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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. seems to be at least one of these stories every few years....hard to imagine doing that time and staying sane "unconstitutional suppression of evidence" "Mr Ford was initially implicated in the killing by a woman who later testified she had lied" I believe there is a statute of limitations for those who contributed to wrongful conviction...if I got out after 30 yrs, I wouldn't care about the money, I'd want the people responsible to be jailed
  2. pretty cool video, I was rooting for him to take the bait with him lol
  3. I wonder what the 4" white tube record is? lol
  4. I'm sure puking was just an expression, but adrenaline does different things to different people....I played football with a kid who would puke a couple of times at the start of a game.....I avoided a serious highway accident and kept driving, until 5 mins down the road I had to slam on the brakes and throw up out the door...maybe there is some old truth behind the saying, "I'd puke if I did that..."
  5. that was crazy, glad everybody was ok at least, the video is scary because we all know how easily that could happen to anybody, any day of the week I don't think it's just a cell phone issue, it's distracted driving in general....if it's not a cell phone, there are dozens of other things that distract a driver....it's a parent with kids, a dog in the car, playing with the radio or browsing through a playlist, rolling up a Horton's cup, eating food, being upset/emotional, etc...in that video it's a cell phone, but people drinking coffee is just as much a risk as a phone
  6. anybody who owns a gun really needs to voice their opinion RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson admits to using a handgun for the purpose of intimidation, just a joke to him...let's see a regular civilian get away with that “If one of her boyfriends were coming over, I’d put it on,” Paulson said in the interview with CPAC’s Beyond Politics just over a year ago. “You could tell where the eyes would go. They would always be polite. But their eyes would be fixated on the device … It was a lot of fun.” "Last summer, the prime minister’s office said the RCMP should focus on more “important tasks,” after the RCMP seized hundreds of guns from homes evacuated during severe flooding in southern Alberta. The RCMP said the guns posed a safety threat." http://o.canada.com/news/national/paulson-with-video/
  7. dang, we caught some 1-5lbs in the Columbia, return trip may be in order! many out west anglers consider bass, walleye and pike to be garbage fish, even where they occur naturally and are not invasive...trout and salmon are obviously the only trophy fish
  8. Make your voice heard, You can send a letter to every editor in Canada using Demented's Democracy Machine: http://www.democracy-machine.com/ you can use these links to address the minister, if sending letters ain't your thing http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/bt/cntct-frm-eng.aspx?type=m http://www.pm.gc.ca/eng/contactpm here is a generic template that is floating around: Dear Right Honourable Prime Minister Stephen Harper; Thank you for announcing a five year amnesty on March 3 2014 for the effected owners of the Swiss Arms and CZ858 rifles. I do hope that this is however the first step in a multiple part plan. The amnesty alone will not fix the issue and only grants the owners 5 years until they have criminal charges brought against them. Without being meant for a bigger purpose while you delay charges against these owners this amnesty is at best a stop gap measure. If this amnesty is not combined with a dismantling of the firearms act and sensible redraft it's nothing more than lip service. This has gone past the point of return and the only way to fix the Swiss Arms, CZ858, and the antiques issue is a full out dismantling of the current firearms act. Simply returning the classifications will not fix the issue as it will happen again when your government is no longer in power. The issue was caused by the deliberate poor wording and onerous laws written within the firearms act. I request that you dismantle and redraft the Firearms Act as promised prior to your being elected to government. This is the only solution that will legally fix the current issue, as the reasons for reclassification are embedded in, or up for interpretation by poor wording in the firearms act, and if the Firearms Lab is correct these decisions are by law irreversible. Nothing short of a dismantling and redraft of the firearms act before the next federal election will be acceptable at this point, and it is the only way to fix these issues legally. Until you completely dismantle and redraft the firearms act the time, effort, and finances that I would have put into your Party I am now directing to support the lawsuits of law abiding firearms owners and the Canadian firearms organizations. Thank you for your time and consideration into this matter. I assure you that should you act on these matters responsibly you will consolidate my vote and financial support for well into the future. Respectfully yours, Type your name here and sign above it .
