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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. Silly, perhaps, but is comparable to other industries mine site cannot work alone near the pond or river, and both guys need to be wearing a pfd within a certain distance of water, radio contact with dispatch every 30 mins once a couple years ago enviro samplers failed to make contact while eating lunch and whole operation shutdown for a mayday, they were a bit embarrassed at camp dinner that night...silly as they sound, SOP's are often initiated because of past incidents...I can see your point on the golf course ponds, but risk mitigation is usually a good thing, common sense does not always prevail
  2. Just filled up at 1.47 for ethanol gas in northern BC.... I'm the guy getting his 250L limit in jerry cans holding up the line at the first station across the AB border...1.12/L last time I did that
  3. is that a marlin 60? I just bought an older used one for 50...new models are about 150-175 retail...haven't traced how old mine is yet, they are not worth much, but one of the first reliable 22 semi's from my understanding and pretty fun little gun, rabbit and grouse beware
  4. agreed on the 8136 and thanks for the info...that is one heck of a build!!!
  5. with that blank, and all titanium components, interested to know what the finished weight is? I fell in love with the One 8136 spey factory stick, insanely light and it could be custom built lighter I'd bet....the wallet would also be lighter lol
  6. incredible work, as always
  7. braid is apparently a love-hate thing, but I love it chamberlain releases, I'll never use Scotty's again, not that Scotty's were that bad, I just really like the chamberlain releases, I can crank my rod down and a tiny shaker will still release I would imagine the thicker braid holds better for sure, can you pull big flashers without false releases? http://www.downriggerrelease.com/
  8. I can't remember what releases I bought, 2 different brands...I'll post tonight when I get home....but they are very adjustable, you can adjust vertical and horizontal tension separately, they are great for downrigging with braid
  9. you don't have to fight it fast, just keep the drag set appropriately and that med/slow rod bent in half and enjoy every head shake
  10. I'm on the same page as you, I use braid for almost everything; downrigging, trolling, mooching back waters, ice fishing, I like the sensitivity, little increased depth and increased spool capacity but I don't have fleas to deal with....I don't use heavy braid, 15-30 for fresh and 50 for salt, depending on the setup I do top shot a good amount, depends on the situation...trolling for walleye only 10'....salmon or lakers I top shot a good 30-40 yards or so of heavy mono...I use that exact rod you have, I don't lose many fish downrigging will have issues with the pinch releases, they won't hold, so you'll need to switch to the mechanical styles...aside from that, I don't have any other issues it's like anything else, just know how to use the tools you have and you're golden
  11. new gauges on the dash, started working intermittently late last season...hopefully is easy enough for me to install? anybody have experience, I think it should be fairly straight forward but haven't researched it yet selling my late 90's Honda kicker and looking for a used newer model, hopefully high thrust model or at least will have more prop options available
  12. beauty fish!!! only thing I haven't got my fix for in BC is brown trout, my favourite trout awesome on the big streamer too...I see some silicone skirt mixed in with the bucktail? and really appreciate flickr isn't blocked on my work network yet ha
  13. spam is one thing, poor spelling/grammar is another, but this really pushes me away from a business: *unfortunately, due to the cost of processing, we do not accept Credit Cards at this time. it's a cost of business and your competitors accept CC's...
  14. happy with mine, they've held up to heavy hits from sturgeon and salmon...I never lock the rods in either and feel comfortable with them bouncing around in some big swells, the rods sit nicely in them
  15. is it morally right for the kids family to sue for 900k? no helmets, no lights, on a highway at 1 am... there's some critical facts missing, but it sounds like a very sad accident from what I've read so far
  16. not all cost saving measures are thought up by "bean counters who have maybe never been fishing"...LOL...this is typical white vs blue collar bashing
  17. No, because I, as a taxpayer, think they could spend my money better...instead of catering to a bunch of guys who don't want to adapt to some incredibly easy changes They are still printing regs, just not as many...so I don't understand what all the fuss is about...print them at home, at a library, download to a mobile device...it's pretty dang easy to get the regs Get a copy, hold onto it, don't take 3 copies to start fires with
  18. agreed...were the kids in the middle of the road? allegations of the woman texting, consumed alcohol?
  19. It sounds like a counter legal tactic, against the families lawsuit for 900k I don't agree with either lawsuit personally, this sounds like a very unfortunate accident that might have been prevented if the kids had proper lights and the driver slowed for conditions
  20. this is exactly the point I made earlier, how many guys take a bunch of copies and waste them? (not a jab at you, most are guilty of this, myself included) I have no issues with printing less regs, most guys can print at home or use their electronic devices...I wonder if tackle shops could legally print the regs and charge a few bucks for it? would likely help public opinions if the MNR told us where they were allocating these savings
  21. with a $500 budget I'd look for a quality used bike, will get a lot more bang for your buck...found this in about 30 seconds, if the frame fits you (XL) I'd be all over it for 500 http://www.kijiji.ca/v-mountain-bike/city-of-toronto/cannondale-super-v800-full-suspension-mountain-bike/585228323 check out your local shop too, usually some decent used deals...I wouldn't pay much consideration to service packages as a selling feature, if you are even remotely handy with tools 95% of the maintenance/repairs you can do your own...keep things clean and lubed periodically, pivot points, chain, cables most importantly, buy a bike that fits you comfortably...if you buy a bike with racing geometry, you most likely won't like it
  22. budget ain't getting fatter, paper/printing is an opportunity for savings, I'd like to see the budget number, wouldn't suspect it to be material but I'd be happy to see 100% paperless regs and put that money to field work if you have a printer at home, print your regs, or download the pdf to your devices....save the store copies for the elderly and technology challenged....
  23. try the gulp worms, in the jars, haven't put a real worm on a hook in about 3 yrs
  24. how many guys take 5 copies and lose or trash them? I'd be ok if they charged a few bucks for the regs, build the cost into the licence, get one reg book every year and keep care of it wonder how much they charge for the advertising in them, doesn't sound like sponsors are getting their money worth, if MNR isn't printing too many of them
  25. I'd definitely recommend Scott, I think he is a member here? or maybe hipwader...bought a few rods and bunch of flies on short notice, competitive prices, fast shipping and great to deal with http://www.flymart.ca/
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