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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. you boys have the editing down perfect....timeline for the camera angles couldnt get any better ....nice shooting on the bows but totally awesome on the videos.... Cheers!
  2. Back at ya Ron...Have a good one
  3. Dont know why it double posted...maybe im studdering today
  4. Nice shooting Rick...when my son was young we had what we called the "wall of shame" (play on words for "the wall of fame") Do you and G have something similar to display pictures of your adventures and accomplishments? G im going to leave it to you to force dad on the water EVERY available moment this summer...nice catch young man...shoot for the Tyee or better!!!
  5. Welcome to the board Luke...life sure can throw a curve ball...but curve balls can be knocked out of the park too...sounds like your family will see to that
  6. Heres a story for leaving something a little too long....i crushed a finger in the winch loading the boat and thought nothing of it (broke the skin all around the nail) ....but from handling fish time and time again and getting wet each time ....it actually turned into flesh eating disease after 6 days....the fever was terrible and the pain of the infection 10x worse....i ended up in hospital getting the top of my finger removed...the doc said to be prepared to never have a fingernail there again but left a tiny little seed of the thingy thaqt grows nails...ive got a fingernail today but ill never piss around with fish water and open wounds again... I would get it checked to save yourself from what i went through ...NOT FUN... Good Luck
  7. Beauties!!!! Nice shootin
  8. WOW! Congrates!!!! Milestone for sure Free drinks for everyone!!!!pm Roy for his credit card number
  9. i havent had stuff like that since the 70s....send some this way you two
  10. He actually surprises me with some of his witty and informed remarks...sometimes i find it hard to believe he is as young as he is....
  11. Amazing !!!! Good on you.... Good on your son...Good on us all for getting to read this....
  12. Im going to take a guess and say no...but if it has a natural "navigable" feed then i would think it would....
  13. really kewl with all the camera angles....double headers are always fun...is it the norm to release the salmon that way ...when your skiing a 20 pounder in like that... im thinking it might require some reviving (not ment to be critical) Awesome video and good on ya for the fishing Cheers
  14. i find it surprising people actually fish for bass but then again the people that do...probably golf as well...
  15. outstanding report and photography....nice shooting on all fronts!
  16. Im not 100% sure but Northern Huron and Gbay belong to the Ojibway They are the only ones to commercial fish in these waters...
  17. Well i hope you know ..."that aint commin off" Nice Tat !
  18. Did you get a new crystal ball Art or exercising your faith in the "norm" as of late It is an interesting topic...i have fished beside Saugeen band members thousands of times where Everyone seems to comply to the regulations set forth by MNR but when it comes to distances downstream from a Dam those rules dont seem to apply...Im now curious enough to enquire the next opportunity that presents itself...Can it be possible each Band has different rules that were negotiated in the different Treaties of certain areas This could be a very interesting thread if it can stay civil
  19. Stoty only you know your abilities...you can successfully spray in the kit yourself with a cheap Shultz gun and a small compressor...it isnt that hard and it will look just as good a Line-X but....yeah there is a but....Line X is a rubberized flexible product and can be sprayed on in great mil thicknesses and if for what ever reason your vehicle suffers an impact...it will flex to great proportions before it actually cracks...so repair to your truck could be just a rear quarter or external panels on the box....with the kits like yours and Rinho...the product is hard and brittle so sometimes just dropping a pile of lumber in the box will cause a shock throughout and crack or even pop a chip out...even if you spray it again there will always be a Mil thickness difference...i have had both applications on several vehicles and the bottom line is ....you get what you pay for...but both look good Hope it helps
  20. You know....the problem with bylaws that seem stupid is to place blame/accountability on someone other than the person(s) that have suffered an expense/loss of unimaginable proportions...In this case there are many faults at play on many different fronts including the city that imposed the bylaw in the first place...(someone had to have died in a previous situation so it became a by law)... Granted due diligence can save lives and bylaws can bring awareness by putting a monetary value to them...but it doesnt change the fact that this happened and will happen again at some point in time regardless of the Laws...People are suffering a tragic accident including the homeowner of the pond...how do you live comfortably in a house or have a BBQ with friends in your backyard knowing something terrible happened right there ....I dont beleive the intentions of a pond are to hurt anyones child...but merely for aesthetics and the enjoyment of a couple of fish to watch while you have a cold beverage...As bad as this may sound...where was the toddlers gaurdian at the time of accident (thats who failed responsibility )..Toddlers are Never to be left alone unless they are sleeping in a crib or playpen and even then...they get checked in on....My heart goes out to all involved for such a tragedy...but if any certain area of this county requires a law to fence a pond to save a life...then i think the whole country should comply to the same rules including our governments obligation to install fences along EVERY river lake pond etc that bears a depth of 2 feet Not meant to be harsh in anyway way...there are people suffering because of this ACCIDENT but i couldnt hold this in anymore....i really did try My heart goes out to all involved
  21. Congrates on the purchase... May your memories be many!
  22. nice shot Skud
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