  9. I personally feel that anglers and hunters are cut from the same cloth (although some don't share that viewpoint I'm sure), with gun ownership rights being an important issue to outdoorsmen/women. The registry was scrapped, or was it? We all know they didn't just delete that data, and video of the RCMP search and seizure of property belonging to the citizens of High River, AB is pretty strong evidence to support that. They knew which houses had firearms and used force to break in and seize, these were not weapons lying in plain sight doing a safety check, or whatever their lame excuse was. Firefighters don't worry about firearms/ammo, so why would the RCMP in a flood situation? They are abusing legal gun owners under the disguise of "public safety." Their mandate is to enforce legislated law, not create it. In response to the reclassification, I would hope all gun owners would put their signature on this petition: http://www.nominaterobanders.com/firearms_petition Firearms Petition Effective Thursday, February 27th at 10:00PM the Chief Firearms Officers reclassified the Swiss Arms Classic Green carbine from non-restricted to prohibited status. There are approximately 1,000-1,800 of these firearms owned in the public. The unjust confiscation of firearms is an atrocious crime against the rights of law-abiding gun owners and Canadian citizens. The decision was made by these bureaucrats, not the Conservative government. The Minister has already ordered a moratorium on the seizure of guns, but he needs to do more. To the House of Commons, in Parliament assembled: we ask that the following actions be taken: Rescind the decision to reclassify the Swiss Arms Classic Green carbine from non-restricted to prohibited status Decriminalize firearms possession by eliminating S. 91, and 92 of the Criminal Code. Extensively modify and eliminate prohibited and restricted classes, including rescinding of arbitrary clauses on barrel length and caliber that classify firearms, and regulations affecting magazines. Eliminate punitive safe storage and transport requirements. Eliminate Chief Firearms Officers and rescind F.A. Section 58.1 I also went through the nightmare of transferring a used restricted firearm (pistol) and will NEVER do that again, will only buy new from a retail outlet...it was insane trying to buy a used pistol from a friend...it's funny how the registry was scrapped, and then all of a sudden processing time increases, passive retaliation??? So I also support this petition to remove the CFO and privatize the admin processes, I don't agree 100%, believe to be a flawed process and the entire firearms act needs to be redrafted, but I do believe this petition will help raise awareness that the current system is intrusive on the rights of legally abiding gun owners. http://responsiblefirearmsreform.ca/the-provincial-chief-firearms-officers-have-to-go/ Dear Responsible Firearms Owners, Now that our Federal Conservative Government has fulfilled its promise to scrap the Liberal’s wasteful billion dollar long-gun registry, we need to look at other ways to save taxpayers dollars. I have introduced Motion 439 to privatize the functions of the Canadian Firearms Registration System. In addition to saving tax dollars, privatizing the functions of the Canadian Firearms Registration System has a number of other advantages. It would eliminate the costly duplication of having each province managing a separate bureaucracy to administer the firearms registration system. Law-abiding sportsmen, hunters and farmers would benefit by having one set of rules rather than the provincial patchwork that currently exists. By privatizing the functions, as a civilian agency the office would become administrative and service oriented, to the benefit of all Canadians. Law enforcement professionals’ valuable time can be re-directed away from paperwork to more useful tasks such as front-line policing. The good thing about this change is that since it is administrative, legislation may not be required, but your support is! You can help by casting your e-VOTE to demonstrate support for this responsible firearms reform. Sincerely, Cheryl Gallant, M.P. Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke Motion 439 - April 11, 2013 - That, in the opinion of the House, the Minister of Public Safety should, with the approval of the Governor-in-Council, rescind the existing agreements with the governments of the provinces and amend Section 95 of the Firearms Act to privatize the functions and operation of the Canadian Firearms Registration System, in recognition that the Parliamentary Budget Office has identified: (a) provincial criminal justice expenditures as the largest contributor to rising public expenditures on criminal justice; ( policing expenditures categorized as fully dedicated to crime includes firearms programs when in fact they are non-criminal and should be administered as such; and © law enforcement professionals spend too much time on administrative tasks at the expense of front-line policing. She also has a petition to stop reclassification for confiscation: http://responsiblefirearmsreform.ca/stop-reclassification-confiscation/ TO: The Honourable Steven Blaney, Minister of Public Safety Please support MP Cheryl Gallant’s Motion M-452 the establishment of a permanent “Firearms Experts Technical Committee” to oversee such things as firearms reclassifications, and impose a moratorium on firearms reclassification until the permanent committee is in place. (follow the link to read everything)
  10. Sorry for your loss. My vet once told us that he was amazed how long some dogs live past their prime, and he always felt that a long life was at least a little reflective of the care and love the dog receives from his master, sounds like Marvin lived a great life.
