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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. I've seen very similar reels at markets and antique shops here in BC...almost bought an identical reel actually, but picked out an old wooden peetz instead...if you posted on a BC forum you might get some replies....cool piece of history there
  2. sweet ride!
  3. if you were happy with your Sonoma, get another...or an extended cab ranger would fit your requirements too...ranger fan myself, beat the snot out of 2 of them and no major issues, if you tow a boat be realistic about the weight, that was my only deciding factor to go to a full size
  4. drunk drivers who kill people don't just get a slap on the wrist.....there is no penalty yet, only a guilty verdict, she hasn't been sentenced, the article said Aug 8th no? and wouldn't expect her to receive a harsh sentence human life should be more valuable than animal life, but that viewpoint is quickly shifting
  5. clearly not intentional and a very sad accident, fault is squarely on the woman but can still feel a lot of sympathy for everybody involved....from the ON drivers handbook, would assume the Quebec book would cover something similar "If you wish to watch an animal, find a safe place to pull completely off the road and park first. Do not park on the shoulder of the road, as other drivers may be distracted by the animal and hit your vehicle."
  6. definitely agree on quality waders, take your used centre pin budget and up your wader budget...you will appreciate good waders when standing in a cold river much more than a flashy reel I started using an aventa, still have it and it works just fine still today, can upgrade the bearings pretty easily
  7. will be interesting to see what she receives during sentencing....she is completely at fault IMO, you don't just park your car on a busy highway... http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/woman-was-helping-ducks-when-motorcycle-hit-her-parked-car-trial-told/article18977229/ Woman was helping ducks when motorcycle hit her parked car, trial told Crown prosectors say there was nothing reasonable about a Quebecker’s decision to park her car on a busy highway to help ducks, an act they allege triggered events that left two people dead. Emma Czornobaj has pleaded not guilty to two counts each of criminal negligence causing death and dangerous driving causing death. Czornobaj, now 25, is accused in the deaths of Andre Roy, 50, and his daughter Jessie, 16. Roy was driving and his daughter was riding pillion on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle that slammed into the accused’s car in June, 2010. The Crown said in its opening statement Tuesday that Czornobaj, of Chateauguay, wasn’t physically in her car and that the vehicle was at a dead stop in the left lane of a highway south of Montreal. Prosecutor Annie-Claude Chasse said witness and police testimony will show she was on a narrow patch next to the passing lane, tending to a family of ducks on the roadway. “Would a reasonable and prudent person, in the same circumstances as was the accused, have done the same?” Chasse asked the jury. “Would that reasonable and prudent person have stopped their car, on a busy highway, in order to save some ducks?” The charges are serious. Criminal negligence causing death carries a maximum life sentence while the charge of dangerous driving causing death comes with a maximum of 14 years in jail. Czornobaj has no previous record. Witnesses expected to testify include Pauline Volikakis, who lost her husband and only child in the tragedy. She was riding in a motorcycle behind the two victims and saw the events as they unfolded on Highway 30, south of Montreal. On Tuesday, eyewitness Martine Tessier testified she was driving along the same stretch of highway on June 27, 2010. The weather was nice, the sun was setting and the road conditions were excellent. Tessier said she was driving about 110 kilometres an hour when she saw a woman along the side of the road seemingly trying to shoo along a family of ducks. “I shouted to my kids [in the car], ‘What is she doing there? She’s going to get killed,’ ” Tessier told the jury. She testified that, moments later, she was staring down a car, completely stopped with no hazard lights on, with the door open on the driver’s side. “It was close enough that I knew I didn’t have time to brake,” Tessier said. Instead, she swerved to get around the car. Then she looked back in her rear-view mirror and saw something else hit the vehicle. “I saw a body go over the car, it was like a rag doll,” Tessier said. “I shouted to my daughter to call 911 with my cellphone.” The jury is composed of 10 men and two women, while three weeks have been set aside for the trial. The two victims were from St-Constant.
  8. fish of a lifetime! sturgeon are actually very tough fish, their decline was result of severe overfishing and to a lesser degree loss of spawning/nursery habitat...been a few studies on it, delayed mortality is roughly 2-3% if I remember correctly (monitored for 3 days in holding pens), about 15 years of data since through tagging programs, many fish have been caught numerous times
  9. hahaha that's awesome! ...my buddies and I thought we'd just road trip for the Olympics, be ski bums for a season...we're still here, it's hard to leave...and you'll be here just in time for when sockeye opener is announced PS don't sell all your bass gear
  10. sweet fish, first sturgeon is pure enjoyment! nicely done video too....what bait did the fish take?
