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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. yep, v4 90hp...and yes, runs great for the first 30 mins or so then starts to act up, and progressively worse and worse battery terminals tight, batteries well maintained over winter...my untrained eye checked all the wires/connections but I certainly may have missed something obvious I'll see what the shop says tomorrow, thanks for the tips
  2. they said plugs were ok today, but maybe I'll ask for new plugs for piece of mind...thanks
  3. Johnson 90hp 2 stroke, model year 1997 if I remember correctly....a few weeks ago I would intermittently lose power, rpms would drop and boat would lurch forward, just for a second and then back to normal...would happen 3-4 times in a day....since I owned the boat I had always used ethanol free, but due to change of ownership at local gas station and living remotely, I had to use E-gas for about 4-5 tanks early this year...initially figuring a fuel issue, or something clogged, I drained the gas and filled with shell 91...and I regularly use seafoam with each fill up...I think I remember the owners manual saying E gas was ok to use though?? same conditions continued for 2 weeks, starts up fine, runs fine and then randomly RPM's drop 400-1000 and feels like the o/b is stuttering for a few seconds and then back to normal....if I backed off the throttle that didn't really help anything...so whenever it acted up, I'd come to a stop, and rev it up with the high idle button pushed in...figuring maybe that would clear something out...it would resume back to normal operation the issue got really bad after 3 hours of boating last weekend, complete loss of power, feels like the engine is stuttering/slipping, throttle at wot and barely any power...I stopped using it immediately and finished the day with my kicker towed to the nearest shop and after a week they can't figure anything out, they've just told me everything is OK, they cannot produce my symptoms and they aren't able to test under load in their shop apparently and nearest lake is 1.5 hrs one way....said their techs will spend a bit more time on it this morning but basically they didn't find anything wrong any ideas on this? anybody had similar issues? or anything to bring up with their techs? if it's not a fuel issue, maybe electrical? which I know nothing about compression tested and ok, spark plugs ok, hub is ok (I think rpms should spike with a spun hub, not drop), fuel filter replaced....if they didn't find anything, not optimistic about my next day on the water...thanks for any feedback
  4. echo glass and redington butterstick are both great glass rods...personally, I think light lines go hand in hand with the feel of glass
  5. the water proof lifeproof case is great insurance for the iphone...well worth the money...even ziplocs are not overly waterproof if sitting in a pocket full of wader...want to know how I know this? lol if money is no object, simms or arcteryx rain gear is great stuff otherwise I tend to agree with the look for hiking gear, most fishing specific stuff is too heavy for warm summer use for my preferences
  6. nice, no doubt they'll get bites looks like the line is sitting funny off the snell on the front hook, but don't think that matters much, but maybe affect how it pulls? I rig up a bunch ready to fish at home, in my favourite colour/blade/bead combinations, but I also keep a few bare hooks snelled so I can rig to conditions only reason I like flat foam better to store the rigs, is because it sits nicer in my tackle bag...pool foam is a bit bulky
  7. lose the occasional tooth critter which i'm ok with, generally not targeting pike and musky with harnesses regular wire kinks easily, titanium wire is pricey and both require additional knots/crimps...where as mono is much faster to rig up with a couple snells
  8. for open water I tie them on heaver line, usually 20 lb durability is important so it's not frayed up after a few fish, but when I know I'll snag up more often I tie them on 12 lb, so when I snag I'll keep my bouncer, and tie them up with cheaper components, my open water rigs tend to have fancier blades/more expensive components a piece of square foam at a craft store is cheap and makes you a few rig holders...pipe insulation too learn a snell knot too
  9. it doesn't make it right....but.. you'd think for such an important asset they might want to provide slightly more secure moorage
  10. big fan of the simms and Columbia UV shirts, can wear them in mid 30's and feel comfortable I use this sunscreen....regardless of what you use, re-apply every couple hours on bad days http://www.bullfrogsunscreen.com/water-armor.html
  11. as confirmed on the boaterexam website, there is a database, since spring 2011...better late than never? took 10+ years since the inception of the program the replacement process is actually quite simple, only costs more money lol and a few mins on the phone/email/printer...but hey, now we're all safe...