  11. reasonability varies with each CO (sometimes drastically), so you could be guilty there there are certain lakes in Alberta where you have to apply for a lottery draw for walleye...then the tag must be clipped through the gills with the proper info...so ON is still a bit more lenient than that thankfully, and I'd think as long as you're polite and courteous most CO's would not give you a hard time in the fish cleaning shack I've encountered many CO's who were playing Sherlock holmes or good cop vs bad cop type of tactics, cross referencing your story with buddies across the lake, etc...but once they are satisfied you are above the table they were good guys and good for a quick chat before they took off
  12. hmm, I'd trade the Calais for a new morris in about 3 yrs lol
  13. didn't say crap lol...just saying that a reel 1/2 it's price has no problem competing with it....and I wouldn't hesitate to try out the carbon lite, or the morris signature for the same price as the revo http://www.tackletour.com/reviewbassprojohnnymorrisreelpg2.html I'm guessing these guys had a reel packed with way too much grease, my reels both have very strong drags....even with their crappy drag review and nit picking about smoothness, still scores 7.9
  14. oh believe me it bothered me a lot at first, then I just became cool with it and bought a second used morris off this forum, same deal, it casts great not the dc version, but it's pretty close to casting with the regular calais...I think the morris edges it out mostly on light weight baits with the dual brakes going on vs just the vbs...the Calais is a lot more refined, better built and more comfortable to fish with all day sorry to hi jack lol, I'd save a few bucks and try the carbon lite...I find the bps reviews to be fairly accurate if you haven't taken a look at them yet
  15. I've challenged this a time or two....short version, if a figure of authority decided he wants to makes up "reasonable suspicion" then that's all he needs to do...asked an attorney through work and he said it's your credibility versus his and the cop/CO always wins I have nothing to hide so as another poster said, I will quickly return the dickhead attitude favour and in the end it's always a good laugh seeing how frustrated they look when they don't find what they want
  16. I have 2 morris baitcasters that I like a lot last time I had a chat about this topic, I believe 'OEM Manufacturing' (might have the company name wrong) produces all of BPS reels (and most of the fishing market, ie plueger which BPS resembles quite a bit) and outsources the production to many difference companies oversea, namely china and korea. After a big company has run their reels through prod, BPS will run a batch and rebrand to save costs instead of having OEM retool to a new spec, so you end up with a reel that looks very similar. The tolerances and bearings are different with each contract, sometimes you get a better reel than the brand name reel, sometimes not but they are usually pretty close but BPS passes a bit of the savings to you.......that might not be all 100% accurate but is fairly close my 2 morris baitcasters can go head to head with my curado and Calais reels, maybe even outcast them a little with light weights, dual braking systems are the cats meow
  17. it's more of a lift and drop...many guys use a full length rod
  18. sweet video, these guys got it dialed in, a lot of guys fish the same setup on cold lake notice what they're using for bait on the 5/0 hook underneath the flasher? (right hand side of screen at 0:11) fish the upper 1/3 of the water column with a flasher and big bait and you will catch big lakers all year through the ice...not many, but you're targeting big girls exclusively
  19. there is a very big difference between intentional and unintentional poaching, there are levels of severity to it...what this guy did is a single drop of water in a much larger bucket of more severe issues/offenders you can't throw the proverbial book at every single offence, in turn wasting precious little resources.....fry the big fish, not the little fish, so to say I wish I raised a way bigger stink when I reported out of season poaching on spawning walleye at the London street dam...literally 10 minute walking distance away from the MNR office in Peterborough...nobody showed up in the 3 hours I stood around waiting and hoping.....I called it in EVERY spring and nothing ever happened......but a silly record contender, call the press and get your pitchin arm ready for that heavy book eh
  20. I tried using the cork sealer stuff a long time ago, but ended up not liking the finish it put on the rod, made the grip slicker for me.....every now and then I clean a few handles and rub in a few drops of gun oil, slightly darkens the cork and will show the filler better.....tried waxing a couple times, meh, in the end just not worth the effort, a regular wipe down to keep clean works good enough for me I've used tooth paste before on really dirty handles, some swear by it but I didn't find it to be any better than just a soapy dish rag
  21. yep, you hit the nail square on the head...matter of fact, I just poached the "size 9 jigging rap record" earlier today....
  22. I guess when I think the term "book" I envision a much thicker book than $300....he's getting a brochure thrown at him maybe...perhaps I don't grasp the allure of holding the tip up record lol, all tackle yes, tip up not so much in terms of serious poaching charges, I just don't see his serious wrongful intentions....buddy fessed up to it, didn't try to hide anything, didn't make excuses...he got called on a mistake and owned up to it...that says something about his character in my books he just should have known the regs a bit better but because of the "record" potential he's going to catch more crap for it
  23. he won't get the book thrown at him, nor does he deserve it....I think it's $300 per offence, 1 fish = 1 offence but it will set an example for others because it's probably going to get some publicity...and he'll lose eligibility for the record that pro musky guide who was fishing with extra rods and encouraging non residents to blast wolves without proper tags and illegally exporting...that's a lot more severe and he deserves whatever comes his way and the record is silly anyways, an ice fishing record for tip ups, and lake trout is only 29 lbs??? pretty sure that's been crushed many times and is a record nobody cares about
  24. his biggest mistake was taking credit for the catch, if he already knew the CO's had checked his possession limit, that was just foolish on his part, a resort owner/operator should know the regs a little better but why not let his nephew fight the fish from the tip up, with a little assistance maybe if his nephew took credit for the big fish, there'd be no issue here
  25. 133 is a good price, but 80 is a steal, awesome deal there
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