  11. betty frank is a good read, on my list to get to, one heck of a lady http://www.harbourpublishing.com/title/LegendaryBettyFrank
  12. some good books already mentioned 'Fishing with my old guy' by Paul Quarrington, light hearted and funny read 'Lines on the water' by David Adams Richards I enjoy reading books about Canadian outlaws from back around turn of the century, just started 'The death of Albert Johnson, Mad trapper of rat river' the very best book to read in a tent while camping is 'Bear Attacks, cause and avoidance' by Dr. Stephen Herrero
  13. keep your receipt if you go the crappy tire way, I had to exchange mine twice in one summer before I just got store credit (the second time took a lot of complaining, "I must have been using it too hard"...had to escalate an email to their corporate service email, the local manager was useless, took about 2 weeks to resolve)...I'd personally spend a bit more on a quality cover the first time my buddy got a custom made somewhere in ON for 650 shipped, I can't remember the name but I'm sure somebody else here will chime in could you get your old cover repaired?
  14. my buddy's dad and his friend brought a good 30 lbs of cheese combined on a fly in fishing trip...396 could be believable for a large group, probably back you up more than 30 lbs of cheese did lol
  15. from my experiences, Shimano sets the standard I base all others against...don't break many rods, but when I do nice to know the company does the right thing to make a loyal customer happy
  16. often times CO's will watch you before they approach you...they don't issue fines on intent (at least not for OOS issues), so if anybody got stuck with a fine for fishing OOS they certainly deserve it we had them glass us for close to an hour, didn't realize they were CO's and got pissed strangers were watching us so long, as we packed up to move they came racing over...we checked out of course, and they did say they watched us and saw us release a few OOS bass, but we did catch some nice pike, they just asked if we catch a lot of bass to please move spots
  17. yep, i'd suggest the gulp leeches google coffee can trap, your first night up there set a few traps using fish guts or some other meat near a weedy area, we've always done well that way, expensive to buy
  18. so even with the trim pin in the lowest position, the bow still rises up high? I was kind of assuming it was setup further out, but it looks like you have it in the low position already
  19. how much is a new transducer? I've seen crappy tire clearing out humming bird units at very good prices lately
  20. how do you have your o/b setup now? pics would help explain with fewer words, it will be an easy adjustment, just need to know how you have it setup currently...I've used hydrofoils/whale tails before with results, but I'd try to adjust your setup before buying add on's
  21. I left the butt section of an echo spey rod with an islander reel on top of my truck canopy...echo surprisingly covered me on warranty, only cost me 35$...reel was lost, at least I bought it used and beat up off craigslist for dirt cheap, but was plenty bitter when I realized pliers down the hole ice fishing
  22. if you don't want them stolen, take them out of the boat...this applies to electronics, tackle, etc, anything you don't want stolen, locks only slow thieves down, not stop them
  23. I mostly apply drag to the line itself, not the spool, with my middle/ring fingers but I do palm the spool too...fingers or palming, you'll get a feel for it and learn not to lock the reel biggest thing is keep your rod at a good angle, don't crazy high stick it, but do keep it bent, it's a 10-13' shock absorber, let it work for you if you have any carp or catfish around you, that's great practice, you can bottom fish with a pin reel too, no rule that says you need to drift with a float
  24. glad to hear it, if you're not comfortable you're not going to fish as focused or as long many different knots to connect to mainline, somewhat depends on the type of backing you use...for myself I have most confidence with an improved Albright, easy to tie and goes through guides easily I like to use 20 lb Dacron, but mono and cheap fly line are also popular...I probably fill up more Dacron than most, I do a good 2/3 to 3/4 of the spool with Dacron to take up space, and I only run about 100 yds of mainline...I like to fish fresh mainline, fresh handles better, plus it's more expensive than Dacron and don't really need a half spool of it...when a fish runs into my backing, I have complete trust in my Albright knot, and on most ON rivers it's highly unlikely to let a fish get more than 100 yds out on you how you hold the rod/reel was also very solid advice, my butt is usually tucked under my arm pit/against ribs, kind of acts as an anchor point when I set the hook....and under the forearm when you're extending your arm for more reach, little things to reduce the strain on your hand and wrist....try different hand positions until you find what you like
  25. the jet jump at 3:38 was wicked
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