  12. I emailed saying I had lost my card, they replied asking me to call them, they only asked for my date of birth, emailed me a temp license I could print off until my new cards arrived BoaterExam.com Toll Free Tel: 1.866.688.2628 Toll Free Fax: 1.866.216.7793
  13. I'd say you get your money's worth but it's not an amazing deal, usually get a main lure and then some small stuff...I received it as a gift, but for 180$ annually, I'd rather spend that on my own
  14. call the 800 number, there was a rumour that they didn't maintain a registry, maybe true at first but they seem to have it for the past several years....they will email you a temporary license you can print off, if you have printer access wherever you are, it's good for 60 days I think mine was...or if you have a smart phone where you could at least display the email (but would assume that depends on the OPP's mood that day?)
  15. almost like they wanted a new boat
  16. pretty soon you'll miss the days when you could cut a steak without needing a license for the knife... do they do good work on the water? yes do they give out some Bull tickets, which is hard to believe they aren't for the purpose of generating revenue? yes don't condone the theft and vandalism though...funny how they haven't reported on how the boat managed to go on a joy ride....not like you can just take a cruiser for a joy ride very easily...funny how that works....
  17. http://www.guns.com/2014/06/25/the-gunfighter-shows-the-dangers-of-a-wild-west-without-secrets-video/ good for a few laughs...not for kids maybe
  18. I knew civilians could give tips to agencies like that and they investigate it sometimes....but they can actually give out a ticket based on a random persons word against another random person? or what information is required exactly?
  19. only in the movies at highway speeds....4 wheels are more stable than 2, especially riding with 2....the witness that swerved said she didn't have time to brake either, so it's hard to speculate why he couldn't avoid it, but a jury that had more facts than the public unanimously decided a guilty verdict the link below has a good pic, there is no shoulder there http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/canadian-woman-who-stopped-to-save-ducks-on-highway-faces-jail-over-crash-9554721.html interesting video on the sentencing, I don't believe she'll see jail time http://www.autoblog.com/2014/06/20/emma-czornobaj-guilty-death-stopping-car-save-ducks-video/
  20. how many complaint threads have there been on all the forums about bad work from a legit shop? either way, find a good mechanic you trust, regardless of where he works....I asked for references, wasn't a problem to ask and got great feedback each time
  21. good luck....as much as I like both jet skiing and kayaking....my local kayak club are all massive whiners, I didn't make friends there lol...I can feel your son's frustration with this, hope he can get the ticket over turned
  22. buyer beware for sure, but I've came across nothing but good mechanics that were even willing to show me a few things, let me watch the work and Bull fishin stories all afternoon....also depends on your motor too really, still on warranty then definitely don't jeopardize the warranty
  23. not the first time that boat has been on a joy ride... one less revenue generator, until insurance pays for the new one they wanted it's about time for prom parties ain't it
  24. 1 milk box would be hard for me...I give you minimalists credit for that lol
  25. when setting the spool tension knob, the lure should free fall and when it hits the ground the spool should stop turning without backlashing...after that engage 4 vbs brakes in a symmetrical pattern or even all 6 if it's windy....have taught many newbies to quickly cast with proper spool tension and extra brakes engaged biggest tip is you don't need to bomb the cast with max force, load the road and just give a normal cast....work on controlling the spool and then distance casting will follow I kind of find braid is easier to pick out, but if you really do a number on it, expensive to re-spool....pull the mainline out and then keep pulling at the loops/the v, then pull more mainline out...loosen the backlash bit by bit and pull the line out as you go lure suggestion is highly personal opinions, and didn't mention if you're fishing weedy areas but I would assume you are....spinnerbaits, pop-r, x rap, rattlin rap, big O, big plastic worm/minnow rigged weedless all quickly come to mind
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