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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. great pictures that first bald eagle pic, he grab a small musky?
  2. older model, bought it the first month they came out, I warrantied immediately and same issue guess I need to check out their website, did they change much on the new model?
  3. 6061 I was on the preorder list from reeds in the US...with shipping and duty, I really wish I waited for them to hit local stores first lol
  4. hmm, i warrantied mine right out of the box, the new one does the same thing....they told me that's how it was... I've used the reel and like the freespool function, but has a tendency to slip into freespool when it shouldn't, ie right before i set the hook...left hand retrieve, so when I hold rod with my right hand, the spool naturally faces the ground
  5. when you hold the reel on an angle, spool face towards the ground, does the spool slip off and go into free spool? that's the biggest piss off about my black betty, and the price sucked for what you get...glad to see some cheaper competitor options, the freespool feature got me bites
  6. little buddy didn't do anything for me in -15 or lower...went back to store within a week regular buddy is a good unit, and you can also run it with a 5 or 10 lb tank, works out cheaper in the long run compared to the 1lb green tanks
  7. sealskinz or kast gloves might be worth checking out...i have both, good gloves but not sure how much "feel" you want otherwise heavy latex and a good ragg wool glove mountaineer buddy talks this stuff up, haven't tried it yet myself, might be worth the $12 experiment to you http://warmskin.com/warmskin.html
  8. has the OP tried powerpro ice (or any of the ice branded braids)? they have a ptfe coating, helps a little bit
  9. http://www.ttiblakemore.com/pdf/50906-msds-%2380wvocexmptprop.pdf doesn't seem too bad
  10. great report...refreshing format too, nice to see the complete water to dinner table threads stay safe on that ice!
  11. if the walls are caving in, trim 1/4" off the the poles that are collapsing...if you have issues and go through eskimo warranty, they will send you a new set of poles I find it's better to anchor with longer lines in higher winds
  12. I have a few thorne bros, best on the market IMO but you do pay for that...if you build your own, better off to build my next laker rod will be another baitcaster but with spiral wrapped guides, also contemplating ordering blank/components or just ordering a thorne bro again
  13. I was a vex guy until I got an lx7, used it in flasher mode for the first few hours, experimented split screen with the graph and I was sold, for me it was much easier to interpret what I was seeing on the screen radioworld ahs the lx6 for 670 plus tax, definitely wont' regret the marcum, might as well splurge on this new unit: http://radioworld.ca/combo-p-13396.html
  14. agreed on the graph, i find that window of history you have on the screen really helps interpret what you're seeing, and if you miss anything when you're not paying attention...if you can up your budget a little, you can probalby find a deal on an lx7 or 6
  15. can't argue that....but when you create a problem, do you sit back and watch it get worse? sorry mother nature, you fix it... I believe public outcry is largely a regional/cultural lack of understanding, seems many accept hunting to put meat on the table but then are also against predator hunting...it's not like shooting a rare wolf pack in algonquin, it's very very different with western populations
  16. I don't promote killing ALL wolves...and that tasteless page is hurting their credibility But it is very different out west, they are NOT coastal or algonquin wolves, interior wolf populations are VERY strong and they need to be managed/hunted but not exterminated.....100 years of logging BC/AB has opened up corridors for the wolves to expand their ranges, just the same as moose have expanded certain regions local rancher had 50k in predator loss....it's about management, not extermination...why should wolves get more merit than wild ungulate herds? or rancher herds? that fb page is a joke, but any mention of shooting any wolves, and the tree huggers want all the hunting stopped...and then they put up posters at the grocery store in town with little kids crying about where there family dog went that video is very misleading, media spin playing on heartstrings, only showing a small part of the big picture, the wolves did not solely change the river, they were just one small piece of the puzzle I tend to trust the opinions of biologists and CO's more than anti hunting agendas
  17. have an otter flip over and an eskimo pop up...no complaints with either with the pop up anchors are key in the wind..if you're the type to move around a lot, definitely worth it to get the drill attachment for the anchors
  18. buddy was on 6" of ice this past weekend in northeast BC....I traded first ice trout for chasing bucks, should've went fishing lol
  19. used to be a collector or frequent buyer and seller, kept everything...sold off a bunch past few years to fund new stuff...now all packaging hits the woodstove keep schematics on the expensive reels, get tossed into a drawer along with all the little packs of oil and vbs brakes,etc i've accumulated I actually witnessed a guy refuse to buy a last in stock demo reel at 10% off because it didn't come with the box, to me that is odd but to each their own
  20. if I was on the 401 in a bad spot, would not hesitate to use my CAA imo on anything but good pavement it is actually dangerous, especially with heavy truck tires, have changed some flats in pretty sketchy offroad conditions and have seen complacency nearly end very, very badly...it's the little things that usually bite you always do a dry run with every vehicle you buy, new or used, had a coworker stranded for almost 2 days hunting because there wasn't actually an emergency tire iron like there was supposed to be i should dig up pics off my old cell, my buddy called me and said his wheel was falling off...I assumed a flat but when I showed up, no it was actually nearly off with only 1 lug nut left...condition of brakes pads and rotors was even worse lol
  21. i had the same issues, lifted truck and unfortunately don't have the trailer mirrors that extend out drop your tailgate/open canopy door when you back down the ramp, ubolt some pvc pipe and reflective tape..helps me a lot
  22. system basically revictimizes the victim that is different then what I was told, I was told only care about claims, but every company is different....so a house that has been robbed can never be insured again, regardless of owner/tenant?
  23. just feeling the power of salt water fish is awesome...and you certainly lose more fish vs fresh water, just the nature of the game what rod and lures do you plan on using? I just don't like using too heavy braid on a spinning reel, but if you feel it's appropriate, go for it....post some pics of this trip, sounds friggin awesome cheers
  24. refused because they paid out a claim, not because reported to police...insurance companies are almost criminals IMO, only worth claiming if you have a serious theft I just think reporting is a good idea cause it gives the police realistic stats to work with, maybe get more patrol in your area and you never know what they recover down the road...they asked me for serial numbers and detailed descriptions, said if they ever find something suspect and run numbers through their system, it'll come up as a hit for stolen property, and they can press charges
  25. anybody who's been ripped off truly gets your frustration...sorry to hear that I think porkpie has good advice, still report to police
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