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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. do they still have the bear in the window of Novaks?....just saying that name brings back smells...i got my very first swiss army knife there when i was 10....saved my allowance for three weeks...lost it the second day i had it ...
  2. I dont know...looks like the lawn needs water in both the pics... Lew make sure you save the photo on your comp after editing and upload the edited one? BTW nice place
  3. Heres the rules...i know alot of you guys are already aware but we have a bunch of new shutter bugs so join in and have some fun July Photo Contest The July Photo Contest is now open for entries! The Winner will receive an 11" x 14" print of any one of my photos of their choice! Only one entry per person and please keep the photos under 2mb in size (Facebook friendly) Email the photos to [email protected] and I will post them in an album when it's time for voting to begin. Entries will be accepted from now until Sunday July 22nd @ 8pm PST. The voting period will take place from Monday July 23rd to Monday July 30th @ 8pm PST. The winner will be announced on Tuesday July 31st. Please include "July Photo Contest" in the email subject line as well as your first and last name somewhere in the email. The voting will be the same as last time. Simply click "like" below the photo you want to vote for. *writing "VOTE" below the photo will NOT count as a vote. You must "like" the Brandon Broderick Photography Page to vote. Only the "like" votes will count* You are allowed to vote for more than one photo and the the photo with the most "likes" at the end of the voting period will be the winner. I'll post the voting details below each photo once they are posted. Feel free to share this contest with anyone you feel may be interested and when it's time for voting, share your picture with your friends to get some votes! I'm looking forward to seeing the entries! Good luck everyone! Brandon
  4. I just spent the better part of two hours talking with Philip Huggins over the phone because i couldnt find any updated information regarding his case since 2010 ... http://www.dlcc.ca/ginger.html so i took apon myself to call him personally...Its evident through our conversation his wounds still bleed deep for the love he has for Ginger who now resides in Nova Scotia (not confirmed) because it was his only option to save Gingers life.According to Philip 780 thousand dollars of tax payers money was wasted to only have the DLCC removed Ginger shortly after his court date in 2010. Phillip tried to get updates from DLCC regarding Ginger's well being to no avail. Even after all these years Phillips voice trembled on the telephone of hurt when he speaks of the incident. Phillip is a large man of over 6 feet but in my eyes he is immeasurable for standing up for whats right and going through all that he has ...for the love of his dog. It has made me wonder...if i could have done it without completely losing it all together. It is planned that we are going to meet in the near future but for simplicity sake...hopefully he will attend from the invitation i sent forth to him to appear on the 27th because it would be an honour to thank him personally for surviving the tribulations BSL has bestowed upon his life as a Canadian . To think we live in Canada is a mistake....we live in ONTARIO and apparently we do things different here. Its truely a sad situation when it takes a dog named Lennox from another continent to piss people like me off. To see blatantly how messed up we are right here at home in the True North Strong and FREE....remember those words when they come and "kick your doors in on a sweep for your dog that has long since been removed" I know there are bully breed owners on this forum and if your dog isnt a bully breed its comming to your dog next ( not kidding ) Punish the DEED NOT THE BREED...There is a demonstration on the 21st in Toronto Hope to see some of you there http://www.facebook.com/events/321660744592603/
  5. NAW i have a 6.5 horse 11.5 cfm @ 40 psi /10.5 cfm @ 90 psi 60 gallon upright 220v you can have for 350.00 i paid a thousand for it 6 years ago and i never use it anymore...PM if your interested...i didnt have any intentions on selling it...but it is just sitting there collecting dust
  6. If anyone from OFC would like the "WE ARE LENNOX" tag put onto a picture of your dog to support the fight against BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) simply drop a photo on http://www.facebook.com/AmericanBulldogsinCanada and i will do it and post it in the "WE ARE LENNOX" folder that you can share or download for you personal support to fight in Lennoxs Honour
  7. It can be a grey area for instance ...there is no possible way a new born baby could operate a fishing rod or fight a fish for that matter but there are two year old children that fish better then some adults...i would think it would depend on the age of the child and his/her capabilities to comprehend what they are doing....now on the other hand...what about "special needs" children or adults that dont require a license ever...does their teacher/support person have to have a license if the person doesnt comprehend what they are doing? This could have been an interesting subject if it hadnt of been sidetracked... For what its worth...i read the first three words of Terrys comment and knew the punch line before i actually read the words written because it was what I too was thinking....great minds think alike...even though it was someone elses mind that created the humour...Green Canada the Mods dont allow malicious hurtful words on this forum...you should know that by now...and Im truely sorry if you have had any experience in your life pertaining to rape... Try to see the lighter sides of things Cheers!
  8. I have a picture of Micheal just taken last week....he is reincarnated of course....can you tell which one he is?
  9. Fish With Teeth Found in Illinois' Lake Native to the Amazon Basin, Pacu, known for having human-like teeth, can weigh up to 55 pounds, have been spotted in Lake Lou Yaeger in Illinois. In Papua New Guinea the Pacu is also known as the "Ball Cutter Fish" because it's known to bite at the testicles of fishermen.
  10. you wont find it in that book Jacques because it is written in French....try a bird book from Canada
  11. the only way you could improve on this report would be to show pics of the kids smiles....Good on ya !!!
  12. beauty!!! classy thread combination...i really like it
  13. Great read!!! it makes me think of all the situations ive managed to survive out on the lakes... definatley "Lady Luck" was looking over everyone with an eye brow raised.
  14. certain ethnic groups target and eat them...some groups eat them when they catch them first thing in the spring when the water is cold....others well...it doesnt matter...
  15. Nice shooting Team....Reminds me of fishing with my son during Derby Time...he would wake up when i was loading the boat back onto the trailer and ask "How many did WE catch?"
  16. i normally keep mine just outta reach in the heaviest current...not the greatest method i know because ya have to wait for the water levels to drop to switch em up
  17. lol..i see you two have no taste in shirts either...i probably have a hundred different variations of LOUD shirts...someone actually accused me of stealing their curtains once and making a shirt out of it... nice shooting guys!
  18. Fantastic report!! thanks for taking us along!
  19. How do ya like me now?
  20. B i just had surgery on both my eyes over the last two weeks....still on the mend (drops regiment)...i can see like a 19 year old again but i do have to wear reading glasses now....hope yours gets sorted out i thought this was cool too 279/Twocoda/BrianFlyinHeavyHDR.jpg[/img]
  21. Wow Nice surprise !!! was it your target to catch that Sturgeon....Great photos Larry
  22. Here a few to add to the collection....only problem is....they arent attached to anything
  23. Pike drive rinckons not cataracts
  24. Nice shooting ...im sure your sons smile reflects the pride in your heart
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