughter playing in the lake...water was surprisingly tolerable as long as you didnt get deeper then the knees...heres a few shots my better half took while i played
  19. rotten kid!!!! Nice shooting G...im going to buy your dad a very sharp knife to start cutting your line... Nice report !
  20. it doesnt matter the age Rick....the smiles say you piloted the craft well!!!! i bet you were smiling while taking the picture too....Great job to ALL!
  21. Fantastic !!!! can it get any better??? i dont think so....Nice Shootin!!!!
  22. If you renting a tinny and motor i would suggest the Credit...you can cruise up and down the river and wander into the Marina ....in the river youll get droppies and in the marina you should pull well....anything...good luck and enjoy
  23. do i owe you a buck now B....i missed it the first time through the ranks...but that was pretty kewl!
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